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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. It's pretty straight forward dungeon crawling stuff. Certainly the more players the better. I dunno how great it'd be single player, but if you can rope someone else or even two or three other people into playing with you it's certainly worth a look. Wide range of mutants to choose from, each with quite a few mutant powers to develop. There's nothing ground-breaking about the game, it's just a current day Streets of Rage type walk along beat up people sort of affair, but with more mutants and less sexy ladies called Blaze wearing short skirts. It also looks like there's a lot of comic artwork and stuff like that to unlock if the X-Men are your bag.
  2. When are we next playing then chaps? I want to throw stuff. Also, when we start our next game, if it gives us the option to upgrade stats manually we should probably do that. I want to give my punch more power.
  3. Did anyone Hot Tub Rank last night?
  4. Next time you're walking on the beach, enjoying an hourglass, or making cheap, low-grade windshields, think where we'd be without sand!
  5. Not the most enviromentally friendly of inventions though, is it?
  6. I don't reckon that's going to be the case. If it is things like this ... http://shop.gameplay.co.uk/webstore/productpage.asp?productcode=XB1194&title=xbox_live_starter_kit_+_project_gotham_racing_2 will sell out very quickly. If people can buy a year's Live and a game that they can trade for a fiver or so for £35 then surely no one will be buying the new cards and stuff for a while.
  7. I cry myself to sleep over it most nights.
  8. Awww, turn that frown upside down Mr Grumpy Pants.
  9. It's good but it's not right. Oct 27th.
  10. I wouldn't kick him out of bed.
  11. Apparently this game is very touchy over having everyone using exactly the same TV settings with your Xbox set-up. Once we'd all set to Pal 60 and Normal it went very well. Just got done having a four player game, with Mike, Guy and Chrizkerr and am impressed. Juggernaut is standing out as my fave character so far.
  12. Pah, it was revealed three days ago... http://www.thisislondon.com/showbiz/articles/20594611?source=Daily%20Mail&ct=5 (I hate to be one of those tossers that posts just to say "Oh that's so old" or "Seen it before", adding absolutely nothing to the thread. So I'll add that if I ever meet any of them in person I'll be punching them in their stupid little face).
  13. Most excellent. Pity it's not real I bet they'd sell millions.
  14. I know you certainly have the option of having some characters appear in different costumes, so that may well be what you're talking about. It's probably that I've only unlocked certain ones at this point in the game. Edit: Still can't get the online to do anything. I'm hoping it's just because they haven't enabled it until release date. But we shall see...
  15. Everything's gone a bit mental, Xavier gets kidnapped, then gets rescued. The X-Men and Magneto decide they need to team up to beat Apocalypse, so as the player (if you're playing alone) you pick a squad of 4 mutants to hack/blast your way through lots and lots of baddies. It's a pretty straight forward arcadey/RPG, if you want it to be stat heavy then you can get deep into that, but there's plenty of options for all powering-up to be done automatically. Some of the more fun playable mutants are (IMO) Toad, Juggernaut, Wolverine and a load of others I haven't had much of a go with yet. The levelling up of mutant powers is fun and the way players can team up to create new powers looks like it'll add depth to the multiplayer.
  16. This morning I got X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (Xbox). Now just waiting for some other folks to get it so I can give the four player co-op a try.
  17. It arrived this morning! First impressions are that it looks very promising, I've only played 45mins or so, I don't know if I want to play it all that much before we get chance for at least a couple of us to have a game together. Wolverine is looking like an early fave for me. Edit: After some more play time this is shaping up to be a lot of fun, just the sort of thing that's been missing from the Xbox Live selection. I'm yet to play online, as I'm wondering if with the release date being tomorrow the servers have yet to go up or something. I'll keep trying for now though.
  18. It took that comment to inspire me to download it, and I'm very happy to have done. It's excellent! Thanks to Angel for the link. Highlights include the Megaman and Super Mario 3 tracks, though it's all great.
  19. I doubt it's illegal. In the first post it says something about a link to his free CD, I'm guessing the artist has made it free.
  20. Order from videogamesplus.ca and you'll have it in a few days, not weeks. And it'll be cheaper than you could find it in any of the shops.
  21. Mostly it just reads like they're just trying to encourage folks to panic buy. There are people on the forum who have pre-ordered the console and aren't really bothered about the games that'll be out at release. So it's working.
  22. His name doesn't begin with a C and end in a hoze does it?
  23. Well I've pre-ordered it, so some of you better damn well get it.
  24. BBC1 are showing the England match. Kick off 7:45pm.
  25. Guy, if you're reading this, stop being jealous.
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