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Everything posted by Xeal

  1. Yay. Toadie on T4.
  2. Haven't seen anything bleach. Sounds interesting. Wouldn't recommend the saiyuki anime. Not towards the end anyway. And they changed the music.
  3. Yeah. It's not confusing, but has a sense of mystery that grips you from the start. A bit like the suspense in Black Jack, don't you think.
  4. Not likely mate. someone here was talking about Darcey. He still around? That cant be right. Yeah, bring Lori back. That'll get me watchin again. It took Dr. Kennedy long enough to get rid of that witch isn't it.
  5. Not a big fan of GR but this could be pretty decent. Never seen Elektra, but from the trailers it looked similar to the anime Ninja Scroll.
  6. My brother stole Eyeshield right from under my nose. By the way, Eerie Queerie is getting a bit much for me (after 2 volumes).
  7. Ive seen one like this. It was a guy playing mario tunes (no surprise). It was funny at the end because he did the little tune when you die aswell. A friend showed it to me.
  8. This is about Neighbours the soap? I havent watched it properly since last year, and now there are a load of characters I dont know. It's not very interesting anyway.
  9. Yeah, love that Vash. Never seen Eva. There's like a million different box sets. Which should I get? Also check out BLACK JACK, DOMINION Tank Police, and PERFECT BLUE and MILLENIUM ACTRESS.
  10. My mum. I'm a wrestling fan so..... Bret Hart and Eddie Guerrero! When you hear about Eddie you have to respect him.
  11. Pretty much the same as me then.
  12. Will the DS be able to use this? I'm not really into this stuff.
  13. I've only got 1, but it was really good for the first volume. Been a bit crazy buying alot of other anime's, but when I get some more money I will buy the rest. No doubt. Do you buy Neo? Thats a good magazine to keep up to date. Some prefer it to New Type.
  14. Something I thought should have been in the works all along. Nintendo+Sega. It would be a dream come true.
  15. Anime: Ninja scroll, R.O.D, RahXephon, G.I.T.S stand alone, Akira, Rune soldier, Get backers, Love hina, Trigun (really good), Fist of the North Star (old skool). Manga: Samurai deeper kyo, Trigun, Trigun Maximum, Eerie queerie (kinda gay, obviously), Kenshin, GTO, Eye shield 21, One piece, Sgt frog. I'm Pretty new too, although I had been interested from the 90's. Anyway, this is where I started.
  16. Someone stole my "Nintendome" idea with that battle suit thingy. Supposed to be a screen that surrounds the player in a full 3d arena and you can attack in any direction around you. simple enough I suppose, but would be really expensive though and looks silly. Where are the comps?
  17. Hey, I like Zabuza. I got naruto manga 1-7. Started getting manga and anime last year. Dont know why it took so long, I first saw akira when it was on BBC 2 in the early 90's. my first purchase was ninja scroll. lately I'm going through my rune soldier dvd's again (only cost £22 the series). Probably my favourite right now. A mate of mine records his own voices/script for Get Backers. They're really quite funny. Want to get samurai champloo, samurai deeper and trigun.
  18. I voted gamestation. I used to find them cheaper, but for the last couple of years they have been getting close to GAME prices. I still get a few of games from both but I like to shop around. Usually gameplay, play.com or Ebay.
  19. Thats o.k. Check out funnypart.com There's alot of funny flash and clips. I recommend the "real mortal kombat" flash.
  20. I loved these guys since I got the NOM dvd. "metal gear". Brilliant.
  21. It's alright. Seen better, seen worse. Started getting it in '97. For me it was great 'til 2002. Still I subscribed this past year. Just read something about CUBE (which I like more) being sold off. I was Wandering why I couldn't find it. Is it true? I do like Future.
  22. Burning Rangers? And I like the idea of Falco joining Wolf at the begining of the game, having a rivalry with that panther guy. I think some movie style scenes would be nice. Did they have those in ASSAULT? Never played it.
  23. I heard that Nintendo own the characters and everything.
  24. o.k. Thanks. My previous post was more my own hopes, because I thought that phantom whould have been a good name, mostly. I dont know much about really.
  25. Could potentially take away fron the xbox market, and I did say it's unlikely.
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