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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. No changed my mind, after looking into the course it looked to me like it really would take my enthusiasm away for photography like many people said to me who'd done it. I'm now doing Psychology,Law,Physics and IT. I intend to carry on photography as a massive hobby though, and who knows in the future something could happen :awesome: And thanks.
  2. WTF Tobes?! Since when have you had glasses...? You look so different every time I see a picture of you
  3. Imogen is pretty but not sexy. None of the rest are that attractive tbh, don't like Grace at all. Maybe Nikki at a push.
  4. Strict. I'm getting a new internet connection soon though so no worries. The current router settings can't be changed because its conencted to my dad's business so is protected etc.
  5. It seems you have to design a postage stamp, with the theme being Renewable Energy - Wind Power Blaghhh
  6. Yeah, I did like Sezar but when I listened to him last night boasting about himself to BB and why he believes Imogen loves him made me lose a lot of respect for him.
  7. Bloody hope Halo 3 doesn't come out that far away
  8. New Arsenal kit should be interesting, thank god its now red and white again And woo July 22nd = Dennis Bergkamps testimonial, 1st game at the Emirates Stadium. Going to be a great day.
  9. Gorgeous sun indeed. This is from a large lake at Blicking Hall, Norfolk.
  10. Cheers Fiercey, I really can't wait till the summer. I haven't been doing any revision since breaking up from my last one so really need to get back into the habit of doing it. Is anyone here doing Graphics [AQA]? If you are do you have the preparation sheet about wind power, and understand what we're suppose to learn I'm so shite at Graphics, the subject I'm most likely to fail. And about the English Language papers, they're like analysing media + writing to argue/persuade...right?
  11. Hahahahaa that was quality Looking forward to seeing who they put in tommorow night.
  12. Don't worry it'll probably happen soon.
  13. Yeah people here in Norwich are moaning about it. Can I remind people that there's a World Cup thread stickied at the top of this board so please use it to get hyped; afterall there's just 12 days!
  14. Final Boss - Golden Sun - Satorus & Menardi->Fusion Dragon. God this was one of the hardest boss fights ever. Obviously it could be a lot easier if you train really hard for it but for me at the time it was extremely difficult, took so many gos.
  15. That looks like heaven, such beautiful water and soothing music.
  16. Madden.. But yeah there should be the likes of Need For Speed Carbon and Fifa...not that I'm complaining.
  17. But what does he do to know all those words...read a dictionary all through his childhood?
  18. Don't like it much tbh, never really got into it and the power shots just ruin it in my eyes. One of the only Nintendo games ever I regret buying.
  19. Odd I thought I'd posted mine...well here it is. Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings of the Lost Ocean Zelda: The Wind Waker Zelda Collectors Edition Viewtiful Joe Viewtiful Joe 2 Super Monkey Ball 2 Super Mario Sunshine Super Smash Brothers Melee Mario Kart: Double Dash Mario Party 4 Skies of Arcadia Legends Resident Evil 4 Tales of Symphonia Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Luigi's Mansion Star Wars: Rogue Leader Star Wars: The Clone Wars Lost Kingdoms Mario Power Tennis Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Eternal Darkness Wave Race: Blue Storm F-Zero GX Soul Calibur II Donkey Konga Donkey Konga 2 Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
  20. Why does link in Phantom Hourglass look so bright? I thought they'd keep the Minish Cap/WW look, in the trailer he looks that way.
  21. Long way to go mate, but stick at it its worth it.
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