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Everything posted by redrum217uk

  1. I know loads of people who have been ill over xmas it might just be nothing! Also moving in with her? Well I'd only do that If you loved her and actually really wanted to be with her, I mean moving in just for the sake of a child is not fair on you. You can be a good dad on not live with her. Anyway hope you find out if she is or isn't soon
  2. yet another man blaming the woman for not taking her pill, sorry to have a go but its as much your fault as it is her's. The pill is NOT 100% effective, there are all sorts of reason why it might not work. Not to mention the STI's you can catch! If she is happy to have sex with you without one how many others is she happy to do that with? Same goes for you. Apart from that you sound like a really good guy and should be a great dad so good for you! You don't have to be in a relationship with her either just be there for the kid. Good look mate
  3. Just seen I am Legend, hmm it wasn't bad just for me it felt like it never got going. The book is a lot better (as always) and has more to it, should give it a read. The movie left so much out and changed so much, which i think is never a good idea.
  4. The whole "this is the price on the box, you have to sell it to me at that price, its the law" thing is rubbish! Even if you did say put a game out that should have been £30.00 but was on for £20.00 the law does NOT say you have to sell it for that price. The shop has the legal right to refuse to sell the item if its an error. If it was done in purpose then yes its illigal, but by mistake nope thats fine! Most places may sell it cheaper as good will but no law says they have to!
  5. For me st8 male mates took it just as well as the girls. it just didn't bother them, plus I think they had a fair idea anyway. I was really lucky when I came out not one bad reaction. My mam was a little upset my dad just didn't care. Has anyone else found that the mothers seem to take "coming out" the worst? I know a few people who've said this. As for getting some "action" over new year I'm going to st8 bars this year, but thats not stopped me pulling "st8" lads in the past! xx
  6. Wow a gay thread! How things have changed round here, haven't posted here in years! For me if a guy tells me he likes me I'm quite honest if i don't like them in that way I just tell them, but say i think your great but just not in that way. Now once I have told them I like that to be the end of it don't want things to be awkward! But you get the ones who stalk you and won't leave you alone that when it gets annoying! Had a couple of them over the years the mostly tend to be the 19/20 year olds though! I have only told one mate I liked him, my best mate, but he didn't like me in that way and I never mentioned it again and things were fine between us no big deal. Whats the worst that can happen he'll say no! If he's st8 of course him I think its best you keep it to yourself! Its never gonna happen so whats the point! Although I have done it before but I made more of a joke about it, saying I wish you were gay, i'd do you, in a light hearted way.
  7. My NAT on the xbox text page is "open"
  8. Hi, I have just got a 360 and signed up to xbox live gold. Everything works great except when I want to voice chat or play with a mate online. It seems to be my router, everything works fine if I plug my xbox directly into the cable modem. If I connect it thought my D-Link 624+ router it just won't connect to my mate. I can still download stuff though! Clearly its my router which is at fault, but I just can't work out what to do! Any idea???
  9. yeah i already have XP, is it risky buying off ebay? it looks real enough! Or i could just go for OEM but this way I get the box!
  10. cgi.ebay dot co dot uk/Microsoft-WINDOWS-HOME-VISTA-PREMIUM-UPGRADE-RETAIL-BOX_W0QQitemZ130074261595QQihZ003QQcategoryZ41888QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem too good to be true? buying Vista off ebay? what you think? you'll need to change the ebay.co.uk for the link to work
  11. I use my PC for loads of stuff mainly for gaming though, I just don’t think ultimate is worth it actually so I'm gonna go for Premium, however I have been reading up on OEM licenses. My Pc is made by evesham so its NOT a new build am I gonna be able to use the OEM??? How would M$ even know?? I did just buy an external HDD will that cover the OEM? Cheers
  12. I can't decide to get the retail upgrade at £140.00 for premium or get the Ultimate OEM for £120. I'm not bothered about th posh box just the lack of tech support with the OEM.
