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Dark Wolf

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Everything posted by Dark Wolf

  1. Yep, the GP2X is sweet, I'll need to get one eventually. For Christmas, I'm just getting money towards Xbox 360 which I'm getting in February EDIT: Does anyone know if the 360 can play DivX files on DVD or the HDD?
  2. Anyone playing it on a normal TV? Is it still good?
  3. Could you please email the patch to me. Thanks
  4. Tickets are still on sale btw.
  5. Is anyone here gonna go see Ocean Colour Scene on their tour? I'm going to the one in Sheperd's Bush Empire. They are an awsome band.
  6. They're working for me. You have to download the first one. Second one's working for me.
  7. I bet I'll get banned for this. It's got swearing people, don't listen if you are offended. http://brentpranks.tripod.com/brentlearn2.wav - David Brent prank call (right click, save as) http://media.putfile.com/Little-india-singing-jack-black http://media.putfile.com/Chav-Call---Arnie---The-Frustration-Cont http://media.putfile.com/Little-India---Arnie http://media.putfile.com/little-india-jack-black-friends http://media.putfile.com/Pompadoms-Indian-Take-Away---Jackblack http://media.putfile.com/Little-India---Chicken-Nuggets---Jackbla
  8. I'd hate to have this injury: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1544207.html?menu=
  9. How long have the "filler" episodes being going on for? I'm also planning to download Bleach and Full Metal Alchemist.
  10. Just started watching Naruto. I got the first 25 episodes in Japanese and with English subtitles from bittorrent. Awsome, I've watched about 9 episodes, love it, great quality video too.
  11. Isn't it basically the same, but more linear?
  12. FarCry>FarCry Instincts
  13. Indeed, it doesn't seem to work in Firefox very well, it works fine in Internet Explorer though.
  14. I'm not too good at designing websites, but here's my try: http://www.oldbishopsgate.bravehost.com (Please don't sign up or post on the forums) This is what it used to be: http://www.oldbishopsgate.com/index2.html So, what do you think?
  15. Aimed at Kids? Nah. The beauty about Ghibli films is that it's for everyone. Kids love the characters and storylines, adults like the same thing, but along with the artwork and the depth that children just won't see.
  16. As some of you may know, I am a Ghibli fanatic, and today I went to see this amazing film. I loved it. The only bad thing was: 1. The screen "jiggled" slightly, after a while 2. Chavs talking on their phones quite near the end, fortunatly you couldn't really hear them. Scum I think everyone should see it, it's not Miyazaki's best, but it's good.
  17. Yeah, I feel nervous when I walk past a big group on my own. Not when I'm with my mates though.
  18. Had chicken with couscous (sp?) and homous(sp?) 9/10
  19. I'd have to say the N64, so many classic games. I loved Perfect Dark multiplayer. I might have said the SNES, but we didn't have many good games.
  20. It's called anime... Anyway, do you guys reckon I should buy Akira?
  21. 3/5 What's it supposed to say?
  22. I've never really got into anyother anime except for Studio Ghibli which I love. I watched Tokyo Godfathers but it was no way as good as Ghibli films. I mgiht buy Akira, I've heard good things about it.
  23. I didn't win
  24. Nah, it's from Princess Mononoke, but it's very similair to the deku tree people in Wind Waker. Anyway 2.5/5 Pretty bad quality
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