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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I'm double checking with Drift 'cos I'm not completely sure, but we have a full team, one way or another. PS, no underscore in @Agent Gibbs
  2. @MilaGi are you at light 285+? I think there's a spot on tomorrow's raid if I'm understanding the situation correctly.
  3. I still kinda think it's shocking that we've been playing Destiny a year and not interacted with the Traveller at all.
  4. That's how it's always been. If you beat a HM raid you get cumulative rewards for the lower level, but HM quality drops. It's great!
  5. Go on then @Eddage, I'll do a raid tonight. I think @Daft and @Dan_Dare are up for it, too.
  6. Remember @Eddage, double Hard Mode raid gear to be picked up on Sunday on chars that haven't already done it!
  7. That's not very optimistic :p Count me in, but I personally intend to smash through it in 90 minutes!
  8. Why don't you just put your number in? It's steam, it's not like they're going to prank call you or anything. It's just for two factor authentication, i.e. keeping your shit safe!
  9. Official raid reminder notification!
  10. That's amazing, it's like someone doing the "bunny ears" with two fingers except the extreme distance version.
  11. I knew it. You said "nice to meet you" when you first saw me. I still don't know if a) joking, b) didn't recognise bald me or c) forgotten having met me before. I take offence to any of them though really.
  12. You guys need to worry less about keeping "your raid team together" or whatever. We're a clan! Don't go out of your way to group yourself into "A" or "B" or whatever. Some people seem to take the way things match up a little bit personally. And yet I never see the people who feel left out be the first to arrange a raid, suggest a time etc. The raid team for Sunday was set based on first-come, first-served. If you want to arrange something else Gibbs, I'll take your spot, but if not, you take it.
  13. Ok, here's a raid team for Sunday 4pm: @DriftKaiser @Agent Gibbs @Eddage @Map @Dan_Dare @Zell Don't think there was enough interest for two but if the remaining players want to try and pull another team together, they can.
  14. I love that the Flash has more daylight scenes now, the CW have a bad habit of putting all their combat at night, presumably it covers up gaps in choreography and rough CG a little better (don't mean that as a criticism, it's a legitimate saving technique). But The Flash should be bright, lighthearted, energetic.
  15. @Choze this is for anyone, hoping to get enough for two teams and balance it out. Newbieness doesn't matter: http://doodle.com/poll/ah4va5kprs2pnz9q
  16. Boo @Jimbob, boo. Where's your clan loyalty? :p Yeah if we don't get enough for a second team that'll have to be it, the first six in the table available at the same time. If we get twelve players I'll try and balance it though.
  17. Fill out the time thing! :p
  18. Don't know which 3 you meant... Rez was a bit vague. I've updated it anyway, raid night's Sunday now. Sorry Deathjam, gotta follow the majority with Drift, Daft and Sheikah here. Is nobody else looking to raid this Sat/Sun? @Map @Ganepark32 @Zell @Eddage @Blade @Jimbob @MilaGi it'd be good if we could make two teams.
  19. @Dan_Dare @Eddage @ReZourceman could you do Sunday 25th 4pm instead?
  20. Hard mode raid gear will drop at 310-320. Release has been brought forward to Oct 23. Trials delayed because of the Nightstalker glitch. Hard Mode Raid - Sunday 25th from 4pm Minimum light level 300. Me @Dan_Dare @Eddage @Sheikah @Daft @DriftKaiser
  21. I've actually been looking for a reason to replay TP so I wouldn't mind this. I think the best thing they could do (other than visual improvements) is greatly improve the overworld, making it a little bit less nonsensical and a bit more active/vibrant. It wouldn't take that much work since its main function is only to tie together the more complicated areas.
  22. You'll be fine, it'll take a little bit of explaining at some steps but that's ok. We've nailed it now so we'll more than cover for any inexperience. Pop your availability in that link, I'll try and put two teams together if there's enough people up for it. Edit: Posting the link so it's at the top of this page - I'll try and make two even teams based on all availability.
  23. Lets try something else, anyone who wants to raid this weekend: put down your Weekend Raid Availability here! (Click) Mentioning people who've already responded in post form, vaguely! @Dan_Dare @Sheikah @Deathjam
  24. I can do something Saturday or Sunday, sure!
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