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Everything posted by Din

  1. It just looks bloody fantastic. My most anticipated game by a million miles.
  2. Shit this keeps getting worse. She was bound by her feet and hands? I can see WWE getting shit for the steroids. Edit: Also bibles found by Nancy's and Daniels bodies.
  3. Jesus, I couldn't believe the news when I heard it. Double murder suicide. Why? What the hell happened to the guy? He was someone I respected. I loved his work. Now we can never looked at him the same. He is a murderer and you can't respect that. No way. Why did he have to take his wife and sons life? Take your own don't take others with you. It's unacceptable. I just can't understand.
  4. Wow! Pointless stars. I don't even know why I bother to type in the codes any more.
  5. I'm finally getting into this game. I've been on for about 2hrs 30mins and I've just arrived in Tokyo. It's been fun so far but it is a little fustrating to control. It can be slightly annoying at times. I am getting the hang of them but it's certainly not perfect. My best accuracy is only 35% and my worst is 16% (on the first level) so I have improved!!! Sword fighting isn't too great. I haven't been enjoying that aspect of the game.
  6. I'll have to check in the box to see if I've got one of these things. I didn't notice it if I have got one.
  7. It's hard to put Zelda games in the order I like them but here goes: 1) Ocarina of Time. 2) Majora's Mask. 3) Link to the Past. 4) Twilight Princess. 5) Link's Awakening. Then I would probably go: Wind Waker, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Minish Cap, Four Swords, Legend of Zelda and then Adventures of link.
  8. Still haven't played this properly yet. I had been putting it off until I finished Zelda (which I've done now) but still haven't gone back to it. I must admit I found it difficult to control and it has put me off playing it. I must play it soon and try to get to grips with the controls.
  9. The best thing about the City in the sky was the boss. Such a cool fight!
  10. Will probably buy this tomorrow. That is if my bank account has the funds needed.
  11. Agreed. I was very dissapointed in the game after I had finished that dungeon. I was expecting so much more from the final dungeons but they didn't deliver. The other dungeons were great though. Perhaps my expectations were to high after playing them. But really shouldn't they have gotten longer and more complex?
  12. I've finally finished it today. The last couple of dungeons were a bit of a dissapointment to me. I wish they had been longer because I didn't want the game to end. Brilliant game though.
  13. Just took a quick photo:
  14. My arm was hurting after playing Zelda for ages on Friday. That's because I was swinging the remote like crazy! I've calmed down a bit now though!!! Haven't really been playing much else apart from Zelda.
  15. I've just done that. It was annoying.
  16. I thought there was something wrong with mine because it only comes on for about a second then it turns off again. It's just quick flash on then off. What's the point?
  17. I was actually surprised to find it isn't all that bad to hold. Dunno if I should download some VC games or not...too many games to play already. But, damn, it's so tempting!
  18. I was surprised at how light the Nunchuck felt. I like it though. It's very, very comfortable in your hand.
  19. Everything went smoothly. Game had everything I wanted and I got it within about 2mins of entering the store.
  20. My room is a mess right now. I've got the Wii on the floor with wires going every where! Boxes are all over the place! I couldn't be bothered to set the thing up properly so I just did it as fast as I could.
  21. Been on for about 6 hours and I've just finished the Forest Temple. Brilliant game so far, I've loved every moment so far except the bloody fishing. It was so annoying. I had to catch two of them! Very fustrating. The combat is excellent. I'm enjoying swinging my Wii remote all over! Much better than pressing a button. The graphics are really nice. I don't think there bad at all. Gotta love the music! Midna is annoying. I'm liking the Wolf Link bits.
  22. I think there was loads of Wii Plays in my local Game. I got one easy enough but I was third in the que!
  23. Wow, it's sexy and very small. The console and the controllers are smaller than I expected. Very nice though. Just had a quick go on Wii Sports. It's just awesome. I'm smilling like an idiot while I'm playing. This is just fantastic. Why the f**k am I posting on here?
  24. Everything is smaller than I thought it would be! Man it's awesome!!!
  25. Lets hope they're making it better because it's rubbish.
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