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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Chuck

    Fable 2

    Just been informed that I will be charged £40 for the limited edition, even if the price is increased before launch.
  2. Just. The. Console.
  3. My horse and me 2 achievements. The first was so good they made a sequel for 360!
  4. Most enjoyable. Very quirky stuff. Can see it get boring quick. At least the single player
  5. Looks sexier and they are based in Newcastle
  6. ...becuase IX is my favorite game and wouldnt mind playing it on a handheld. Unless your trying to be funny and insinuate i play my 360 too much.
  7. Just tell me it will run FFIX without GBs of extra memory and im sold
  8. 10 minutes late, still got it though
  9. do they email the linked email or the @psnetwork.com? How do u access the psnetwork email
  10. There is a list of what youve downloaded. You can just go through that and re-download
  11. Chuck

    FIFA 09

    It also seems they have lost the liscences for a few clubs inc. palermo
  12. Chuck

    FIFA 09

    Yea you get a code for a league. But I want Serie A and other crap. Bullshit.
  13. Chuck

    FIFA 09

    WTF is this Adidas live bullshit? I have to PAY to update player performance in game!?!?!?! 1600mp for the lot. EA thinks the average joe is gonna pay for this crap? Got the game if its not noticable btw.
  14. Sucks to be anyone who likes fate cards
  15. My EMA is still to be reapplied for as I need a statement from Inland Revanue to say there is no household income:( They are a month behind ....8 weeks ago
  16. Reminder to Noodle that Zenit have lost 2/4 fixtures
  17. Are you trying to do the achievement? Use a guide, its piss compared to trying it yourself. Not that I use guides.....
  18. Cheers guys. Gotz me some swag. Sony Cybershot and Vauxhall Corsa. Pix to come!
  19. Just like to remind Noodleman that Zenit lost 1-0 to Juventus:)
  20. I remember think that I would never love again when that lass left the oc. Then I saw her with her boobies out in prison break. I felt love in the air. She is so freakin hot and I thought i was smitten with sarah. Thinking about it this season is turing out pretty poor for me. Thinking about my favorite season and it has got to be 2 in hindsight.
  21. Im really tired all the time. Ive even been coming in from sixth form. Sat on my bed (the only place to sit part from the floor in my room) and lye down and go to sleep. It even happened today. Came home watched 2 episodes of 90210 and felt so tired i went to sleep. Normally I go to sleep 12-1 and get up before 8am. I have even been known to fall asleep during lessons and sat infront of a computer in the sixth form suite. This is all in the last year of a levels. I feel like shit 4/5 days of the week. Im either super agitated and get pissed off with everything or Im still too tired and practically walk with my eyes shut, closing my eyes on my bus journey. But rare occasions see me actually cheerful and unaffected by the lack of sleep. I cannot go to sleep without watching at least a 24, lost or prison break, but I like to fit an episode in of Scrubs. This of course leads to 2 or 3 episodes which is probably the source of the problem.
  22. Brendan is now the grand age of 21 HAPPY BIRTHDAY looks like some other people are having a birthday aswell! HAPPY BIRTHDAY the villan and colin
  23. Chuck

    Fable 2

    Bullshit. But it was a bit easy.
  24. I ponder more to whether Star Wars TFU deserves a purchase with GT giving it 6.9
  25. Jesus christ, Robinho has scored on his debut against Chelsea.
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