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Everything posted by BlueStar

  1. Felt nowt up here like. We now start the countdown to when the "Dudley Earthquake Appeal" gets recycled for the 5th time in as many years, this time as the "Grimsby Earthquake Appeal". Oh, and I hope the people from the LGBT thread are happy, this is all your fault. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/02/21/wgays121.xml
  2. Two problems being experienced in this thread - the first, as mentioned, is that Pakistan ballsed up youtube. The second is that the clueless oafs at AOL have been monkeying with their DNS server which has caused big problems for all their customers who have the sense not to use the browser they supply you with (but without the sense to leave AOL ) Had to sort this out for my AOL-bound mate today - here's tempory router settings which should allow you full access to the internet until they fix it. Access your router by typing into your chosen web browser, click basic settings. primary setting: secondary setting: Then apply.
  3. I seem to remember they wanted to do something like this in America, add a tax to blank CDs and DVDs and possibly to internet connections then pay it to the "victims" of piracy, ie movie and music companies. They gave up on the idea shortly after porno studios pointed out that pornography is one of the most widely pirated forms of media in the world and demanded a large share of the money to reflect that.
  4. You're thinking far too narrowly when considering digital distribution. It's not going to be people sitting in front of their computer watching an avi file on their monitor. It's more likely to be a set top box, a cross between Sky+ and PC Anywhere type programmes allowing you to access content when and where you like. You can already stream to, say, an xbox from your PC and watch on your TV. When digital distribution comes along proper you'll be able to do all those things, and I don't see why you wont be able to play your films through a friend's box simply by using a username and password.
  5. I had WOOP WOOP DATS DA SOUND OF DA POLICE as mine for quite a while.
  6. Sounds like Eduardo's fucked, they're saying on Sky they wont show the tackle again because of how horrible it was and talking about if he'll ever play again! That's my Times fantasy team even more screwed.
  7. My lass does it, she's just got a cool little bronze pinbadge in a presentation case for doing it ten times. I think you get a silver one for 25 and a gold one for 50 or something as well.
  8. It's still picking them because they're big teams (Even if it's usually qualified with an excuse like "I like the way they play", "My mum's from Manchester." or whatever). I pity glory seekers to be honest. Someone made a great post on a footy message board about it today, referring to the big teams in this country, Real Madrid, Bayern etc as "the prostitutes of football"
  9. I imagine it would be more something like Sky+ crossed with PC Anywhere. You go to your friends house, don't fancy any of the films he has, put your username and password into his set top box and there's your HD movie collection, ready to be streamed.
  10. Surely it's the reason he chose them in the first place that makes him a glory hunter, not the length of time he sticks with them? (Although if he still supported them after they were relegated or whatever it would score him some points but stickign with a team you chose because they were successful a few years later when they're still top of the league is hardly comendable.)
  11. I'd say that some form of digital delivery will overtake blu-ray before it becomes more popular than DVD.
  12. Really? Previously I thought unsigned code could only be run in gamecube mode.
  13. A hacked Zelda save file has allowed people to run their own code on the Wii from an SD card Hello World proof of concept http://wii-scene.blogspot.com/2008/02/hello-world-wii.html Basic pong: http://www.auby.no/files/wii/pong.swf Before some idiot starts the witch hunt of "OMG, piracy lock thread, kill the infidel!" this hack does not allow you to run burned discs, copy VC games or anything like that. Indeed the people who made the exploit have said they will never code anything which would allow people to bypass copy protection. Would be cool for a Wii homebrew scene to start, that headtracking demo was cool on PC but it would be awesome if people started making apps like that that could actually run on the Wii.
  14. Uh, WHAT? Phone communication can be dangerous as well,that's why they bug phones! If they're monitoring your downloads they're also monitoring your message board posts, emails, IM conversations, your personal photographs you send. Should they open and read everyone's mail in case there are pirate CDs inside? Except taxis get bugged too. OK, by this point I'm not sure if you're being serious or on a wind up. Possibly the worst attempt by a layman to explain the internet through metaphor since this one
  15. The server tells them if it's something illegal? How does it do that then? How do you tell if something illegal is being downloaded unless you have someone actually look at it? Like I say, I very much doubt they're going to bother to read all your packets as you download, more likely they'll do what they usually do, leech torrents and log the ips of the seeders who send them the file fragments. The main difference is going to be the method of warning/punishment. Internet is much more like recording a phoncall than searching someone at an airport by the way. How is monitoring one form of a person's communication different from any other?
  16. I would put money on this scheme not making a single bit of difference to downloaders. They only people this might potentially effect is people who use stuff like torrents and upload. And if you use something as insecure as torrents for sharing illegal fines you deserve what you get really, you might as well put a sign on your house saying CRACK FOR SALE, COME AND GET IT
  17. Wonder if Liverpool fans will get a hard time from the media for booing the team off, we always seem to get crucified for it. Steve McMahon's just been on ESPN Asia laying in to Rafa and blaming the fans for supporting him and slagging off the yanks.
  18. Be good for the Wii if it did come, but I'm not too bothered personally if it doesn't - I'd just get it on the 360 rather than forking out for a classic controller to play it on the Wii.
  19. Can those people asking for Burnout Wii give me a reason I should get it on the Wii rather than 360? I can't imagine Wii controls would really push it above the other console versions considering it's a game about pretty graphics, impressive physics and awesome speed. I'd rather they developed new games for the Wii than ported stripped down versions of games already out on other consoles. For example, you have to go a long way down the list of the top 100 DS games before you find stuff like Burnout and FIFA - games developed for a system which has a totally different set of priorities and shoe-horned into a console based on the Nintendo philosophy.
  20. Phil Thompson's face when the pen was given lol
  21. Not everyone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LijfQR9hz0
  22. It's OK, he might be having us on. He'll turn up at the funeral with a fake beard and traffic warden outfit and clamp the herse.
  23. Hope they have a minute's applause for him at the matches tonight, would be nice to give him a big hand.
  24. Girl goes into a hairdressers in Newcastle and says: "Can you give me a perm?" "Okay" says the hairdresser. "I wondad lurnley as a clood..." .... A lorry load of terrapins has overturned in Newcastle. Local police say it's turtle mayhem. (Up here these jokes are told as happening in Ashington, a place with such a broad Geordie accent even people from Newcastle have no idea what the fuck anyone's on aboot.)
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