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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. She's great isn't she Its funny how hard Matt was trying to squeeze info out of her, he nearly caught her on the October date.
  2. Okay I'm sure you're all aware of the official site that has gone up. http://www.smashbros.com/en/main.html Look at the bit on the left where it says Characters (and will soon be a link to the characters page) There's 5 tiny little shadow pictures that are most likely parts of characters we haven't seen yet that'll be in the game. I'm not that good an analyser (especially for things that small and unrevealing) but I'm asking the ones amongst you willing to will you please try and work out who they are? Note: They might just be the characters we saw in the trailer but you never know...
  3. I'm not stating its a fact, I'm saying to the people that dismiss it because its been played on TVs that it could happen because it would be optional.
  4. What a fantastic E3 it has been, see you all next year where we'll get hyped again
  5. Yeah that was my theory, afterall Sony said they had a secret to show at TGS *cough*
  6. Matt: Is there any more hardware suprises? Perrin : YES Doubt thats release date or price
  7. Well I stopped buying NGC a while a go but have always loved it, so once the new mag comes out for Wii I'll most likely get it Wonder if they could get the name of the mag to be exactly 'Wii'
  8. I hope its not a microphone. I've believed all alone there'll be something special visually, and I don't care what anyone says or thinks of my prediction, its what I believe. And to those that say 'but we've already seen it on TV screens so it can't be' well Nintendo always said the console would play on a TV/Monitor but a special form of 3D would be optional.
  9. If you look at Perrins reaction you can kind of tell theres something big being hidden
  10. Everyone seems to be assuming that the speaker on the wiimote was the last secret, but it definately isn't. In the conference the guy (that demos Zelda) clearly says something along the lines of "this is ONE of the wii's last secrets" So there is definately another secret/secrets. Okay now watch Matt's interview with Perrin Kaplan from E3 http://uk.media.revolution.ign.com/articles/708/708093/vids_1.html She completely tries to ignore the question of more hardware secrets. Its so obvious you have to see it [about 1/2 way through I think] See says something about how the hardcore gamers should be very interested in what Nintendo have to show (I watched this the other day so can't remember it all exactly)
  11. Hmm jetski in wiisports, could WaveRace be part of it or will it be a seperate game?
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4767807.stm
  13. Shame, that would of been the ultimate blow to Sony. Even so having GTA NOT being an exclusive for PS3 is a blow to them in all.
  14. so is GTA 4 exclusive or not? Some places say it is but some say its coming out for PS3 aswell
  15. Thats a good point, I was suprised there was no music as music always builds the atmosphere in games. Surely it was just missing as it was a demo and it'll be in the final version?
  16. So it got a name change! I much prefer it being called this to II as it is a prequel afterall. Bad news... it is coming out in the US on September 25th, despite originally planned for June. Looks worrying for when we're going to get it And a new trailer: http://cubemovies.ign.com/cube/video/article/706/706543/GCN_BaitenKaitos_trlr_01_qtlow.mov Also, as only mods of this board can change the title of the thread (and I'm not) I haven't changed the title yet but I've contacted a mod to do it :awesome: EDIT: Done now
  17. HOLY SHIT what a game that was.One of the best FA Cup finals ever. And Gerrard's second goal, I've never seen such a perfectly taken half volley. Congrats to Liverpool, whoever would of won in the end would of deserved it in my eyes, as both fought their hearts out.
  18. FA Cup final in 20 mins! I'm a hammer fan today after they beat Spurs
  19. If I was there I'd had sprinted like crazy lol
  20. Last saturday I watched Wolfcreek Horror films based on true stories are always frightening, but other than that there really isn't much I liked about the film. I know its not fiction so they couldn't of changed the story etc. but in terms of entertainment it really isn't that great. Its just gore viewing and a representation of what some nutters are like out there in the world. 4/10 Oh and a reminder to everyone, my favourite film (and many others too) BRAVEHEART is on tommorow night at 9pm on Channel 4. I recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it to definately watch it. Its epic,magical, and extremely emotional, exactly the kind of film I love. Its also one of the only films i've ever had tears in my eyes at the end in.
  21. Check out today's GFAQ poll IGN: I'm starting to get really confident about Wii now, it seems the gamers are taking to it, and if all goes well it should be a massive hit with the mainstream. We'll see.
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