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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. When I try to connect to a server on Counter Strike Source I get this error message: Disconnected: server uses different class tables
  2. I went round my grandparents for lunch with family (new years day etc.) and had a nice roast beef for lunch and a relaxing afternoon. When I got back I played Kameo on my 360 for about an hour, then came on here for a bit, about an hour later went and played Shenmue for 30 mins or so and then came back on here, and now have my dinner with me. Going to play AOEIII against smalldude76 in 15 minutes. After that watch TV and come on here for rest of night. Good first day
  3. You mean the one "A life without freedom is no life at all" ? I love that quote. So true.
  4. Thanks for all the info BigTac, I believe you always. I predicted Rev would come out sep-nov and I hope we do get Zelda before the summer. Otherwise its suicide. I remember a few weeks ago you told me there are some RPGs in development for Rev, I know you can't say names but can you say which companies are developing them?
  5. Cats are more cuddly and require less responsibility, but I feel dogs have more personality.
  6. The Gamestop release list (US) http://pix.nofrag.com/d0/be/3f75e58c839e5d06b970ff67ed0d.jpg Looks like Gears of War could be out earlier than I thought after all, if it DOES get released in March in US. I think that means Europe will get it April/May! That could be my next game I buy. Also looks like they are re-releasing Far Cry Instincts for 360. i'm looknig forward to seeing how Prey turns out and Lost Odysee in October in US? Looks like there's a good chance we'll get in time for christmas. Suprised Alan Wake isn't mentioned.
  7. Yeah the servers have been so slow and irritating but it seems to be fixed now, or at least not as bad as it was. I know its quiet now but once it comes close to the launch of the Revolution, I'm sure the place will be buzzing.
  8. Yeah happy new year everyone. Good health and happyness etc.
  9. Sorry couldn't resist Feels so great to say it though :shock:
  10. Anyone see it? That was incredible, I've never seen so many fireworks at once.
  11. Revolution will be wifi enabled out of the box and will use the 'Nintendo Wi-fi Connection' service like the DS does. Its likely to be more advanced though of course. Super Smash Brothers Revolution has been confirmed that it will be online.
  12. Dammit 0-0 So has Owen broken his leg?
  13. 7 mins left for people to vote if they haven't yet. After 6:00 no more votes will count. EDIT: POLL CLOSED. No more entries will count. Check the main site (http://www.revo-europe.com ) on January 8th to see the results! And once again, thank you to everyone here who has sent your entries in
  14. Anyone doing anything special to celebrate new years? I was going to be going out to a restaurant and then a small party with my family and about 15 other people. But we're not now, don't understand why I think the people that organised it are ill. So instead me and my mum are just staying at home, having an indian takeaway and watching TV. I prefer this tbh As I'm quite tired and not in the mood to go out with loads of people anyway, especially when I don't know half of them. Indian is my favourite food too so good way to end the year So my schedule... 7:00 - 8:00. Watch 'Best worst auditions ever' (+have indian if it comes in time) 8:00 - 9:00. Come on here 9:00 - 10:30. Watch 'Best TV Moments 2005' 10:30 - 11:30. Watch Match of the Day 11:30 - 12:15. Watch New Year thing on BBC 1 12:15 -> Bed. Come on here I'll probably do something a bit more lively and social next year lol but I'm not complaining tonight should be relaxing.
  15. To revise well for my GCSE's. I have 3 MASSIVE distractions... E3 2006 Twilight Princess World Cup 2006 argh.
  16. Gears of War coming out in March? No chance.
  17. Yar it most likely will be Expanding the definition of gaming
  18. Wait a minute, Nintendo used this in the Zelda booth at E3. Remember those pictures of fish going round on the floor? Article: http://www.n-sider.com/articleview.php?articleid=468 Hold on, theres a VIDEO! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6185946983584477029&q=nintendo+%2B+e3+%2B+floor
  19. Yeah I went in the big room (with the candles) and found something on the floor that was locked...
  20. Well I've been playing quite a bit through this festive season, and am absolutely loving it. Its so amazing how at first when you enter Dobuita it seems so big and you get lost, but after a while you feel you know the city better than your own in real life. The game is so alive, its simply wonderful. Some of my favourite bits so far: - Going into the Heartbeats pub and teaching the sailors a lesson - Sneaking into warehouse no.8 - Speaking to Nazomi in the park And I know there is so much to look forward to! By the way those wondering where I am I have just got the sword holder thing from the antique shop, and I've been told its the Hazuki Family symbol. Don't have a clue where to go next A small hint would be nice but please don't tell me directly.
  21. Nope not too late The poll will be closed at 6:00pm today. A big thank you to everyone who has submitted their top five! The more people submitting the more accurate the top 50 will be, and I must admit there's been a lot more entries than I expected. Can't wait to count up to find out who comes where, although everyone knows who's 1st
  22. I like that guiness advert where it is going back in time really fast from like cave men to fish and the song is going something like "come on and swim to your daddy"
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