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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Hm. Well theres was some knowledgeable and well thought out discussion about this going on in the Twilight Princess thread, so I'm going to leave it as it is for now and see how it goes. If you want to discuss theories and ideas about the timeline please do but any bashing each other's views or flaming and I'll lock it. Be good.
  2. Yeah you're right they just keep coming. I'm going to sticky.
  3. Slither After hearing positive things about it I was expecting a really funny Shaun of the Dead type film but I was very disappointed. Okay, it wasn't terrible, there was the odd funny part and because I was with my mates we had a laugh and enjoyed it but my god was it weird. Felt empty too, misssing a lot, was just full of repetitive zombie scenes at the end as if they ran out of ideas. 4/10
  4. For obvious reasons... [LOCKED]
  5. Looks like Scolari has turned down the job
  6. Well Konami aren't going to be making Resident Evil ...
  7. http://www.revolutionreport.com/articles/read/418
  8. Stocka


    ! Interesting And thanks for the mp3 file Calibur.
  9. Okay rumours are flying the Halo 3 has been confirmed to make an appearence at E3, with a trailer and announcement. Three new screens of Gears of War: And heres what appears to be a Gamestop (US retailer) release list (for US):wink: Well if all those are true or at least roughly, I'm suprised how soon Prey is out! Good to see Lost Odysee there. But... where the hell is 99 Nights?! And i thought the new Brothers in Arms was confirmed for 2007...this list smells fishy.
  10. I agree with Dabookerman, I'm really starting to like the name.
  11. Stocka


    Has anyone got the link for the music sample that was released? It will be added to the post and would be appreciated
  12. Stocka


    Okay there was an image(not working anymore) from Nibris' official site [http://www.nibris.net/] that revealed the release date of the promising looking horror game, 2007. I have compiled together lots of information and art etc. for the game so keep anything about the game in here! There's a rumour that they will release screens in the next few days, so keep your eye out and hope for the best :awesome: If they are shown please post them in here. Official Art Music[MP3 file] http://www.nibris.net/download/sadnesssoundtrack.mp3 E3 2006 Trailer http://media.revolution.ign.com/media/816/816122/vids_1.html
  13. I'm sorry to spoil the fun but I am going to lock this thread. Basically because we know nothing about the game yet other than that it is in development, and if it is shown/announced/revealed at this E3 or any other time there will without doubt be a thread quickly made like "Zelda: Reflection of a Hero REVEALED!!11!!" and all they hype will be in there. Twilight Princess isn't even out yet, and we're discussing the next one? I don't really think that's necessary, TP is kinda like a Zelda for the Revol...sorry Wii too as it will use the controller in some ways. So for now lets just wait patiently, enjoy Twilight Princess and then once news of a new Zelda is revealed we can start making threads about it [locked]
  14. The virgin example is very good, I mean when people say they are "going to Virgin Megastore" or "Subscribing his Virgin phone contract" they don't really think about it sexually, they just say it. I just think its a weird relation, I mean: River -> Online Retailer [Amazon] Happy slang word -> Search Engine [Yahoo!] An anagram of the word 'fuck' -> Clothes designer [FCUK] ... Toilet referrence -> Video games console [Wii] !
  15. So its a secret much bigger than the nun chuck being motion detective too, surely it can't be anything other than a visual disruptor?
  16. We all know it is going to be penis shaped.
  17. http://www.revolutionreport.com/articles/read/408 I guess I agree...(with the bolded statement)
  18. Touching is good but wiiing is better :awesome:
  19. Has anyone seen that new gameplay footage of 99 Nights from Gametrailers? I think it looks awesome. http://www.gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?id=2044
  20. I bought a Dreamcast just for the Shenmue experience, don't regret it one bit. Best gaming experience ever.
  21. You got a source to confirm thats real?
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