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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I can appreciate that. I wouldn't have been happy with that either, but I got it for £20 of supermarket vouchers
  2. That pricing was literally announced three months ago today I'm sure the game content itself isn't worth that price tag (although it does look promising). However playing new content with the clan is worth it. If you'd ever turned your mic on and joined a raid, you might've had a different opinion.
  3. What DLC are you talking about? The Taken King is £40/40€ on its own. The small addons (exotic class items etc) are even more of a ripoff at £20/20€.
  4. I doubt it'll be big, they said some things would be fixed 15/09 so I'm guessing some hotfixes. Left my PS4 in Rest Mode whilst at work, anyway! I said the same @Daft, I'm sticking with that, too! I didn't even complete a single subclass quest, only started the Gunslinger one, so I have 8½ of those to do and gonna take my time.
  5. Hope we get those colour console covers here. Morpheus' official product name is PlayStation VR.
  6. To be fair, that's what the guy on the stage was calling it, U.B.I. Soft, maybe that's how they're known in Japan?
  7. Oh look it's... Dragon Quest Minecraft Ripoff. Weird.
  8. Assume this was ripped from the stream, dunno if it will stay up
  9. Expansion shown at SCEJA, The Old Hunters, due Nov 24th (presuming worldwide).
  10. I think the translator's fine. (Edit: I take that back, she's struggling with titles. Why doesn't she have a script??) Starting with the Bloodborne expansion Edit: looked amazing! Out November. Edit: Everybody's Golf 7! Edit: Gravity Rush on PS4, oh lawd, it's too much. Edit: And Gravity Rush 2 looks amazing.
  11. Persona 5 was just shown in the intro montage
  12. I don't think I can do working from home tomorrow, but I'm going to get an early start and be home around 4ish hopefully! Up for doing the story co-op from then if anyone wants.
  13. No it was just an unrelated question, and unfortunately there's no way to find out what day it is out
  14. @Zell mine totals 10 and I've only been once that you weren't present for, so it adds up. It does sound too much though.... Mind you 6 adept weapons, did you get any duplicates? I've had the rocket launcher and scout twice. I should play some more Elimination, the stat "1 bulletproof medal" is rubbish... if it counted Trials there'd be loads. That bit at the end of the videos, where it says "now you must live up to the legend" and shows the new subclasses. Dem tinglies. Who's got tomorrow off??
  15. Beat Trials 7 times with my Hunter and 3 with my Warlock most of my stats are unremarkable, top 5% Iron Banner kills stands out... ish.... Happy to see my most used exotic on my Hunter is still Ice Breaker
  16. Put it in your console now @Rummy - not to play it, to patch it. It's gonna take a while.
  17. I don't think there will be much else to download @Jimbob @ReZourceman first raid team is full but I know more want in, start one! Join us for some Rift and Mayhem on PvP this evening and we can probably answer any other questions.
  18. I think it's too popular at the moment, mine's stuck at 25/100, dread to think what it'll be like when America wakes up!
  19. Err, you bought TTK right? As a newbie: score a shotgun with range for PvP and Gunslinger > everything else. Xur is a guy hiding in the tower every weekend Friday morning til Sunday morning who sells exotic items. Join the clan through the Bungie site. The levelling system has changed so much I'm not sure I could give tips on it if I wanted to... except to grab bounties every day from the Tower.
  20. You can have my spot if you need stuff, @Jimbob. I was only going for the ghosts.
  21. Yeah I can do it!
  22. Ha this is awesome, match timer gets stuck and the game goes on for 4 hours. One guy gets 89000 points.
  23. You can shoot Axion bolts out of the sky now Edit: I've just seen a video of a map I haven't even played yet. Yet I've had Black Shield about 8 times.... Map rotation sucks. @Eddage rejoice, your time was not wasted:
  24. @MilaGi @DriftKaiser @Map @Sheikah Didn't realise my voice was recording but whatever, too epic not to post.
  25. I just swap from charging the headset to controller constantly. Battery life on both is shocking so I'm always tethered to the thing one way or another.
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