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Everything posted by Nick

  1. NiGHTS was the whole reason Sega made the alteration to their Saturn controller; the addition of an analogue stick.
  2. No, Camelot does that. Hudson are in charge of Mario Party. A 'flight' game. Hmmm, not Pilotwings, because someone else is taking care of that. Would most likely be a new flight simulator of sorts.
  3. Hmmm, some of those 'confirmed' games from IGN aren't actually confirmed for Revolution, they are in development for 'next gen systems'. IGN aren't the big know-all they perhaps would like to be.
  4. Very interesting. He is almost describing the controller in its entirety. He's right, controllers were designed for 2D games. The joystick is just a hybrid, and controllers haven't moved in the same time period visual effects have, but mice and keyboards are sort of there. The Revolution's controller will finally be able to mimmick that and do so much more, because we're not limited to a stupid table surface. And it will be the first of its kind on a console. Ditto about him not developing for Revolution, especially when he was speaking so highly of it a few months back.
  5. Retro Studios are 100% owned, and I classify them as a second party. Hal Labs - same story, second party. Thing is it's ambiguous, especially for Microsoft. Originally, a second party was a development team, owned in whole or part, by a console manufacturer, that were not internal. e.g. EAD is internal, and are therefore 1st party. Hal Labs aren't, although they did make the move for a short while, but are second party. Where is Microsoft's head gaming division? I'd assume it's in the US, so someone like Rareware is still second party. 1. Super Mario 128 2. Super Smash Bros. 3. Metroid Prime 3 4. New Franchise 5. Possibly Animal Crossing 6. Possibly a new Pikmin 7. Possibly a new Donkey Kong One will definitly not be Zelda, because they are coming off of the development of Twilight Princess, even though Zelda Revolution has been in development for a while now.
  6. I don't need a link that thinks it can tell me what it thinks it knows to be common speech in a place I live in. Poor Melbourne, slipping down the drain every year. Such a pitty too, it's so much better than Sydney. Regardless, I don't think the console should remain with Revolution, it sounds far too cocky.
  7. And where exactly are you from? Don't generalise, I haven't heard someone use that term for years, furthermore, I've hardly ever heard someone abbreviate it to RS.
  8. Wow, what a thread. It appears as if people are excited :P. So they should be, as people have previously said, Nintendo did say that the graphics would make people say 'wow', and indeed they have. Furthermore, I'd assume that it was a result of Nintendo continuously downplaying the graphical aspect, as the hardware didn't appear as powerful as the competition. *Sigh*, I can only begin to imagine what a Golden Sun Revolution will look like. Finally having a place to use the clear data at the end of The Lost Age. It's also brilliant to see Ubisoft supporting Nintendo, and even better if they are in fact collaborating with the title.
  9. If, and it is an IF, the Revolution is called the Nintendo RS, perhaps it would be an acronym for Nintendo Revolution System? I really wouldn't mind it to be the Nintendo RS. But now with Red Steel, it seems to be the second last nail in the coffin. 32 days to go.
  10. Just because the console can boot up GCN discs doesn't mean it doesn't emulate them. The whole backwards compatibility issue with the PlayStation family is because the PS2 can emulate PSOne games, just as the PS3 will emulate PS2 and PSOne games. However, I'm inclined to believe that the Revolution will actually run GCN games, rather than emulate them.
  11. I assumed this, for a long time. It just confirms how I think Nintendo is now treating Zelda now. As I said in the Q and A yesterday, it will be seen to Nintendo's executives as a Revolution title financially, rather than a GCN title.
  12. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was developed by Square-Enix. Brownie Brown had nothing to do with it. Here's why; At the beginning of the development, Square, who had not merged yet, wished to gain access to Yamauchi's Q fund, however, when Sony had some 20% stake in Square, there was plenty of red tape in the way. So, Square made what looked to be an official subsidery, on paper, The Game Designers' Studio, in order to access that money. The staff were all Squaresoft staff.
  13. Fakesville. The corners of the controller are wrong, I mean, three have been cropped badly while the fourth looks normal.
  14. Popped up on Nintendo Centrum; http://nintendo-centrum.blogspot.com/2006/01/what-is-this-logo.html I really wouldn't mind if it were real. I want it to be Nintendo RS. Don't mind the logo either. I assume it's fake, however.
  15. I assume so. Revolution Channel + No decent news = really crappy channel. This is why Matt didn't want to launch the channel just yet, but they gave in to readers. They should have waited, at least until the name was officially announced, less buggerising around later.
  16. Ahhh, the PS3 is yet to have a confirmed release date. And Nintendo didn't say they wouldn't be last exactly, the quote was more along the lines of "we will launch around the same time as our competitors". Nintendo at the time didn't consider Microsoft a competitor, but rather, had Sony in their sights. Good for them, aim high.
  17. I agree. I also don't particularly want to be playing games with glasses on.
  18. Wholly crap Rav!! Did I just read that correctly?? :shock: After the chat we had on MSN the other night, I thought you'd never be converted. To think a non Nintendo game has made you think again, even if you're still not sure of it . (And even though this is 100% not confirmed...)
  19. Defo agree with Jamba, plus, look at the writers; Tittynoobs or something. This is what being a Nintendo fan is all about, either you know what's going down, or you're going in circles speculating.
  20. Grosen: We wish to make the gap between releases of titles for the GCN in America and Europe as small as possible. Then Animal Crossing takes two years... Yup, to Nintendo, a worldwide launch means Japan and North America. I know Lik Sang will be happy.
  21. Nintendo's stance: Europe? What is this Europe you speak of? I assumed it would launch in PAL territories in 2007. Now, I'm almost sure of it.
  22. And to think that that entire network started as IGN64.com... Wouldn't have thought it.
  23. 1. The "Horizon" word has "TM". No company can trade mark a singular non-invented word. That's why "Sega Saturn" was TM'd "Sega Saturn". 2. Nintendo has not filed anything with trademark offices for either "Horizon" or the "Z". This is fake.
  24. I don't think that's oversimplification. I couldn't agree with you more. But the GCN was the cheapest console to develop for also, so I don't see that as a deciding factor when developers make games, unfortunately.
  25. Nick

    I'm Back

    I think you missed the part where he is currently in talks with developers to become a staff member for one of them. He has just visited Ubisoft, and I think he is soon to meet up with EA.
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