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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. Had this come out for the Switch, it would've been a day one purchase. I might get the Steam version if there'll be an active modding community.
  2. Definitely excited for Saturn and Dreamcast games on the Switch. Imagine Burning Rangers at 1080p/60fps with modern shaders. Or Metropolis Street Racer with realtime lighting, shadows and reflections and a contemporary car roster.
  3. They do exist. I recall GAME used to sell them here in Sweden before they went out of business. Apparently the stick quality was even worse than on first party units, though.
  4. Never played these games back in the day and considered getting it for my PS4. Definitely a game I'm going to get for the Switch
  5. I'm really pleased with this. Enjoyed Stick of Truth a whole lot, I believe I was like 1 item short of 100%'ing it.
  6. So I'm going to get a Switch soon, and I intend to play it on the bus to work. So the question is, what carry cases do you recommend? Most of the ones I've seen are monstrously big, sort of defeating the purpose of having such a portable machine. I just want to bring my console with me, with joycons. No dock needed. Cheers
  7. For Shenmue III, we've actually seen some art assets and concept footage. Anyways, I'm hyped for this, although I'm of the (probably) controversial opinion that it'd be great if they'd use the right stick to look around, rather than changing weapons/visors.
  8. A gorgeous 2D game can be refreshing once in a while. But it's hardly anything that gets a wide audience hyped. It never holds a candle to Star Wars Battlefront, Fallout, Final Fantasy or Gran Turismo. The console-selling potential of these games is nigh-on zero. And my "logical jump" is hardly surreal. Let's look at the new Switch announcements this E3. Kirby Yoshi Metroid Prime 4 Pokémon. The two latter are so far into the future that there's not even a proper teaser for them. So... yeah, this is something they're making to fill what's likely to be a massive gap in the 2018 lineup. A hole Nintendo were probably expecting third parties would fill. No chance in hell that two 2D games at the same E3 is a coincidence. And Nintendo know that these games have zero potential to be system sellers. They're very obviously damage control, because they didn't have anything else that could be churned out fast enough. Sorry, but a reveal of any long-dormant 3D franchise would've done more for the Switch than these two games put together.
  9. Well, that's the point. The over-abundance of unimpressive 2D stuff did very little to compensate for the lack of AAA content on the Wii U. So the question is: why are Nintendo doing the same with the Switch? Seriously, don't tell me that you don't think that a realistic looking, thoroughly up to date Waverace or Excitebike with great online functionality and impressive physics wouldn't do more to boost the appeal of the Switch than two sequels to poorly received Wii U games. This isn't E3-grade stuff. It doesn't hold a candle to anything that anyone else showed off. It's middle-of-october-Nintendo-Direct grade stuff.
  10. They should've made it for both. Or scrapped the Kirby game and remade Super Metroid for the Switch and make this for the 3DS. In genereal, I think it's a crying shame Nintendo don't seem to want to port more of their 3DS games for the Switch. Would LOVE to buy HD versions of the N64 ports. Just imagine a single pack containing OoT, MM and SF64 with the enhanced 3DS graphics, in HD and with a few tasty shaders thrown on for good measure
  11. Hope it'll be like other 3D RPG's, and ditch the top-down camera. Would love to look out into the distance like in Zelda. This may actually be the first Pokémon since Blue for me, I kid you not!
  12. Holy shit, since when are people agreeing with me on this?
  13. I like the sound of that. Considering Switch isn't getting ANY FPS games, I hope there'll be a spiritual successor to Perfect Dark/Timesplitters.
  14. Why is this exclusively on the 3DS? Seriously, cancel the Kirby game, then have them port this for the Switch. And announce that Nintendo have officially filled their quota of 2D and minigame compilations for this gen... or at least the rest of the decade.
  15. Why is this exclusively on the 3DS? Seriously, cancel the Kirby game, then have them port this for the Switch. And announce that Nintendo have officially filled their quota of 2D and minigame compilations for this gen... or at least the rest of the decade.
  16. Looks OK. Just how that this isn't an indication that Nintendo are reverting to their old ways and start churning out cheap 2D filler to be able to deny the presence of droughts. Am definitely not getting it, however.
  17. I got it for cheap on Steam a while ago and haven't actually played it yet. Am probably getting this version.
  18. What exactly have Retro been doing for the past four years?
  19. Overall a good presentation. But seriously, after four years, all Retro have to show is a logo and info that MP4 is "in development"? And wow, that piss poor third party support. I was hoping it would pick up during the coming year, but apparently not...
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the statement was that they had one more unannounced game for this fiscal year. So it's more than possible post-March 2018 the Switch will have full support. Not saying that that'll happen, but I think Ubi are one of the publishers that are giving the Switch the most solid support. I believe that there recently was an EA interview/statement stating explicitely that FIFA for Switch will be based on the PS4/XBOne version, not the XB360/PS3 version. I don't think that it makes much sense for EA to put any effort into making an old game engine (which is only built for one game genre) support a new system. No, I think that EA want a flexible solution that will enable them to port all of their future games to the system.
  21. I personally don't see a point in making a game like that again. ARMS seems to be a modern reinvention of the formula and I definitely hope that Little Mac becomes a DLC character in that game.
  22. It's the same gameplay with new graphics. So if you like the original, you'll love it. Just don't expect it to be on-par with any modern fighting game like Street Fighter, UFC or anything like that.
  23. Well, that's not entirely true. I believe I saw both BlazBlue and Skullgirls get confirmed. Also, according to this list, Tekken x Street Fighter is going to get a Switch version.
  24. I wrote shown off, not released MK8D is an april release this year. Unveiling of the sequel during E3 or an autumn Nintendo Direct, followed by a release by christmas 2019. MK8D is something to hold us over, like Wind Waker HD was while we awaited Breath of the Wild.
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