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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Looks like you need an ariel. Not what I was hoping for as I dont have a cable running through my room.
  2. infinate undiscovery got a 7.1 from ign. Not very good at all.
  3. Can you give me all the codes to get it for £11odd?
  4. I looked for those, because I know you cant die with those. But I cant find them to buy, and Ive heard you get them after completing the game.
  5. OMG OMG OMG Warhawk patch 1.5 with Trophies is... LIVE!
  6. Lego star wars in annoying the hell out of me. Get 3/4 of the way through the epidsode and I fall in some mud and die. Negating my chance to get the complete the episode without dying achievement. Bugger. Anyone looking to go through both lego games? Only in bulk becuase they charge £3.00 for delivery. And Ive tried that code and it doesnt work.
  7. You know a film is bad when you have quotes from bludydisgusting.com and the orange county register
  8. And you dont have to wait for the shocking postal service to deliver a little piece of card with numbers on it. Instead you wait till 1am when the seller gets back from his holiday and you get it instantaneously. But if youd rather wait till next week after paying that 47p its up to you Stuey.
  9. 2100 points card on ebay for £13.50 if anyone is intrested.
  10. I thought that would make it a bit old. Stupid Joystiq
  11. More news from the Valve camp. Left 4 Dead has been delayed 16 days till the 20th of November. The 10th Anniversary of that fantastic game Half Life 2.
  12. No, its because Man U were playing shite.
  13. Welcome to I posted it fucking yesterday you cheeky shit
  14. Ha I threw my hands up in the air when i was in rage with the examiner, my instructor was also looking from the window and thought Id passed.
  15. 9 days ago I failed my third. I say failed because thats what the examiner said at the end. Im coming around the corner of the high street to go into the DSA place to end my test with 8 minors. I see this cyclist ON THE PATH (YES MR.CYCLISTSHAVERIGHTOFWAYEVENIFTHEYAREONTHEPATH) looking as if she is going to stop on the curb of the road im turning into. Becuase thats usually what anybody does on the path... stops...looks... and if its clear cross. But NOOOOOOOOO the examiner had to slam the breaks on and tell me that the cyclist had right of way. So Im sitting there in the car having a argument with him 'the cyclist was going to stop' 'she was on the pavement'. He tells me to start the car, we finish up, he tells me Ive failed. He tells me why and I start having an argument again, shaking my head and shouting NO!. He uped and left the scene, telling my instrutor on the way that I had 'Thrown it away'. I couldnt believe it. I wouldve passed. It is in the highway code and the head of the centre said otherwise. My instructor and another just laughed at it but I was distraught. This is the same guy I had on number 2. I fucking hate him. If I see him again all I will see is a white flash as I go into uncontrolable rage. Im carrying a copy of the highway code aswell as a fucking bat next time though.
  16. Chuck

    New Handle

    You see! It will be M Fento forever.
  17. Sheva has a medical at AC Milan on Monday
  18. Chuck

    New Handle

    NO! I dont want a completly new tag with 0 gamerscore. I just want something new and compltly different. I dont know, Patriot Ocelot just doesnt look nice to me now. This happens every 6 months. I might be a bit sad. I only say M Fento becuase I can never remember your first name and its in your email.
  19. Muller Condoms: Lick the lid of life
  20. I was there with a bunch of N-Eers. I got evil looks from some serial rapist and his girlfriend. To be honest. I hate it.
  21. I was wondering if I was gonna gett my free game. At least I can have it for free but I was hoping to make some money beforehand. And no glitch either. Bummer. Hang on. WTF. I must have got that completly wrong. I got the code too. Time to get some moneyz before the update to get rid of the glitch.
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