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Everything posted by Letty

  1. I'm 7 hours in and Ive yet to even experience even a glimpse of blue alien ass.
  2. I know I keep going on about it everywhere, but I can't believe I didn't play Mass Effect till now!!
  3. Today I went to work, came home and Jordan installed my new GeForce 8800 I played Spore: Creature creature for a bit (it looks awesome!!), then Rockband with Jordan and my brother, and now I'm going to play Mass Effect.
  4. Sweltering hot? Please T_T I'll be spending my summer in a dark and stuffy cafe.
  5. I only got that job though because I had previous experience.. (My mum owned a cafe that I worked in) Its pretty ridiculous though, its so hard to get a job with no experience.
  6. Day: Woke up at Jordan's, then had a fucking shit day at work!!! Theres a new girl who started, well, she's 22, and she's not turned up for the last few days, not ringing in or anything - so there were only 3 people including myself trying to run the cafe today and it was totally uncontrollable. I got there at 10 this morning and didn't get out till close to 7pm. Also I sliced open the webbing between my thumb and indew finger with a can T_T Also it hindered me whilst trying to play Mass Effect. Also I love Mass Effect.
  7. Maaan, I started Mass Effect today, and my character looked really hot when I was creating her. BUT - I start playing and she looks like the back end of a dog. Not impressed.
  8. REALLY cute animals!!! Alos, my mateys at work make me smile, even if its a shit day
  9. Is the banner supposed to be stretchable?? If it is, its not working for me...
  10. The thing I find most disturbing is it was the mother who did this to her own sons!! I know my own mother would happily die before any of us got hurt.
  11. When I'm at work, I find myself constantly saying 'Ken, lik!!' (you know, like) at the end of everything!! My accent doesn't even come close to a Shetlander's!! Eeehhh.. T_T
  12. No... Its only out in Asia and India, read Major Nelson for once.
  13. Urrrgghhh!! I HATE the challenges on DJ MAX Portable!!! FUUUCK. Ps. I didn't do much today.
  14. I was in stitches yesterday night when it showed Becks singing karaoke for hours - she looked so utterly depressed and tired!!
  15. Yeah! My mum is single with 3 kids, and she only earns about £7,000 a year (can't get a well paying job because she has to look after us all the time) - we'd be screwed without benefits!
  16. I only have money because I've got no bills or anything, and I work full time. Therefor, I don't have time to spend my money!
  17. When you're playing Halo 3, and you're team has some players who think its hilarious to constantly betray you. When you're playing Halo 3 aswell, and you have players on your team who are really good, but keep shouting and singing into their microphones for no reason and generally are obnoxious. When you save over you're main save file. When lightening blows up your router. Work.
  18. Obviously the usual like good story, music etc, but I also like to see good character and/or level design. I like good visuals - even if the graphics aren't great!
  19. Hehe, me! There was this old chessboard in my years area in highschool, and every break time we'd play different matches.
  20. MIKADO!!! Reminds me of Jordan :p Also running in the ninties. Also, the Area 5 track from Rez (Fear is the mind killer) is mine and Jordan's song
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