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Posts posted by Glen-i

  1. 10 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    BTW: @Glen-i I'm shocked that you picked DKC3 over DKC2! That's wild! (Mad respeck for giving DKC3 some much deserved love! :peace:)

    You of all people should know that I think DKC 3 is the best DKC game. Even if I maintain that 2 is a better game to play first. 2 also has a better soundtrack, mind.

    But 3's levels are full of awesome "Mario 3D World" level design. Almost every level has something interesting to differentiate it from the rest. Even if Rocket Rush is far too harsh.

    DKC 1 sucks.

    • Thanks 1

  2. Man, I knew that Soothing Roll was great for getting out of tight situations, but I didn't think it was that effective!

    Oh well, I got away with a very dignified dive. Wind is just a suggestion, after all.

    I think I got a couple of recordings, but I don't have the time to post them at the mo. Will do so later.

    EDIT: Oh right, before I go off to Smash Bros with kids, would @S.C.G and @RedShell be up for a short hunting session at around 5pm today?

  3. 46 minutes ago, GenericAperson said:

    OK, so technically my favourite game of all time falls under this category but I do need to ask a question before I got ahead with nominations.


    The GBA version of Final Fantasy VI features an extra dungeon and extra Magicite not featured in the original SNES version. As such would this count as enough changes to nominate for the GBA when that comes around? Most of the rest of the game is the same apart from a retranslated script and all the spell names being updated to FFVIII onwards names.


    Also, if you nominate a game, are you then not allowed to nominate it for future consoles if it would otherwise qualify under the stipulations?


    I guess the Link to the Past remake falls under this category too because that features an entire extra dungeon.

    I'm afraid that's not enough for Final Fantasy VI and Link to the Past Advance. This is the console to consider those games for.

    When I say "extreme differences" I mean radical overhauls that make the remake for all intents and purposes, a different game to the original. For example, Metroid: Zero Mission is based off of the original Metroid, but the layout of the game is so different that it can be mistaken for a different game to the uninformed.

    It has to be very substantial.

  4. 2 hours ago, Ike said:

    Are remakes allowed, ala Dragon Quest 1&2 and Dragon Quest III?

    Ah, I forgot about those. To be fair, I never played them.

    Dragon Quest 1 & 2? Definitely not. Same kind of thing as Super Mario All-Stars.
    As for Dragon Quest 3? I'm afraid I'll have to introduce a restriction that I thought I wouldn't have to use until the GBC.

    Remakes/ports of older titles from previous Nintendo consoles are not eligible for any nominations. Unless the remake has extreme differences from the original version (Such as GBA's "Metroid: Zero Mission" and 3DS' "Metroid: Samus Returns"

    I've added this rule to the post above.

    I'm sorry, Ike. That was my bad. Of course, you're free to nominate the Dragon Quest games that originated on the SNES if you want.

  5. 3 hours ago, Julius said:

    I have my doubts about that :p

    Probably should clarify that I'm talking about the latest trailer.

    Around 4 hours of inadvertant trailer watching through fan reaction videos.

    The trailer is 2 minutes 18 seconds long, let's add 42 seconds for each time he went to find another person reacting to it and make it 3 minutes.

    By my calculations that means I've seen it around 81 times. Even if I was playing games while it was going on.

    Yeah, I think that would beat some people here.

  6. 44 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

    @Jonnas @Glen-i sage advice as always gentleman. Chrom is sounding good (sorry I didn't chime with Shulk), but I'll need to master that counter as I've always seen it as such as bonus for the sword characters.

    What's really annoying Heavy wise is that I know I have the most fun playing Krool, but it feels cheap. Like I still sick with Sonic, but his ceiling feels so high and I'm getting better with him all the time. A pure skill character. Krool you can cheese a lot of games.

    Does Wario count as a heavy? He looks like he's tough to learn.

    "Never apologise for legitimately trying out a character and not feeling it" is what I tell the community centre kids.

    Wario is tied for 12th Heaviest Character with Ike, Ridley and Simon/Richter. So yeah, he's pretty hefty, not quite as heavy as Ganondorf, etc. But he's definitely a heavyweight. Which makes his aerial speed all the more impressive.

    He actually has three methods of recovery. The standard Up B, his side B (as long as the bike isn't somewhere else) and Down B (although that very slowly builds up over time). You need to pay real attention to what Wario can use to get back on to the stage, because if you use side B (his best recovery) and the bike is somewhere else, you're in serious trouble due to the looking around animation he does.

    Anyway, here's a handy dandy list of character weight.

  7. D4AOAA0U8AErolu.jpg:large




    Next League Night: 18th April 8pm


    Room 1: @BowserBasher is host






    To celebrate Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD coming out for the Switch, I'm going to clumsily crowbar the most famous Final Fantasy game into this week's theme. The character choice will be a number of characters that are very loosely based on some of the party members of Final Fantasy VII.
    Who's based on who? I'll leave that to your imagination.

