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Missed on a Pre-Order? I've got one up for grabs!


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Hello chaps and chapesses.


Being eager to grab a Wii on day of release, i've overbooked on my pre-orders and have one spare. Before I put this up for auction on ebay, i thought i'd offer it to those unlucky souls here on N-E who have not successfully pre-ordered their Wii.


Here we go, check out ebay at http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=006&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=160062033073&rd=1&rd=1

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This is why pre-orders sell out, retailers aren't organised enough to tell people if they have a unit or not.

So they file multiple pre-orders and only pick one up.


It's the retailers fault for being unorganised, and Nintendo's fault for not keeping communication between factory and retailer.


Generally this is why launches are so fucked up. There is no point telling us because some rich ass lazy parent is gonna buy it off you for £300.



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I sold one for Gameplay £450 but chucked in a Wii component cable, wii nunchuk and wii classic, I couldnt pass the chance to make £140, which I did, I can now buy one now for cost price for £40.


I dont know if to keep my other GAME order or sell it :S I could buy a 2nd hand one in 3 months time when the novelty has wore.


Yes I am scum, evil, wanker for buying 2, heard it all before last year with the Xbox 360,


Early bird gets the worm, pre-ordered each at 5pm on 26th september

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I've updated the link, since I was offered a deal and too the Wii off ebay. Mistake, the buyer pulled out. So, I've lost 15p... I've put it back on Ebay now, with a couple of days to go.


Nintendork is obviously against this whole idea, but i'm certainly not the only one selling a spare on ebay. As long as I break even, i'm happy.

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