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Everything posted by Dieter

  1. I saw Reefer Madness, downloaded it after I was researching cannabis and I stumbled across it. It's hilarious. And no I'm not ashamed to say I downloaded a 70 year old movie that was bullshit anyway :-D. Indeed, anyone's who believe this site is serious. It's blatant too, not like more subtle sites like landoverbaptist.org.
  2. DJ Spectre - Hard Clan Really really awesome dancey/hardstyle techno. I'm quite into beatmusic, I love the flow (especially in dnb).
  3. She's my cousin to the second degree I think... My fathers cousins daughter. And, as an answer: Wouldn't you? (yes she's legal)
  4. Your arial is literally a pile of shit?
  5. Funny how everyone assumes immedeatly that he's going to Disney world if he said 'Florida'.
  6. I think the extra-concentrated frenzy by implication and past of the item would cause some kind of rip in space-time.
  7. I just arrived back from a three week vacation in the states, and flying TO the states is indeed way too much hassle. Flying out of the states required exactly one quick check of the passports though Urg, must go to sleep, the time just jumped 30 hours for me again.
  8. This is off memory, but I used TotalCommander (i think it's that) for a while, it's fairly decent. Don't think it's free though. You'd best reinstall windows though.
  9. I find the fact that a lot of Creative mp3 players don't support .ogg quite annoying. And yeah, the transfer programs are bad. But you can update the firmware of a Creative HD player to use it as a hard drive.
  10. Have you seen the stuff Intel's Conroe can crank out? AMD's sweating, and rightfully so.
  11. I don't think people dislike iPods just to break from the mainstream, I for one dislike them simply for their substandard quality. The pricing is ridiculous and hardly changes, players such as Creative's to name one have much better battery life for a much lower price. iPod has become the Harley Davidson of mp3 players, a lot of people buy it for the name, yet it's technically inferior to some competitors. (oh I'm referring to the 'big' iPods, I'm amazed at the Nano... too bad it scratches so easily)
  12. That is strangely arousing. Jason Voorhees, the killer with the hockey mask everyone knows, never uses a chainsaw, though many people associate him with it.
  13. Yes I've seen this about a month ago, no the OP shouldn't be credited for it as it's straight off SomethingAwful, yes it's awesome, yes Jordan was correct, yes he's still gay, nothing will change that. And... shouldn't this theoretically be in the Official Movies and Flash things that everybody posts in but nobody actually watches thread?
  14. And for a damn good reason, my feet nearly slipped out from beneath me because I was half-sitting on the handrail (it was a moving walkway) and daydreaming in Las Vegas. I could've sued! There are more overweight people than underfed in the world. Makes you think.
  15. http://objection.4camp.net/go.php?n=111527
  16. Danke schön. ^_^ No I'm not German.
  17. My zippo collection now comprises of exactly two zippos :-O
  18. Hehehe, 'flink' is the dutch word to describe a well-mannered child. Mine is my name, same as Jordan 'Gay Boy' up there.
  19. Saw this about half a year back, good stuff though. penisland.com is a fake though. Don't belive me? Try ordering a pen.
  20. Both formats are shitty, but Bluray is slightly shittier, because Sony are doing the physically impossible and are fucking themselves in the ass over and over. Do we need a new format? I'm all for technological advancements but face it: the leap from VHS to DVD was gigantic and necessary. No more decomposion of your movies, much more portable, much much better picture quality. But now, you have marginal quality improvements that'll cost you the same/more as the upgrade to DVD players would've cost you at 'launch'.
  21. GIRLS! Woo, prodigy : peace: I'm currently slowly but surely working my way into the heart of an oooold friend of mine, we met when she was 4 and I was 6 She'll be at my school next year, and we've been sort of flirting via MSN for a bit now
  22. Posting this at 10 PM San Francisco time, 7 AM back at home. We've been travelling for about 24 hours now and my biological clock is blinking 12:00. *crawls into bed*
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