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Everything posted by Letty

  1. Just pierced my lip, nose bridge and ear. Only keeping the lip and nose bridge for 2 days though!
  2. Holy shit I'm SO HYPED!!! In about 48 hours I'll be in the presence on Dir en Grey!!!!! *fangirlfangirlfangirlfangirl*
  3. Haha, I just put the washing on, and I didn't want my top hanging around until the next time I do some! *puts tshirt on*
  4. I don't have a desk at work! I assume you can post your actual desk too?
  5. All I have to say is that I used to, but now I have no need!
  6. Just been visiting my mum and brothers! We had a Burn's night supper, with haggis and all that kinda thing (I don't know much about the guy though, I just ate and nodded) Then I had a nap in my brother's bed.
  7. I just downloaded the Boys Noize album. Best electro I've heard in ages! I'm also a bit sad that there isn't a plugin that lets last.fm access my plays on the zune player
  8. Haha I put it there for comparison, but I don't know what I'm comparing it with! Nah, it wont rub the bone, but I've learnt from past experience that wrist surfaces like to grow out as there is so much movement in a wrist.
  9. Did this last night on my left wrist Only 15mm.
  10. Just bought: (not pink though ) (1.6mm - 8mm)
  11. Had 2nd driving lesson today I mastered hill starts! And I just went to a columbian juice tasting evening for some reason! I bought some juice
  12. I can post after pics, but no before!
  13. Just did a painting and ate a tin of mango *rolls on floor* I'm going to Glasgow in a few days!!! wooo!
  14. I often get an urge to make a cup of tea. I'll put on the kettle, but I never get round to actually making it. Sometimes if I do, I don't drink it!!
  15. Definetly 'knob', 'fuck me!' (to express shock or something) 'shut the fuck up', 'fuck off' (in a friendly way), Normal ones!
  16. Just done an hour on wii fit. I'm exhausted!
  17. My day was awesome. Got to college, stared dis-heartedly at my thing I've been making at college from across the room. Went on a road trip across Shetland with my crew at lunch. Came back, and TOTALLY CHANGED EVERYTHING ABOUT MY THING (which I made)! Its now awesome. And will become ever more awesome tomorrow. The college leant me a dressmakers doll and everything!
  18. WiiFit says I'm 8stone1 as of this evening! *Celebrates by sitting pefectly still and silent*
  19. FF XIII delayed till 2010???!! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUU!!!
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