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About danielodom

  • Birthday 07/12/1979


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Post some watch dog screeny :P
  2. What you guys feel the graphics in watch dog cause i little disappointed with graphics cause nobody put comparison with the GTA 4
  3. Me and my girlfriend started Breaking Bad Season Marathon :P
  4. End of Watch and i think it's the best movie i saw in long time
  5. It's great every penny worth
  6. Have anyone started A Song of Ice and Fire ??
  7. You're losing weight it's because of your metabolism is fired up and body needs healthy diet for keep muscle together and if body is not getting enough good diet that's why muscle cramp, back strain etc. happens
  8. ROFLOL i'm laughing my brains out
  9. Metal Gear Rising and Assassin's Creeed BF were fun didn't pickup any game after that
  10. Nice bro that's very detailed and i feel the same about the nun chucks :P
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