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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Anyone else like Robbie Williams's new song? I didn't like it at first but after listening to a few times I'm addicted to it, its great. Anybody else like? I thought it was about time Robbie brought a new song, aint seen his face in a while Radio is the one song from him I dislike the most, I thought it was really not up to his standard, but I'm liking Tripping :wink:
  2. Its my favourite RPG ever, and my 2nd favourite game of all time. The experience was just phenomunal(sp?) it felt like a magical escape from life. Now join the Skies of Arcadia fans like me, and pray for SOA2
  3. Beautiful Into Movie MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmm Best FMV I've seen in ages
  4. Of course not, fanboys get on my nerves I love you the way you are, its just annoying when you talk about how proud you are to have all consoles, and think that everyone else should be the same but some of us can't afford it you say. not only that, but GC has offered enough to keep me satisfied this gen, and there have been enough of my favourite genres, RPGs, to keep me occupied. Yes, okay, PS2 has tons of them, and plenty I'm sure are amazing but i'm happy with what I've got and don't feel I should be pressurized to get a PS2 for RPGs just because I say Skies of Arcadia is my favourite RPG and you go on to say "Theres loads better on PS2 so you should get it." Sorry Dom, no offense or anything but it just gets on my nerves. And anyway, I'm getting 360 and revolution for sure, and maybe even PS3 too just to let you know. And I'd rather wait till PS3 to play those PS2 games then get one now.
  5. GAME in not anti-Nintendo attitude shocker!
  6. If people want to be healthy do exercise, no need do bann unhealthy foods. They should be there if we want them, doesn't mean we have to eat them. Jesus, if people want to get fit, don't diet, do excercise, dieting is bad for you anyway. Eat healthily but don't worry too much and have the occasional unhealthy thing, but as long as you do sport or exercise you'll be fine. I eat bloody loads, in fact I'm a pig when it comes to food really, but i'm not fat because I train loads and do boxing training. so there you have it, someone who eats LOADA(and not all of it healthy) yet he still has a sixpack because of training
  7. If you think about it, Pokemon XD Batallion Wars Fire Emblem Mario Smash Football etc. is a much better exclusive xmas line up than what Xbox has.
  8. You need to add Baten Kaitos 2 to the list, (TBA 2006)
  9. lmao. Yeah I don't want one even at that price, mainly based on the fact I hate Sony so much and it doesn't appeal to me massively. Call me 'ninty fanboy' this fanboy that, but I think of myself as more of a Sony 'hateboy,' because I don't have anything wrong with Microsoft/Sega etc, but Sony I hate. *Awaits Domstercool to moan and groan about how much he loves stroking his ps2 and how he's so proud to have all systems*
  10. Why? It will have a standard controller shell too for 'standard gaming' and with the recent news from Iwata that the graphics will look pretty much the same to XB360, there is no way Revolution can't have say an RPG on Xbox 360 because of the controller/graphics. Rev will be capable of playing standard games on the 360 just fine, if not better.
  11. LOL! (translated from babelfish) During a discussion with MTV, Shigeru Miyamoto is him expressed on Smash Bros, without any doubt one of the futures killer app of the Revolution, even if Mario 128-256-Adventure-Revival- is Back (stripe the useless mention) remains the play more awaited machine. Well on we currently let us work on a new episode of Smash Bros and we seek to add many new characters, then can be then I to say to you that there is 1% of chance that I would be in the play.
  12. I use to always buy NGC but haven't for a while because I haven't found it necessary, as theres only 3 cube games left i'm buying, and i don't need reviews to influence my decison for them. As it gets close to REV's launch, i'll start buying monthly again.
  13. Argh I hate how they rate DS+GBA games out of 5.
  14. Resi5 on Rev will be total ownage, as would HL2/CSS
  15. Ok coo, heres a source: "UbiSoft today announced that it will be releasing Tales of Eternia for the Sony PlayStation Portable in Europe by the end of 2005. Tales of Eternia came out in Japan on the PSP in March. " Source: RPGamer Ubisoft?! I thought Tales studio made it and Namco published it???
  16. The thing is, by the time its out over here in UK do you really expect to see it on shelves in shops? It may be on online sites, but by 2006 its likely shops like GAME,HMV,Gamestation etc. (okay maybe not the last one) will no longer be selling Gamecube games anymore, I heard some GAME branches are already no longer selling it because of space needed for DS,PSP and XB360. It personally doesn't bother me too much as I order all my games online, but its a shame that what could be the game of the generation might not even be available in the majority of stores in UK. Not only that, but it is bound to be overshadowed because of all the next gen buzz. I am beginning to think its very likely that they will launch Zelda bundled with the REV so it sells well, because it could easily by ignored by the majority otherwise.
  17. Oooh its going all 3d! Looks nice. I use to play Ragnarok Online on a private server of about 500 people with a friend, and despite it being really fun, I just never really got into it. To those who don't know, Ragnarok is a MMORPG made by Gravity Corp, and I believe it is big in korea? Thats what I heard anyway. The graphics are 2d/anime ,but RO2 looks like it'll be 3d. The music is fantastic, and the battle system is real time.
  18. Hmmm.. I'd want him to sign my Super Mario Land cart(GB) as it was my first ever nintendo game.
  19. Holy fecking.... :shock: :shock: :shock: http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=7805&type=wmv If all thats real time I'm sold. Probably won't be though knowing Sony and their lies... Lair looks amazing, the sweat on Tekken!....h-o-l-y s-p-u-n-k
  20. Thank god for Christmas's and parents.
  21. Well the source was in french and I lost it now, but the source is reliable trust me.
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