  13. Its all roxio media, its just what came with the PC. Even if i drag a file directly into the drive in the "my computer" thing it still gives me the same errors! Also if it helps, the drive doesn't always refresh when i change disks I have to reboot for it to pick up on the new disk, also nothing auto runs on my PC cheers for helping me
  14. I have tried a few disks they all do the same, on the dvd drive itself it has the logo DVD + RW, which matches the disks. Also the disks works fine on other pcs
  15. Hi, I can't get my DVD RW to write to DVD'S! I put the DVD + RW disk into my DVD RW. I open up the drop and drag program from the system try and drag a file into it. I then get the error message "connont copy pic1: The disk media is not recognized. It may not be formatted. If I try to format it view the roxio drop and drag i get the error "format operation on drive D:\failed: The drive has reported a problem with the media" I have tried the disks on another PC and they work fine. It WILL write CD's though which I find strange! I uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers which didn’t help. Spoke to Evesham tech support and they suggested restoring the pc to factory settings as there must be someone wrong deep down in the registry! I thought this was a little extreme! Any ideas would be great! I don’t mind doing a restore but I cant be bothered to back up everything on CD’S! Paul
  16. when does the blue light come on the loading tray? mine flashes on and off when i turn the wii on and thats it!
  17. I just found a really cheap website for wii games, and dvd's ect! Red Steel is only £31!!! choicesuk.com I had to use spaces since I haven't posted enough!
  18. Sorry if this has already been covered but does anyone know if the Wii will have WPA encryption?? I don't like the idea of it being like the DS and just having WEP! If not I'll just get the wires but I'd rather have wifi. cheers :wink:
  19. I think i'll be getting HL2:EP1 via steam as its far cheaper! I might get Sin as well since £11 is nothing You can back the games up right? so say i decide to format my pc i can then reinstall them without having to buy them again yeah?
  20. Well its my turn now, my mate ended up with an evesham and it really is an amazing pc! Anyway i was thinking about gettin this one go to evesham.com - home & home office then desktops and then axis series look for Axis MKR Plus (Apr06) AXISMKRPLAPR06 sorry it wont let me link to it! I wanna change the monitor from wide to normal, upgrade the sound card to X-fi Xtreame, take off the speakers since i already have dencent ones. Also do u recon its worth changing the graphics card from 7600GT to the 7900GT? All that comes to £1416.64 Any good or am I going OTT? and is waiting for the AM2 thingy worth it? also the extra cost with it being brand new? That price is more than i wanted to pay i was looking for about £1200 - £1300 but dont mind paying a little extra i guess! I could get the 4200 processor to save about £40 but is it worth it? :laughing:
  21. Thanks for all the help I really do appreciate it a lot – all this talk about new pc’s ect makes me want one myself! My current pc struggles to run COD2 on fairly low settings! I do like the alienware PC's, I don't like their support compared to Evesham, so I'll most likely not go with them. I’ll deff tell him to wait till April and I’m gonna start saving! So no doubt I’ll be back then asking more advice! Thanks again
  22. Thanks for the advice guys I have convinced him he will NEVER need that amound of power for what he wants! http://www.evesham.com/PCs/Info.asp?e=27DE81D8-96CB-448B-8F4C-711359A87BBC What do you think of this one? I have always liked evesham pc's their support is amazing too! Or again do you think thats OTT? he said he is quite happy to spend 2k on a pc eventhough i have told him he would be stupid to do that. I'll tell him to wait until the new tec you mentioned comes out, dunno how long it will take evesham to use it in their pc's though.
  23. Thats what I thought but he cant build his own so he would have to buy it. For a baught PC is it good value? Also is the stuff he has picked good or woth the extra?
  24. A mate wants to buy this PC http://www.wired2fire.co.uk/build_pyro64-sli.php?W2Fsid=007a534df7577b222b9360f3c7514d37 I said he is mad spending £2300 on a PC but its what he wants. Is it really worth paying that much or could he get it cheaper??? He does play alot of games but never had a good enough PC to play the newest ones so he would use it. Any advice on his selection would be great Cheers
  25. Was in Leeds this weekend - went into one of the GAME shops there and while I was in the q as my mate was buying a game, the woman in front asked if they had any Xbox360, I rolled my eyes but to my amazement he said YES we do actually! I though odd since no where else has them. She asked about the price of the console to be told, "We only have one left and its the basic package but it comes bundled with 8 games" and some other bits and bobs I cant remember. He then went onto say it would cost £600+. She said she only wanted the console by itself and he said we only sell it in this bundle! Rather shocking I thought!!
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