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Everything posted by Skitter2.9

  1. You can also flash your dvd drive's firmware and make the disk spin at a lower speed, it supposedly makes it alot quieter. This however involves taking apart your 360, voiding warranty, crossing your fingers hoping that you have a drive that can be flashed, inserting the drive in a pc, flashing, reinserting it in the 360 and pray Microsoft doesn't suddenly decide to ban everyone with a flashed drive. (omg what a sentence xD) I myself are looking forward to the fall update :p
  2. It was a motherboard bundle
  3. You're right about the 3700+, I didn't know that :p But it would be stupid not to buy a dualcore so I say go for a new motherboard and cpu. But why are you only linking to AMD bundles? Core 2 Duos are far more powerfull.
  4. Haha, your computer is almost exacly the same as mine :P But you have to figure out what socket your cpu/motherboard is, if its 939 and not AM2 you might as well by a new motherbord and cpu. Atleast in Norway prices for 939 cpus are ridiculously high, its the same as buying a far better cpu, motherboard and ram. Your 7600gt is a little outdated too. But if you don't want to spend that much money may I suggest upgrading to Windoze xp? Edit: DDR ram = 939. DDR2 ram = AM2
  5. ah, theres not much need for my pictures anymore, is there? Well I'l post some anyway :p
  6. I will post some photos tomorrow You've probably seen most of it already tough. Have you seen the level selection? The controls is really really good and it looks fantastic! Edit: BTW the intro I'm talking about is like a picture slideshow with text under, it explains the story. I think its the first one I still have.
  7. Played this today on electroworld in Norway and its super-awsome! It was the 10 minute demo thing. I love this game so much! I got some photos of it too, tell me if you want some . I even got to see the intro, but when I took some pictures of that I was told i couldn't and I had to delete them, "forgot" to delete one of them tough
  8. I´m pretty sure you would need to format both drives. What do you need raid for anyway? And what raid setup are you going to use? (raid0,raid1 etc.)
  9. Try running a cpu stress test while keeping an eye on the cpu temp with some program like everest or something. You can also try to run memtest86 a few times and see if there is something wrong with your ram..
  10. It sucks, I've tried it. How? Connect your wiimote to your computer using bluetooth then download Glovepie and start one of the fps scripts. Some scripts require a sensor bar if it does turn on your wii and place the sensor bar under/over your monitor. Start any fps and try it out yourself! PS: if your mouse starts to move around like crazy press "shift+P+I+E" (I havn't been able to try it but HL2wii looks like it works very well! Its a mod so it doesn't use glovepie)
  11. What if you want to shoot a guy behind you? I think this would work: aim - point at screen walk forward/backward - analoge stick up/down strafe - analoge stick left/right turn around - tilt nunchuk Or maybe the last two should be switched?
  12. Mind telling us what the error message says? Might help ... What kind of cpu do you have? Maybe you have exceeded your motherboard's max amount of ram?
  13. Close! AMD Athlon64 3500+ 4441.8
  14. I remember that someone sent a mail to Datel asking is a Wii freeloader was coming or even possible. If I remember correctly the answer was apparently that it was possible and in development. I'll see if i can find it. Edit: kotaku Here in the comments of "WAB Determined to hack the Wii": peace:
  15. That is just awesome. But please tell me thats not a canvas
  16. Get a mac :p Why do you need a dns? Shouldn't it do that automatically? If its something you need to set because of your isp you should be able to find that on your computer
  17. Your TV probably doesn't have 1:1 pixel mapping so you can't set it to its native resolution. This might help http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/archive/index.php/t-689283.html Edit: Try to google "LCD 1:1 pixelmapping" and [your tv] or something..
  18. Here's the original Icelandic one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmMTopztVlY&mode=related&search=
  19. Your antivirus program or something maybe?
  20. You need some dead zone or the shaking in your arm will make you quite disoriented... I think substeinar has a good idea!
  21. Good question, where have you been ?
  22. Please welcome Adolf Hirai!
  23. Thats an hole. I think it's for the wired controllers.
  24. What about only letting [those who have been taking an active part in the thread] write, but everybody to read?
  25. Who is the guy with the long hair, anybody here?
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