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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Does anyone know where I can get mp3s for Shenmue?
  2. I've just ordered off Gameplay: An extra wireless controller Play and charge kit Xbox Live 12 Month Gold membership card When I said to my mum I'd have to have cables running through the house she was like "no way am I allowing that" so I told her about the Wireless Adaptor but its so expensive and she said she'd buy it for me! What a lovely suprise So hopefully guys I'll get on Live in the next few days/week or so. By the way I'm really enjoying PDZ. And the ability to link up my iriver and have my own music in the background is a really nifty feature.
  3. Problem is my mum wouldn't let me have a cable running all the way through the house. She's awkward like that.
  4. So I was talking to Dom on msn about how my gaming TV is so far from my PC so I need a wireless adaptor for my 360 to go on LIVE He was saying how he has his PC and all his consoles in the same room...and in his bedroom. I was wondering...what is everyone's gaming set up like? My main gaming TV is downstairs in one of the biggest rooms at the far left of the house and the TV is a 32" widescreen flatscreen(not HD). I sit on a big chair to play, hate sofas for gaming My PC is upstairs in a tiny room near my bedroom(19" LCD monitor). I also have my dreamcast downstairs in a small cosy room on a small, normal TV. As for handhelds...I play em anywhere...although usually in bed. So yeah, I have no consoles or PC in my bedroom. You? PS: pictures would be nice
  5. Well I got my Xbox 360 and my first games for it are both Kameo and Perfect Dark 0, and although I haven't played much of either I'm really enjoying both of them... PD0 the most at the moment. What annoys me about Kameo at the moment is although being colourful is nice, its almost too colourful at times that its painful for the eyes. Is it just me who thinks this? Pretty good so far though, I look forward to really 'getting into it'. Can't wait to play PDZ online when I get LIVE, single player is great fun. That rooftop level I did earlier was awesome.
  6. Trust me, my 360 is FAR too far away from my Router to connect with a cable. Its like the 360 is at the far right of my house downstairs and my Router far left of my house upstairs. My house is VERY big too Also my mum wouldn't let me have cables running through the house everywhere.
  7. So to get on LIVE its gonna cost me £100 ( £60 - wireless adaptor + £40 - 12 month subscription) Bah i'll find the money somehow, it definately seems worth it, I'm worried if the wireless adaptor will reach my router though, my router is very far away in my house from my gaming TV.
  8. Well I got my premium pack today for christmas, and I'm loving it. I bought Kameo and PD0 myself. Haven't played much of either of them but they're both really enjoyable so far. The controller is PERFECT. Looks like sex and feels like heaven in your hands. Got a limited edition remote with my premium too! Its so cute! Dashboard is brilliant too, so simple yet so complex Only problem is I want LIVE, yet my TV is AGES away from up here. So I have to get a wireless adaptor (£60:() but I dunno if it will reach or not. Anyone know how far they go?
  9. Xbox 360 Premium Pack (bought Kameo + Perfect Dark Zero myself) Photography manual Guiness World Records 2006 Chocolate/sweets (loads) House of the Flying Daggers DVD Toiletries Calvin Klien 'Crave' Aftershave set Money from both Grandparents (£83) ... More chocolate
  10. How many stars does everyone have currently? I have a pretty big 6,460 stars But its mainly down to JonSt, as he gave me loads of codes...thanks dude.
  11. I've been keeping an eye on it, I'll definately try it out.
  12. Gaming Zelda: Twilight Princess E3 2006 Revolution Super Smash Brothers Revolution Metroid Prime 3 Super Mario Revolution All Revolution titles Blue Dragon Lost Odysee Hellgate London New Super Mario Bros Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time Gears of War Metroid Prime Hunters Tales of the Tempest Baten Kaitos II Huxley Iron Feather Lost Magic Half Life 2: Aftermath Children of Mana Final Fantasy III Tales of Phantasia eNCHANT arM Rune Factory Halo 3 Contact Football Last game at highbury *sob* Launch of the Emirates Stadium World Cup Germany 2006 Launch of the new Wembley Football Season 2006/2007 Other 16th birthday Finishing high school Starting sixth form/college We'll see....
  13. Zelda Collector's Edition It came on Xmas Eve I remember too, so it felt like Nintendo had bought me a present, and it was one of my best ones too :wink:
  14. lol, well I won't be sorting out Live for a while, probably in January.
  15. Ummm... its my xmas present. My mum paid for it. We went to collect it together. I paid for Kameo + PD0 which have luckily just turned up in time for xmas
  16. GOT IT! 2 DAYS BEFORE XMAS...JUST IN TIME. :D Virgin Megastore Norwich, you've made my christmas, THANK YOU! £279.99, premium, just in time for Xmas...I'm so happy Oh and Coo, I told you I'd get a premium in time for xmas :wink: I never gave up trying.
  17. Oh yeah, I'm definately getting Earthbound, its incredible. I played it for about 10 minutes on an emulator and was REALLY impressed, but I stopped playing and didn't play anymore ever again because not only does it feel kinda wrong playing roms, but also not as enjoyable imo.
  18. Been confirmed as a PS3 launch title, says Gamespot. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6141640.html
  19. YES! Been trying to get a premium pack for Xmas last few days, and earlier I rang up Virgin Megastores....3 in stock! I asked if they could hold it for me tommorow for my mum to pick up as she is going in, and they said yes and took her name down. WOOOHOOO!!! As long as it all goes well and I get it okay, then I'm in teh christmassy mood alright
  20. There's tons I haven't got that I want, but two of the ones I want the most are Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario. If Square,Rare etc. are supporting it I'll definately be getting the likes of Secret of Mana,Banjo Kazzoie and Chrono Trigger.
  21. I think its every year as we get older, it feels less and less christmassy, and loses its magic. However, I think Christmas willl be really magical again having children, as it will feel like going through the stages again.
  22. Heh, it was kinda obvious it was going to happen anyway. I think I'd prefer to play through it first normally though, and then possibly play through a second time using the Rev controller.
  23. Jeez give him a chance, players need time to settle in, especially when they're from another country. When Henry first came he didn't do much (went ages without scoring) and then bang look what happened. I think Hleb has actually been one of our best players this season when he's played, cause half of em have been piss poor compared to recent years (Freddie and Gilberto).
  24. Its stunning isn't it Booker, everytime I go to Highbury and walk past it on the way to the coach I see it and everytime it looks more and more impressive.
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