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Everything posted by obscure

  1. Graphics look nice, and I'll admit, I've not seen later levels of the game. What I have seen however, doesn't impress. Bullets that shoot straight up, fading away near the top of screen, where all you need to do is stick to the bottom of the screen? Looks like bad design when viewed through my eyes. Then the score system, a combo has a 3 sec limit. So does that mean there will be up to 3 second lulls in anything being on screen? 3 seconds in a huge amount of time in these kind of games, Dodonpachi for example is about half a second, before the combo breaks. If the enemies were set up in a more Ikaruga based way, then maybe a 3 sec limit could work -- but I don't see anything that indicates the level design will be that intricate. It did remind me of Defender, which was a great game in its day. The developer of ResoGun, is saying this is a shooter for the new era though. I see no evidence of that, other than pretty graphics.
  2. Bad luck Kimi. Usually like Spa, but did anyone else think today's race was a bit lacking?
  3. What the..? Sorry, but this thread is too bizarre for me. :/
  4. Started up Xenoblade Chronicles, but probably won't be going back to it.
  5. I haven't actually completed any games for some time. I seem to get bored nowadays, even never going back to many games even though I'm on the last level. The last game I finished was Guwange, 1CC of course. An excellent game, good scoring system, and probably would take most people a while to finish. *Note: I don't consider these types of game to be finished if using a continue.
  6. That seems likely. Sad that most of the games I like don't seem to be all that popular. I'd also love sequels to games like F-Zero GX, Space Station Silicon Valley, and Zack & Wiki. :/
  7. ResoGun? okay, thanks. Just been checking some youtube gameplay footage of it, and it left me more than disappointed though. Sure it has pretty colours and stuff, but the bullet patterns look badly designed, and it sort of seemed boring? I do like bullet hell shooters though, but then again I also like some Gradius.. So I don't know, it just looked not as good as I was hoping after seeing that gif above.
  8. Think they'll ever be a Battalion Wars Wii U? The last one on the Wii had messed up forced on wiimote controls, but the GC one was one of my favourite games. If proper sequels to Burnout 2, Battalion Wars, and Chibi-Robo, were to be released, there's no doubt in my mind that I'd already have a Wii U.
  9. Hope this doesn't have some stupid theme song, and sonic keeps his stupid mouth shut. Then I might buy it. For some reason there's something about it that reminds me of the megadrive sonics, which is a good thing of course.
  10. The frustration of region locking starts to flood my mind.. I hope it still comes out here, but didn't the upgraded version of DS10 only come out in the US and JP?
  11. ^What game is that from?
  12. Thanks, but after thinking a bit, I remembered some other reasons I can't quite get into FPS mutiplayer-ing. One being the length of games (yes I know this can be changed with time limits on most games.), because once there was just me and some other player left wondering around the level after each other, and it sure was boring. Maybe COD is different and there's always a time limit? Adding on to that, I'm guessing the sitting out of the round on a FPS would be damn boring as well. Meh, I think I just find them unsatisfying to play.
  13. I used to play Goldeneye007 and Perfect Dark on the N64, but I've never been able to get into any other FPS. Part of the reason is that I find the popular multi-player modes to be boring. I much prefer one shot and your dead, with no respawning type games. I've never found an online multiplayer better than the Bomberman games in that respect. So tell me, is there modes such as this on COD, that'll be popular enough that I'll be able to find games online?
  14. Is this still coming out in Europe? Because I'm really looking forward to it, and I have money waiting to burn..
  15. For some reason, I seem to be getting caught up in the PS4 hype. However, none of the launch games interest me, and I'm not really into futuristic war type stuff, and FPS shooters bore me to death. I'm hoping there's a drop in the price of the PS3 after this launches though, so I can pick up GTA5.
  16. I never completed this on the GC, and I instead watched my sister play it. I could say I'm semi-interested in getting this.
  17. If they would bring out a proper Chibi Robo sequel to the GC game, and make it for the Wii U, I'd buy one right this instant.
  18. Ah, this game looks all kinds of awesome. I may finally have to buy a Wii U, but might still wait until next year.
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