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C-E Veterans
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Everything posted by soag

  1. To pass my driving test AC/DC Backtracks Boxset Iron Fist Zombie Heels Tickets to Pearl Jam If anyone wants to buy me any of these things that would be great
  2. Awww my poor Moppy , you don't deserve all this pain
  3. lol, i was quite upset as I have had my eye on this game for quite a while now and thought now would of been the perfect time to pick it up.
  4. pics from my first night out in over a year!! pound a drink to, forgot how much I hate hangovers lol
  5. I went in to sainsburys yesterday and they didnt have any copies in store
  6. I retired the bike over a month ago lol, it's fucked like, plus it was too bloody cold with all that snow and ice, I'm getting a lift into work now with a guy for work since you would not drive me
  7. I've had 7 so far, the instructer says I'm doing great, just have to perfect my manuovers and I should be ready by the end of next month all going well she says. Also some chauffeur you are i'm still waiting for you to report in for duty lol
  8. See I plan to flirt with the examiner you cant really flirt with a computer lol. It was close one more question wrong in the multiple choice and I would of failed. It took me about 10 minutes to pick up the courage and look at my result sheet.
  9. £3 £3 £3
  10. WOOHOO I PASSED MY THEORY TEST!!!!!!!!!! That was the most nerve wrescking thing I have ever done! My head was spinning and I felt sick all the way through and the words seemed to be jumping out of the screen lol. I dont do well at tests at all but thank god I got it done . Just have the big one to do now which will be a lot of fun lol.
  11. I know everyone says it's easy I just stress out easily lol. Just did the theory practise and hazard practise tests there now and I passed both so fingers crossed the same will happen later today . *is shaking in his boots lol*
  12. I thought about joining the police force once, then I remebered I lived in Northern Ireland and changed my mind lol.
  13. Yea I have all the software here, I know all my stuff but I am terrible at tests I just go in and my mind goes blank lol. What makes it worse is that both my brothers got 100% so I feel I'm under a lot of pressure
  14. So far this morning I've been very very nervous as I have my driving theory test today . Could hardly sleep with nerves.
  15. Many happy returns and a happy new year or something
  16. And Lady Ga Ga is not cool? Hmm well I think she is Seeing Mika next month as well lol but getting dragged to that by the other half, but don't worry I'm seeing Metallica in May to even it out. Seeing her in Belfast, bought the tickets off a friend of a friend who had bought spare tickets to sell on Ebay. It's going to be great
  17. Up now with the little one and got a driving lesson at half 9.
  18. 2 tickets for Lady GaGa
  19. I agree with you here most episodes do seem the same only with a few little changes. Tonights bedtime hour episode was good as it featured mostly the pontipines .
  20. Now that sounds like something I'd like to watch Sounds like a new olympic sport to me
  21. I'm getting forced to watch it . The other half loves all this ice skating lark, I hope Heather Mill's falls and breaks her good leg lol
  22. It is now lol for anyone who has never seen the show
  23. Makka Pakka is no match for the mighty Pontipines though
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