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Everything posted by BlueStar

  1. True! Althought firebox tends to be pretty dear anyway, might be worth looking for somewhere else selling them. Couldn't find any on ebay though. I was buying some stuff for my girlfriends birthday and thought "Sod it, I've just been paid"
  2. Anyone any of these thingys? http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=firebox&action=product&pid=1319 Look quite cool
  3. FIN "The message you have entered is too short, please fill the rest of the post with meaningless nonsense to ruin the effect of your punchy reply."
  4. What I meant by looser was that the general usuage definition specifcally refers to modern, non human apes, the definition you used (which is what I meant by your definition) includes far, far more animals.
  5. See my edit. Even if you take your looser definition of "ape", rather than the more specific general usuage "We evolved from apes" doesn't really make sense. The generally held view of that statement is that we used to be apes, now we are humans. Not we used to be great apes and we are still great apes.
  6. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/faq/cat02.html EDIT: I see you've edited your post. Even if you want to be pedantic and change the meaning of ape from it's common usage to mean all members of the great ape family now and throughout history (including humans) , how can you have "evolved from apes" when you're an ape?
  7. Evolutionary theory doesn't say man evolved from apes, it says man and ape shared a common ancestor. Oh, and you can't be "more evolved" than something else - evolution isn't a linear process turning less evolved organisms into more evolved ones, it's the environment selecting which creatures survive to breed. You could look at a t-rex killing machine and a little lizard and say that a t-rex is "more evolved" but if the environment changes into one which cannot support large meat eating creatures which need huge amounts of food to survive, it is the little lizard that has the advantage and will survive the natual selection process. EDIT: Hold on, I'll just clarify something - if a creature is extinct, a currently living creature could be considered more evolved than it, because the creature still living has been part oft he evolutionary process for longer. But a primitive looking creature is no "less evolved" than one that appears complex. If you do "primitive" well, then you can be very sucessful.
  8. I hope it's as groundbreaking as the megaton announcement was!!!!1111one-one-one-eleven
  9. To be honest, I don't think there's another ground breaking aspect of the revolution which is yet to be announced.
  10. I like big butts and I cannot lie...
  11. 6gb blue iPod mini, which has never let me down. Don't care if it's not leet or trendy enough for nerds, I like it :p
  12. I found a NES cleaning kit for 10p in Beatties many moons ago, sorted my secondhand NES right out. It was like a cart with a handle that aftre you put it in you shoved it back and forth a few times to clean the contacts, and a thingy for cleaning the carts. Try putting the cart in as far towards you as possible when you push it down.
  13. Voice recognition would have to be very simplistic. Only certain words recognised "sure", "medic", "go" or whatever. There's no way you could just pick up a revolution and start talking into it to tell someone what you had for tea and what game you want to play with them throught speech to text. Unless you want to talk like a robot and sit reading half of Alice in Wonderland into it for hours when you first get it, and then constantly correcting and updating it for your voice for years like I have to at work. "Who once two eight four sew men he daze" to talk to people on revolution like that when it wont be accurate anyway?
  14. Do you think this will happen much? Thinking of the gameplay possibilities of the Revolution, there are more options available for single player games if you add another controller - think drumming games, dancing games (Both arms in the air, cross arms, make a box), warioware, that cooking game (toss a salad, knead the dough). Do you think that like the memory card space needed, how many players etc we get on gamecube boxes, on rev games we might get a note of how many controllers are manditory for playing? Or will companies shy away in fear of excluding friendless types with only one controller? Should they? Maybe they'd stick to adding one player/two controller sections as optional mini games rather than make them an integral part of a game.
  15. If he was just musing about the possibilities, he'd only look stupid. but the way he goes on with the "OMG, Don't you SEE? Isn't it OBVIOUS!" makes him look like an utter Grade-A cretin.
  16. I would suggest you don't take any kind of language degree!
  17. Already posted somewhere. It's done using save states and other tricks to "surpass human limits of skill" or however they term it on their site.
  18. Nintendo's strategy this generation is the complete opposite, if they try and beat Sony at their own game they will lose. They need to form a seperate niche rather than battling on the graphics and "serious" sports, racing games etc front.
  19. Hmm, I'd quite like a baseball game but I'd prefer to wait for something a bit less dull - maybe a new mario baseball or some kind of jap manga baseball-rpg. The kiddies who care if a game is "adult" or not should just bite the bullet and buy a PS3 or 360.
  20. You. Must. Be. Joking. Who the hell came up with this abomination of an idea?
  21. Where do they get these flags from so quickly anyway? Someone annoys radical right-wing muslims and within 20 minutes there's footage of them burning that country's flag. Is there a shop in Palistine which just sells assorted countries flags to burn? Tobego or somewhere should say something blasphemous just to fuck with them and see how fast they can find that flag. And they're boycotting Danish goods? Isn't their main export bacon anyway, what the hell is that going to achieve? The cartoons were crap cartoons and their only aim was to be controversial, offend people and put across a bigotted point of view. But the reaction (particularly taking it out on people who had nothing to do with it) is over the top. And just because we don't like something, doesn't mean people should be banned from saying it.
  22. Don't get too excited, he was lying anyway. Oh, I mean not a lying, he just "Didn't mean it literally" "One day after President Bush vowed to reduce America's dependence on Middle East oil by cutting imports from there 75 percent by 2025, his energy secretary and national economic adviser said Wednesday that the president didn't mean it literally." http://www.realcities.com/mld/krwashington/news/nation/13767738.htm?source=rss&channel=krwashington_nation
  23. Did anyone play flips with Muscle Men? They were quite cool. Unless you stood on them.
  24. Everybody my age seemed to have a Fisher Price garage with a handle you could turn to make the cars go up in a lift then *ting* it rolled around the ramp and to the bottom again. Had loads of he-man stuff, snake mountain, eternia with a monorail that went round it, Hordak's lair (yeah, he was from She-Ra but he was a much better baddy than camp skeletor)
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