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Everything posted by Letty

  1. Afaik its a drug induced coma. Controlled as in the doctors can bring her out at any time. Its so fucking shit, shes just had cancer, now pneumonia/this. Adn it doesn't help that Shetland's hospital cant actually do anything, so she had to be air ambulanced to Aberdeen.
  2. Fuck, my friend's been put into a controlled coma for 2 weeks. Fuck.
  3. Aye! I went on a school trip to spain once, and since we're all cheap - we had to take a coach from shetland to spain. 75 hours there and back. I was freaking 12!!!
  4. Hmmm, its £16 cheaper if I get flights down on the 1st :s I guess I'll make a holiday of it :awesome:
  5. Days been ver generic. However, someone at work has got MASSIVE SUNBURN!! Sadly, its only on half her body because she was on her side Half her face is burnt - like Two-face in Batman. I want the summer to come
  6. Man, that trailer was actually beautiful. I cannot WAIT!!
  7. Yes, I know - this game isn't exactly new or good - but I'm totally addicted recently! So, who else has played this? How many buttons do you play with? Fav songs? etc :p I can only do 4B!!
  8. As of December, I collected the whole Neil Gaiman's Sandman Series They're really good.
  9. That water looks gorgeous x.x
  10. Ehehe, Ive just been around Quarff on someone's motorbike In other news: There's a new girl at my work who I can't stand!! I feel as if shes trying to one-up me at everything. And her voice is horrible.
  11. I'll put it on him when he's sleeping, and take pics. Then I'll blackmail him forever!
  12. Me and my friend bought matching bee costumes for after our exams partying
  13. Well the weather here today has been totally shit (no suprise there!) It was like, complete Silent Hill style fog the whole day, the bus nearly missed me because of it I then proceeded to hand over my broken motherboard to my computing teacher (sob!) - and later bought a bee costume. Now Im going to search for food, then play Phantom Hourglass!
  14. Hehe, I was on the phone to whore-dan just now; 'Ive just walked into the kitchen and Khem (his housemate) is here cooking an egg under the hot tap. Now he's screamin, it works, it works!!' end.
  15. A dream from 2 nights ago: I was on this street, but it was just one row of shops, kind of on the edge of a cliff. At one end of the street there was a massive container of sea water and fish in it. There was a crazy fisherman who caught this vicious shark, and needed somewhere to keep it. So he put it in the container, where it proceeded to eat every fish in it. Sadly, this was all the inhabitants food supply, so there was a mass exodus from the street, and I was left there. Everything was also suddenly derelict when the people had left, and the whole dream was tinted reddish orange : /
  16. I had permanent marker pen on my neck all day thanks to SOMEBODY. Luckily I had a trusty scarf.
  17. We went exploring on Sunday
  18. Completely fookin' A! However Ive found that with most of my music the beat is waaaay off! *adds you to steam*
  19. My day can be summarised with these 2 highly captivating videos I made! and
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