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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. It has some permanent storage also, but it's used mainly for your wifi settings.
  2. This actually reminds me. When my sister was in britain she had similar problems with her mobile phones battery. There it would charge quickly but also last a shorter time. In Finland it took a bit longer to charge it but it lasted longer. Now it's normal that when a battery is charged with a higher current, that it fills it more quickly, but lasts a shorter time. But it doesn't make really sense because the charger was exactly the same and the voltage is also the same(or at least should be...). Only difference was the socket, she had to use an adapter in UK. But that is only a passive component and doesn't affect the voltage.
  3. Use vlc media player. And doesn't your dvd have a certain amount of times you can change the region? Or you could download anydvd which makes the dvd viewing software to skip the region check. Although using the vlc player might be a better option, as anydvd isn't free...
  4. If you have a dynamic ip then it is enough that you unplug your broadband for a while. Or if you're on nat it doesn't matter, your actual ip will only show to the isp. And don't worry about the ip, it already shows to anyone who would be interested in it when you're online. And if your ip is dynamic, the ip that you had in paper can already be someone else's pc.
  5. Yeah those would work too. I just realised it's RIMM memory. Thought that type of memory was extinct
  6. Here's the memory you should have: Package Type: 184-pin RIMM Package Type: 184-pin RIMM w/ECC PC800 Logical Type: 256x18 Logical Type: PC800 Speed: N/A Speed: PC800 Description: 512MB Upgrade for Dell Dimension 8200 Series (400MHz FSB) Description: ECC, Unbuffered Units Required: 2 Install Notes: Installation in matched pairs of modules is required. Please order quantity two. System Type: Desktop/PC That info is form dell.com although they doesn't seem to have the memory upgrade in their UK site.
  7. That was great killer7 mixed with payne. It reminded me of payne in the second frame. Yes I would like to see more. It also has a certain manga feel to it...
  8. Worms 1 and 2 had some great FMV's. It's a shame that armageddon dind't have any. At least from what I can remember.
  9. In a nutshell the ram to 1024Mb, a better graphics card. The 7800GT has probably the best price/power ratio. But it's still a bit expensive. A geforce 6800 GS (don't think about 6800XT, that card is slow) is cheaper and reasonably fast for gaming. And as said before the x850xt (pe) is probably a good option also. And a 3500+ AMD athlon 64 should be a cheap and powerful enough for gaming.
  10. X850xt PE is an ATI graphics card.
  11. Hasn't nintendo itself stated that from their point of view online playing shouldn't have a monthly fee? That just about rules out an xbox live kind of an online system. And they also said that it would be up to the developers to decide if they want the user to pay monthly fees for their game. So the online connectivity would probably be something similar to ds. Although I have to say that it actually works quite well and is easy to set up. But I think that it was reported last year or earlier that nintendo has patented some online features(in the US), such as a ranking system etc. That basically means that xbox live is using a nintendo patent. But the patenting in USA is pretty plain stupid sometimes. I remember hearing that microsoft patented the double click. And a while ago they patented the fat- filesystem. Which means that in every digital camera/memory card/mp3 player etc. you buy, there's a certain amount of money that goes to microsoft.
  12. It depends where the acronym is used. For example lol in online games is just a quick way to say something is funny. But using it in IM or a forum all the time is just stupid.
  13. I started it a while ago, don't actually play it much. Just so to get to the next level usually. I think that the game suffers a bit from the poor translation to english. I mean there's just some things that sound silly, or doesn't make sense at all. I started a quest where I have to find some missing letters, though I have no idea whatsoever what I should do...
  14. Just tell me one thing: have you actually bought the compenents you mentioned in your first post? If you have, don't bother changing the processor/mobo/graphics card. It'll be just a waste of good money. Although you could add ram but that's about it. But if you haven't bought them yet, then you probably should think about changing some components.
  15. I don't have anything major issues with usa as a country. But there are some companies which are from there and I have issues with. And there's of course the government of that country... But I have my doubts about the EU as well. And some european companies also e.g nestle. This emo thing seems like a phase that most teenager go through. Being miserable etc. I think I had a phase like that few years back. I actually like the old green day better. Now it just seems silly when the guys in the band are so "old"
  16. I always got stuck in the single player level which has the eiffel tower... And now it seems that the cd of WA we had is lost. Can't wait for the ds version of the game though
  17. Yeah that's right. Are there any other good british metal bands than Priest and Maiden? Sometimes it seems that only music genre which exists here is metal.... *checks the chart* yup 5 bands in top 10 are metal/hard rock...
  18. My cheap LG which is 3 years old does this with the movie's dvd. Though my DVD burner reads it fine. Guess it's just getting old.
  19. I would say this to all those who are having doubts about how good their pc is: Play your favourite games, if it's constantly at 10-30 fps you should upgrade, or just scale down the graphics. I have reasonably old system, but it runs the games I want at 1024*768 at 60fps with reasonable eye candy. (AMD Athlon 64 2800+ , 1gb RAM, Radeon 9700 pro.) Wouldn't try f.e.a.r on it though. It would have an athlon xp 2600+, but I kinda messed up the motherboard for it, so I had to get a new mobo+CPU.
  20. Well my tv (cheap jvc) can do resolutions from 640*480 to 1024*768, although the 1024*768 makes the text just plain unreadable with s-video connection. At 800*600 the text is readable. But the revo will probably have a rgb- scart, which should improve the image quality a bit. It also could use some bigger fonts.
  21. Well it doesn't matter what chipset it has. Using the nvidia one just means that you can't use crossfire. And here's reviews: Nvidia's mobos Asus A8R-MVP (Ati) And here's an updated model of the a8r-mvp a8r32-mvp
  22. Yes that would be probably better to have the another card as pci-e as well. That way you don't have to worry so much about the cooling as there's more room between the cards. And you'll have one pci slot free for future upgrades.
  23. Well probably you won't be using pythagoras in most workplaces. But having a good degree in maths helps you in getting into universities, and finding jobs. And this thread remids me that I really should start reading for my entrance exams... I know that I should be able calculate the stuff that's on this thread. I just don't remember how it's done.
  24. Well that's one option. It having a major downside if your computer suddenly wants to become an aquarium... Basically first I'd try to get as far as possible with just air cooling. I have a zalman fan/heatsink combination for the cpu, which has a sort of a handle that you can attach fans. It allows for example one 8 or 12mm fan to be right next to the graphics card. So that way the fan would be blowing air towards the mobo where the graphics card is. And also you'd have to think about proper airflow, all the cables in neat packets and a fan at the bottom blowing cool air in, and a fan at a high point of the case blowing hot air out.
  25. For the smokers: Is it that hard to just step outside the pub/club for few minutes to have a smoke? And the smoking/non smoking sections rarely work. Ever heard how damaging passive smoking is? And even if it doesn't affect you, think how much it affects the people who work in pubs/clubs.
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