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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. Couldn't that all have gone in the first post?
  2. I watched one of them a while back. There was a chap in a gas mask IIRC.
  3. Any player names numbers or anything? I've got a Raiders home jersey with BOWSER 57 on it, and Packers home and away ones with the same. Also, where abouts in Lincolnshire are you from?
  4. The golf isn't a replacement for Halo, I know I played a few games yesterday, as did others. It's just a nice change of pace.
  5. I got 512mb of RAM, have installed it and my computer no longer cries like a baby when I want to play an MP3. I got it from a firm called Crucial. Having ordered it around lunchtime yesterday they got it all the way from bonny Scotland to me through the post this morning. So, Crucial are awarded....
  6. http://www.britsuperstore.com/acatalog/Fructis.html There you go kid.
  7. After death I don't think anything at all happens. For my funeral I'd like it to be as enjoyable as possible for the folks there. Some of my best get togethers with family have been after a funeral, it's sad that on the rare occasions I get to see a lot of my extended family it takes something like a death to get the people together. I dunno about the actual "service", but to get rid of my body I'd like it putting on a viking style long boat, doused in petrol, set out to sea or the middle of a huge lake or something, and then all my family and friends could shoot flaming arrows at it. It'd be awesome! Any kids there would think it was the coolest thing they'd ever seen.
  8. Right, well that's sorted. Guy's confirmed he's getting it, Mike, Poshy and me makes four. We have a team assembled. Friday here we come.
  9. Colin's not going to finish last! Edit: The following is how to get into an online game that I've set up. (This is for Poshy) Sign in to Xbox Live, then choose Online Game Modes, then Lobby, load your profile/golfer, now I'm not sure if you'll need to be in the same room (I guess you will, and I always create a new room named Bowser). It'll be in the list of created rooms, scroll across to find it. Now I'm not certain how you go about joining the game, as I've always created them, but the password whenever it's CVD, Mike or me playing is always "re".
  10. I don't think that's true at all. I know some very depressed people who live almost their whole life online telling people about it but doing nothing to fix it. And I don't think it's for any of us to measure one another's depression up against someone elses. It really is a case of if you haven't got anything nice to say it's probably best not to say anything. This post isn't meant as an attack on anyone, I'm just saying if someone's telling you how upset they are with how things are going for them it's not really the time to be putting the boot in.
  11. Out this coming Friday. It features four player co-op over Xbox Live that looks like it could be very tasty. Having read a couple of reviews I'm encouraged and seriously thinking about giving this a go. Anyone from the Xbox Live crew with me? I know Mike's been talking about this game, as has Poshy (Haver to some of you). Could be a blast. (I realise Guy will have something else to buy come Friday... maybe Nintendcats or something?)
  12. When you're messing about at breaktimes? Whatever happened to yo-yos or pogs?
  13. Post counts, I think it's in this thread what changes take place and when.
  14. I think you should use the one Chris made you.
  15. Not unless it's got an afterburner fitted. The screens are useless.
  16. Colin got a hole in one last night witnessed by Mike and myself, so well done to him. I got an eagle which secured the win in what was a very close fought nine holes though.
  17. Had I seen that I'm sure I'd have bought Nintendogs... and a DS.
  18. He's right, years from now everyone will remember Nintendo's bongos, but they'll all be asking "What was Xbox Live?".
  19. If I do end up getting one it'll be from Currys, my cousin works there, so as well as probably being able to fix it for me to get one at launch he'd help me out with his staff discount (which I'm pretty sure he gets).
  20. Hole in one for the B-Man!! (Was using a gamebreaker though).
  21. Hmm, that might be tricky, best way would probably be for Colin to take a photo and post it at some point if he's set up for that.
  22. Don't play against Mike, he cheats. He somehow hacked the game and scored an eagle on the final hole while me and him were drawing. That unsettled me for the next game so I lost again. (Though he's beefed up his player more than he's let on). There we go, brilliant excuses. But if we play tonight, I shall be victorious. Oh, and Colin's gone more than a little crazy with Scottish flags all over his custom player.
  23. He's done it again! Breathe deeply and remain calm Ash.
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