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Everything posted by Fields

  1. The sort of stuff in this thread. There's children on this forum, you know.
  2. To be honest I hope it is. There's no place for this sort of stuff on a Nintendo forum.
  3. I want to do mine myself, otherwise one of my friends might come across N-E and see my picture in this thread and think 'oh my god what a loser, he posts on a Nintendo forum' and never speak to me again.
  4. The Mii idea is boss, is there an online thing where I can do it and post it here?
  5. I have a problem with rokhed discussing his disturbing sexual activities anywhere on N-E, but I suppose if he really has to, he can do it in this thread which, afterall, is the sexuality thread. Unfortunately I doubt many other people will agree as they probably aren't as accepting and tolerant as me.
  6. I'm not posting a picture.
  7. I wish I could find a bisexual girlfriend who knew a few other fit bisexual girls.
  8. Do you drop it into every conversation in real life like you do on here?
  9. Like I said, easy way to stop it. It's just a matter of whether you've got the balls or not. I'm guessing not.
  10. Fucking disgrace if any of us get banned. Only one person needs to be banned and all this arguing will stop. Lets hope the admins use a bit of common fucking sense for once.
  11. I think that you will find that a vast majority of people have a problem with people like you posting indecent images on websites frequented by teenagers and children. Sick ****, you should be locked up.
  12. Narrow minded bigot? Fuck off. It's called moral standards you fucking ****.
  13. The retro C-E one is so much cooler. It's my daily chat therapy! No. ps. Is rokhed banned yet?
  14. I appreciate your help but it doesn't work: I'll probably get a new avatar anyway when I can think of a decent one.
  15. I don't want one, and I've told it I don't want one, but instead of leaving it blank it displays the dreaded blue ? (or red x) of doom. Gay.
  16. I bet it's an opinion shared by a vast majority of the population. I'm sorry but anyone who can't see what's wrong with a middle aged man posting sexually provocative pictures of himself on a forum viewed mainly by teenagers, wants their fucking head testing.
  17. If you had £15 million in the bank you could get pretty much any woman you wanted. FACT.
  18. He posted a picture of himself in a fucking dress in that battle card thread the other day. The very next post was from someone who, according to their profile, is 12 years old. I think that says it all, really. Kids shouldn't have to see this sort of disgusting shit (and neither should adults, for that matter).
  19. All women can be bought, pretty much.
  20. You mean you're supposed to 'make it out with both sides' before you decide your sexuality? lol
  21. This is proof, if you ever needed it, that established members can do whatever they like and get away with it. If anyone else had posted such an image they would be banned, no question. And, frankly, I can't believe the comparisons to the 'Hot People Thread,' the content of which is no worse than can be seen on television, or in mainstream publications everyday. It is in no way 'obscene, indecent, or lewd.' Rokhed's picture, however, is. I was almost sick when I scrolled down to reveal it. I think I speak on behalf of the vast majority of this forum when I say that I want this sick fucking bastard to be banned without hesitation.
  22. Oh, I do love a good old fashioned N-E argument!
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