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Posts posted by Glen-i

  1. Carrying on with my "Am I good enough to beat 9.9 with this character?" journey and I got my 7th and 8th victory.

    Young Link doesn't surprise me. I'm pretty good with him, but Mr. G&W was a pleasant surprise. Got to 9.9 before the hands, which is definitely reassuring.

    I had some horrific luck with the Chrom and Roy run though. Chrom saw me using 2 continues, one where the CPU controlled Robin partner got me hit by a giant Daisy Up Smash and then again on the hands when I got slightly pushed off stage by the Dog Shadow attack.

    Most characters would have recovered from that, but not Chrom... @Dcubed can attest to that particular flop.

    Roy on the other hand was going brilliantly, I had it in the bag! But in an attempt to avoid an attack from Crazy Hand, I ran toward the edge of the stage with the idea of dodging towards the edge so I was facing Crazy Hand and ready to counterattack.

    Unfortunately, I misjudged it and accidently ran off the edge and pressed R and left as soon as I was in the air. The ending lag was so severe, I could never get back on with Roy's mediocre Up B.

    I hate the air dodge mechanics in this game...

    • Like 2
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  2. 8 minutes ago, martinist said:

    Am I the vkonly one that fdrigjkns? Am I the onkyl one that dribks and rememvers to post here?

    Grow some balls you susssy cunts.

    Drink some thshit and oost some more shit like youre ma lat gnight.

    Get wrecjekd

    But I don't drink.

    Oh my daze! I actually understood that. What's happened to me?

    • Haha 1

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ashley said:

    Hmm smiley or reaction though?

    Can the reactions be animated?

    Because without the animation, Sarky Clap feels a tad pointless. Even if the sentiment is better suited to a reaction.

    • Thanks 1

  4. OK, the theme night is ready.

    Next League Night: 21st Feburary 8pm


    Room 1: @BowserBasher is host

    @Glen-i (Team Leader)

    @BowserBasher (Team Leader)




    @S.C.G (Selected Team)

    Seeing as it's the first Team Night of the year, quick reminder of the stuff you need to know.

    • Everyone who's playing next week, you'll need to send me a Private Message telling me what team you want to be in.
    • You must keep what team you chose secret. You'll be penalised if you tell anyone.
    • If one team has way more members than the other, then the team leader with less members will be able to choose who gets moved over to balance the numbers.
    • Points are still mainly determined by your placing, so coming first is still the best course of action.
    • The team that wins each GP will get an extra 10 points each.
    • The Champion's Bonus does not apply.

    I'll reveal the teams on Thursday.

    Sign Up Now!

    • Thanks 2

  5. 26 minutes ago, Ashley said:

    What do people think? Is it clear enough at that size?

    Great stuff though @RedShell!

    For what it's worth, I can make it out.

    But my eyesight is good enough that I can tell you what number a bus is from the next stop down. So don't go on just my crazy vision.

    But I'll tell you this, I would actually use that smiley. Sarcastic clap is the best thing about NES Online.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  6. Yeah, I had a feeling there'd be more modes. The stats screen has Tabs for "Tetris 99" and "All" Which is just odd for a game with one mode.

    I'm glad there's a Marathon Mode somewhere. Tetris 99 is great, but sometimes I just want to play some traditional Tetris.

    • Thanks 1

  7. Spoiler




    Next week will be the first Team Night. I haven't got the tracks ready yet, but I'll show you what Teams there are for you to choose from.


    So let me give you the rundown of how this will work.

    • Everyone who's playing next week, you'll need to send me a Private Message telling me what team you want to be in.
    • You must keep what team you chose secret. You'll be penalised if you tell anyone.
    • If one team has way more members than the other, then the team leader with less members will be able to choose who gets moved over to balance the numbers.

    If you have any questions, just ask me.

    The full theme will be up soon.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  8. 9 minutes ago, Mokong said:

    Ok anyone got tips or found a good tutorial video or something.... Is it possible to like stop people from ganging up on you and throwing like 10 lines worth of crap onto my screen out of no where???

    If that happens, use the Attackers Targeting option, you throw more garbage when people are ganging up on you.

    Getting K.O's also gives you bonuses to your garbage.

  9. Anyway, I actually blew up the planet last night.


    That isn't the Fusion Suit I was using...

    I hate Fission Metroids... Glad they never came back.

    Anyway, this game still holds up well. Even if Samus' face doesn't. The atmosphere is top notch and the world is lots of fun to explore. My only issue is that the optional Charge Beam Combos (Wavebuster, Ice Spreader and Flamethrower) are just a bit rubbish. Considering how expensive they are, they should be a bit better than what they are. But it's a small issue really.
    I still prefer the other 2 Prime games to this, mind.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

  10. 56 minutes ago, RedShell said:

    And the award for most pointless segment of the Nintendo Direct goes to... :laughing:

    I do wonder what the hell they're going to add to Ver. 3.0 though.


    Still hoping it's this:



    The 2 bright yellow segments match the kind of thing you see in the Mii Fighter menu.


    So I definitely think that first blurred image is a menu of some kind...

    Not sure what to make of the second image though...

    • Like 1

  11. 1 hour ago, bob said:

    My first thought when watching that trailer was 'OMG is that a chain chomp?! I can't imagine the backlash there's going to be about adding Mario things into Zelda game! People are going to be piiiiiissed!'

    Then I read this thread and found that I'm 26 years late in having this thought.

    It's not a Chain Chomp, it's a Bow Wow. And it's a surprisingly good weapon!


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2

  12. 16 hours ago, S.C.G said:

    But after that I made it to Tallon IV and it turns out that my last 100% Hard Mode run in 2003 was just over ten hours, which isn't bad for getting everything and scanning everything, even non-essential stuff, so I'm still pretty pleased with that... but it does make me wonder if I could maybe try for 8 or 9 hours while still getting 100%... I don't know what the world record is for a 100% no skips or cheats or sequence breaks but I'd like to have a go at getting close to it. :)

    Bloody hell, that's impressive for a Gamecube time!

    Unfortunately, the glitchless/no skip category isn't really recorded for Metroid Prime GCN. So the time for that 100% hard run is 1 hour and 27 minutes, they probably don't scan stuff in that either.

    • Thanks 1