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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Yeah, and the whole holding the space bar to use gun is ridiculous too. Hmm, perhaps 360 version will control better.
  2. After experiencing the King Kong demo, I'm pretty sure I will end up buying the game for either PC/360. Hmmm... which.
  3. I believe that it is likely ALL 3 next gen consoles will do well and be extremely successful, but if one fails, I have a feeling it will be PS3.
  4. If anything was to make me buy a PSP it would be these two RPGs + Tales of Eternia.
  5. Best: Porn Gaming Game forums/news Communication Downloading music Worst: Viruses Worms Trojans illegal shit hackers
  6. Sony rely on the following names for PSP to sell: Playstation Sony GTA ...and it works. Many UK people will buy/have bought a PSP just because they recognise the name and haven't even looked into it. Majority of UK people aren't open minded you see. Bloody chavs.
  7. The nintendogs advertising in the UK is fantastic.
  8. Yeah the ending is great isn't it, it felt such a great achievement.
  9. Consoles never 'die'. SNES isn't dead is it? Just because it isn't available to buy say in shops like GAME and HMV anymore, doesn't mean people don't play it anymore. If a console is no longer sold or have upcoming games for it doesn't make it 'dead' because plenty of people will still play on it. Not like thats the situation with GC yet anyway, there is still Fire Emblem, Battallion Wars, Baten Kaitos II and Twilight Princess to come out.
  10. Just been playing, its getting a lot better as I progress further through the game. Just got the goron mask.
  11. A delayed game is better than a rushed game.
  12. I've yet to get it, but want it. Theres something wrong with my wireless connection though recently and every so often it cuts out for a second(and downloads stop) so its hard to download demos successfully. Just played it. that was FANTASTIC!! I recommend everyone who can to get the demo asap! Its the most cinematic gaming experience I've ever...experienced. At times I felt I was watching a movie/it was a cut scene when actually I was meant to be in control. Stunning. Edit by Jordan: Come on Stocka, don't Double Post
  13. US - 17th October Europe - 4th November Oh and btw nice sig, Mizuti rules.
  14. I might get it, and if I do I'll either get it on my new 360 or my PC. Probably PC.
  15. Wow they're awesome. If pokemon were real the world would be a fun place indeed. The Mewtwo one is teh sex.
  16. Source: http://www.joystiq.com/ The latest Nintendo Revolution rumor to hit the web is a doozie… “Nintendo may be aiming for a $99 launch price.†Yeah, it’s a dirty rumor, but could it be done? Doing so would put the Revolution in a league of its own, practically excusing it from the next-gen battle—it simply wouldn’t be competing with the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 if it were wearing a $99 price tag. We’re likely going to see a lot of these rumors popping up in the coming months. Some suggest that rumors like this might be motivated by a desire to discourage prospective Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 buyers. Needless to say, we should take this rumor—and the ones to follow—with a grain of salt. Update: it’s also important to remember that Nintendo doesn’t sell its consoles at a loss. If a $99 Revolution is a real possibility, we can expect the system to be only a fraction as powerful as the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360. ________________________________________________________ Sounds like bullshit to me, no chance of happening. But hey its a rumour so why not post it
  17. http://cube.ign.com/articles/656/656659p1.html So much for nintendo's first 'Proper 3D Pokemon RPG'
  18. I find it amusing how everyone goes on about how they don't care about graphics, and how 'graphics don't make a game,' because despite being true in a way, when the first shots of Zelda Revolution are revealed people will be like OMG THE GRAPHICS ITS GOING TO OWN !!11!! I believe Graphics don't automatically make a game good, but can help because they build to the atmosphere and setting, especially in adventures and RPGs.
  19. Yeah! Its just soo fun, and the music and everything, its simply wonderful.
  20. Skies of Arcadia 2 Half Life 3 Tales of Symphonia sequel
  21. Rev and 360 are musts for me, PS3 I'll wait and see.
  22. Even with me knowing nothing about the Rev's graphics, something just tells me that despite 360 will be more powerful than REV in the specs department, Revolution will outperform it visually. Remember Nintendo saying that PS3 and 360 graphics weren't that impressive and were just like shiny computer graphics? Revolution's graphics must be extremely different then.
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