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Everything posted by Fields

  1. There's an O'Briens right opposite our Subway. No contest IMO. When making future sandwich purchases, may I suggest consulting this handy guide?
  2. Oh dear. It was a light hearted nod to a long running joke we used to have on the tech board, and was in no way intended to start an argument. Although, I must apologise, for I had not considered the possibility of an argumentative little **** such as yourself posting a scathing reply, hence instigating this thing called an 'argument' which you so loathe.
  3. I can't believe anybody eats those meatball things from Subway. If fact, I can't believe anybody eats Subway full stop. Far better sandwiches can be obtained at much better prices.
  4. Buy a Mac.
  5. Hasn't this been locked yet?
  6. Oh dear...
  7. In that case, I apologise. Can you link me to it? I can't seem to find it.
  8. Is this the MPT then? Anyway, my day has been rather crap because I seem to have come down with the dreaded freshers' flu (perhaps that should be 3rd years' flu?). I've got a big night out planned, and I don't intend to miss it, but alcohol + paracetamol isn't a good idea is it? Oh well, I guess we'll find out.
  9. I don't understand, why aren't they battering each other? Where's the passion? Proof that Rugby is for boring, stuck up tossers. Fluke.
  10. You're kidding me? It's fantastic! Listen to the girly squeal of delight after Alonso's goal.
  11. Any more of that sarcasm and you can GTFO. I'll get my coat
  12. This is absolutely fantastic, I watch first thing every morning in order to motivate myself. Truly inspirational, I'm sure you will agree.
  13. I don't agree with the ban, but then I don't agree with fucking shit attempts at being funny like that video was.
  14. Shit idea, to be fair.
  15. Sexist? Do me a fucking favour. I hate the way society is going. Nobody can open their mouths these days without the fucking PC brigade jumping down their throats and calling them sexist/racist etc. Get a fucking grip you humourless *****
  16. Who else is on there? I see that Jesus Martinez has been banned too. The poor bloke hasn't even posted!
  17. But then it's hardly a banning offence, is it?
  18. Just got an email from the man himself:
  19. If you're short on mods, I'd be happy to volunteer.
  20. Fuck all difference if you ask me.
  21. Fantastic post, I'll buy you a pint next time I'm in Portugal.
  22. I have faith in the admins and their decisions, so should you.
  23. There is a line. I know exactly where it is, and edge closer and closer to it with each post. I have not yet, however, crossed it. I'm not entirely convinced Ant et al did either, but that's for another argument.
  24. Animals are there to be eaten, I don't see why I shouldn't eat them. I bet they'd eat us if they had the chance.
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