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Everything posted by Fields

  1. With a bit of experience Lewis could be faster.
  2. I'm gonna put mine in your mum's lol
  3. Blonde is surely the way forward. Deffo would btw.
  4. Yes, our smiley selection needs something of an overhaul.
  5. I have a very effective system of organized chaos.
  6. Basically this season the FIA have made it abundantly clear that cheating is OK. What a farce F1 has become.
  7. I find it funny when American teenagers call you a 'douche bag.' That has got to be the worst insult ever.
  8. ...but McLaren are planning to appeal the decision.
  9. My contacts at the FIA.
  10. Apparently it's just been confirmed that Kimi is keeping the WDC.
  11. They've confirmed that the BMW and Williams fuel temperatures were outside the regulations. It's just a case now of what they deem an suitable punishment.
  12. Top post Conzer lad.
  13. I like older bitches as much as the next guy, but Carol is a ho that just doesn't do it for me I'm afraid.
  14. I just knew there had to be another twist before this season was over. I can't see them being disqualified, but having said that, it's the FIA we're talking about here. Who knows what they'll do. http://www.formula1.com/news/headlines/2007/10/7023.html
  15. No scope for flaming or arguments I'm afraid. But in all seriousness I'm too tired to put the effort in, maybe tomorrow.
  16. Oh right, I though it were those gay ones that touch each other's bums and pretend to have a fight. If I were gay I'd give ReZ a good poke up the bumhole. But I'm not, so I won't.
  17. If you keep filling it up with spam like that, about 5 minutes.
  18. I take it they're those fake wrestlers then?
  19. We can't even disagree with each other anymore. We all have to pretend we love each other and swap compliments. Motion, you're right, football is rubbish. UK, I am simply astounded by the high level of intelligence and maturity displayed in your posts. Moria, you're doing a stirling job as moderator. Keep up the good work! Jordan, you're the best admin we've ever had and not in any way a cock. I love you all guys!!!
  20. I see the thread in question has been locked now motion my good man. It appears that the mods have logged on for their daily ego-wanking session.
  21. He's got a point though, you are a bit trigger happy. Yesterday I referred to Everton as the 'blue shite' and within minutes the post was deleted and I had another infraction to my name! Shocking, really.
  22. I know you don't mean to be, but you really are the source of much hilarity, UK. You never fail to make me laugh. Keep it up!
  23. Such a well thought out and witty insult. Well done, sir!
  24. Yes, I must say this Da Gibsta chap is most gentlemanly.
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