    • Link
    • Daisy
    • Peach
    • Morton
    • Cat Peach
    • Inkling Girl
    • Dry Bones

    Sign up Now!

    • Thanks 4

  8. Voting is now closed!

    So while we get to work on the article, we're moving on.

    Super Nintendo Entertainment System


    Released in 1992, the Super Nintendo (More commonly known as the SNES) was pretty much what it said on the tin, a more powerful console than the NES. The SNES library is arguably more impressive than it's older brother and there are more than a few masterpieces in the extensive catalogue it sports. This one might be the toughest choice yet...

    Some restrictions to keep in mind for the SNES nominations.

    • Retro Compilation games, games that contain multiple older titles in one cartridge, are banned from this nomination. The most famous example is "Super Mario All-Stars" But also includes games such as "Tetris & Dr. Mario" These games have an inherent advantage while using older games from other consoles.
    • The one exception to the above rule is "Kirby's Fun Pak" also known as "Kirby Super Star". While this is advertised as 8 games in one and one of these is a heavily edited version of Kirby's Dream Land, the rest of the game consists of entirely new content with an interconnected story.
    • Remakes/ports of older titles from previous Nintendo consoles are not eligible for any nominations. Unless the remake has extreme differences from the original version (Such as GBA's "Metroid: Zero Mission" and 3DS' "Metroid: Samus Returns"
    • StarFox 2 is eligible for nomination, as it was officially released for the SNES Classic Mini.
    • The Super Game Boy is not eligible for nomination.

    So, once again. I'd like you to nominate 5 games. Don't order them from best to worst.

    Nominations will close on the 20th of April.

    • Like 3

  9. 47 minutes ago, markderoos said:

    @Glen-i as you seem to be one of the few that seems to care for collecting all the spirits, maybe you can help a brother out?

    I’ve collected all of them but on the spirit board my counter says 1301, so that means I’m still missing 2 that I once had in my posession. This should either be spirits I had to sacrifice for summoning summon-exclusive spirits or spirits that have been enhanced.

    Fair enough, weren’t it for the fact I have no way to check which spirits I currently possess.

    Would be great if I could sort the collection by entry number so I can easily check which ones I need to (re)collect.

    Do you have a way of checking this that I haven’t discovered yet?

    I'm afraid there's no easy way to check on the Spirit List.

    Now assuming you have all the fighter spirits already, there's three places it could possibly be.

    1. A summoned spirit that may have been enhanced or used in another summoning.

    2. A spirit you get through normal gameplay.

    3. One of them could be Marx (First Form)

    If you haven't played through Adventure Mode twice, then one of them is Marx. You'll need to play up until that boss fight.

    As for the other places, you'll need to check the summon menu. Look for spirits that do not have a green tick icon on them. That means you don't currently own them.

    If it's not there. You'll have to check the Spirit Board. Thankfully, Spirits that you don't have appear much more frequently. Like the summoning menu, Spirits you don't own won't have a green tick on the wanted poster.

    That's all the advice I can give you. Good luck.

    EDIT: I forgot that Dracula is an enhancable spirit as well. If Marx (First Form) is the Spirit you're missing, than Dracula is almost definitely the second.

    • Thanks 1

  10. 1 hour ago, LazyBoy said:

    Still want to pick up a Heavy and a Sword wielder.

    Well, considering I already gave you my thoughts on Shulk over on the online thread, I'll mention that I'm also a big fan of Chrom.

    Much like his original fighter, Roy, Chrom is great for getting up close and personal in a quick, immediate fashion. One of the definitive pressurisers in Smash, I prefer him to Roy because he doesn't have to worry about hitting with the base of the blade, although he does do less damage than if Roy hits his sweet spot.

    He has one of those strange single hitting jabs, which can take some getting used to, but his horizontal aerial speed is a bit higher than the average fighter, which can catch people off guard.

    Weaknesses to keep in mind is that Chrom's recovery is very rigid, with his Up Special being similar to Ike's. His counter has a smaller activation window than most others so it's not as reliable. I suck with most counters anyway, so it doesn't bother me that much, but keep that in mind.

    On the plus side, if you're playing as Chrom and Robin hits him with his Final Smash, it's always funny!

  11. 33 minutes ago, bob said:

    Do we have to vote for three games again?

    You choose your three favourite games from the shortlist and send me a private message stating which ones are your 1st, 2nd and 3rd favourite.

    • Donkey Kong
    • Final Fantasy Adventure
    • Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru (For The Frog The Bell Tolls)
    • Game Boy Camera
    • Kirby's Block Ball
    • Kirby's Dream Land
    • The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
    • Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
    • Metroid II: Return of Samus
    • Mole Mania
    • Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow
    • Super Mario Land
    • Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
    • Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
    • Tetris

