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Everything posted by Fields

  1. I didn't witness last night's events, but from what I've heard it doesn't seem that bad and they were only having a laugh. A ban seems harsh.
  2. Harribo mate, we're all behind you. Keep fighting the establishment, don't give up! : peace:
  3. Seems a bit harsh, really.
  4. He overslept and missed a meeting. We've all done it, hardly a big deal is it?
  5. We should make it over 21s only IMO, too many kids on here these days.
  6. I was only joking. Please don't take me seriously, it's very rare I make an entirely serious post :p
  7. Started loads of arguments.
  8. Just to clarify, my comment was not intended as an insult. Rather, it was a genuine misunderstanding, for which I would normally apologise for any offense that may have been taken. However, in light of your less than gracious reaction, I have taken the decision not to, a decision I hope you will respect.
  9. I'm the one being attacked. You've called me 'immature' and a 'loser', I haven't said anything intentionally offensive to you.
  10. Is it 3 infractions = ban or something? If so I'd better shut up. Only after the fish apologises though.
  11. So I've got a 17 year old telling me I'm immature? I've seen everything now. You have absolutely no right to say that, nor do you have any right to call me a loser. You don't even know me, and I can assure you I am neither of those things.
  12. Ant is a good lad.
  13. Sadly, there are a few immature people on here, but you'll soon learn who they are and you can just ignore them.
  14. It was entirely sincere, and I meant the cute comment. Can we put all this behind us now?
  15. I think if you average more than 5 per day, you probably need to get out more.
  16. I apologise if I offended you, dynastygal. It was intended as a bit of light hearted banter. If I knew you were so sensitive I would not have said anything. I'm a nice person really, and I hate seeing people get upset, so if that is the case I am deeply sorry. By the way, you look really cute in those pictures, definately way more than a 5/10
  17. dynastygal, please please please don't look at rokhed's photos. I don't want you to see them
  18. I didn't even know the England game was on today.
  19. Haha, I'm anything but a chav, believe me. Oh dear, her boyfriend has just turned up in another thread. A few sly edits could be in order.
  20. Well the thought was there anyway
  21. Knows nothing about football but seems alright nonetheless.
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