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Viva Pinata Communtiy Thread


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Again, Gameplay are legends. Despatched yesterday, got it today. Looking forward to having a play of it after dinner. Can't believe a game I (and many others) laughed at, is now all the rage.


Did you recieve that evolved Pinata I sent you?


Make everyone on your friends list buy the game, because in a recent interview one of the lead designers at rare, says that if their aren't enough people they won't release any new content.


On a slight different note what are the minigames of the lovedances like


The minigames are just a maze where you have to reach the other Pinata before the time runs out. As the levels increase of the Pinata so does the difficulty of the maze. After that you get to see them doing some form of dance ritual.


Oh yeah Meik I have also sent you Huey back but not as you know him.....

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This game is great. Been playing it for an hour and a half or so now, got a few whirlms, them snake things, bird things, and fly things, as well as HoT's pinata (cheers for that :D). Gardens a bit basic right now, but got 80 points already.


Really looking forward to spending the weekend with this. Have to say, the last few weeks have been quality gaming wise. Maybe even some of the most fun weeks I've had with games. And to think the Wii just a week away.

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Oh yeah Meik I have also sent you Huey back but not as you know him.....
Nice cheers, one of my other ducks randomly transformed into a goose earlier, I figured he eat a specific type of fruit but I have no idea what it was. Trying to avoid forums/gamefaqs, don't wanna find out about any other Pinata.


Edit: now to mate these things and watch their romance dance like some sort of creepy voyeur.

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If your gardening is successful, and you're leveling up every 20 minutes or so, there will come a point several hours in where you're told that there are too many piñatas in your square of paradise. That's when it hits you. You can sell piñatas for cash. But how can you part with them? You've spent so long tending to their every need, naming them, accessorizing them with goofy glasses and stupid-looking fake teeth, all while providing them with the perfect habitat. You can box some of them up and send them to friends on your buddy list to earn an achievement, but it's not really a practical solution. So you sell a Whirlm, just to see what happens. When poor little Willy the Whirlm goes for 100 coins, you can't help but feel a tinge of guilt. Have you somehow failed the Whilrm population?

Of course not. Willy's brothers and sisters will happily shag each other senseless to make more Whirlms with minimal encouragement -- so

essentially, they're a source of endless income. All you really have to do is ensure that more than two of them are wiggling around at all times, and you have a sure thing on your hands. This is where that "purity of benevolence" thing starts to slip away. Success requires calculated evil. Before you know it, you have a walled-in Whirlm concentration camp, and you're no longer naming the little guys -- you're just letting the game number them automatically. As you force Whirlms 27 and 28 to breed for the last time, before sacrificing them to the coffers, it dawns on you. Wait...Sparrowmints like to eat Whirlms, don't they? So much so that it makes them horny. If you breed the little wrigglers as food, you can feed them to the birds, get them to mate and sell their offspring for three times the profit! Wait...is that evil? Who cares?!


just thought this was an awesome review snippit from 1up.com. best review of a game in ages.

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I managed to get the biggest upgrade to my garden last night but its looking a bit bare, guess some buying and sorting is in order. I am also skint when it comes to cash I may have to breed and sell some of my rare Pinatas.


I kind of lost control of things yesterday as Pinatas were joining my garden left and right and then fights were breaking out all over the place. I was running around trying to heal them all, it was like some epic battle field in a WW2 movie. It made Call of Duty 2 beach landing level look tame.

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loving this game-though i think i'm going to have to start a new garden on account of my -put in everything everywhere and try and cater to all the pinata- thing.


this time i wanna focus on one at a time-and those damn fucking preztail keep coming in and eating my rabbits grrrr

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Takeo killed the monkey I sent him. He claimed it died of natural causes but I believe he beat it with the shovel. Brings a whole new meaning to spanking the monkey.




it died of boredom . . . or was it that evil bat?


how DO you get a jack'o'lantern?


and has any one got any general tips or specific information on stuff like mutant pinata etc?

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Heres a good tip for you Takeo. To get lots of cash quick let the blue bugs called Taffly get set on fire ( place a light in your garden and direct them to it ) then quickly put them out with a watering can. This turns them into Reddhotts which sell for 2100 a piece.


Thanks for that, I'm always a bit rubbish at games like this because I spend my money too quick cus I'm impatient.:bouncy:

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It can get a bit dull after nothing's happened for a few hours. Think I need to have a bit more of a plan as to what I'm actually doing in the garden. Right now it's sort of 'I could get this if I do this' and so one corner becomes an area to get tafflys and redhotts to make a bit of money (works aswell :D).


Played for a few hours though, although might have to go back to Gears for a while. Can't 'overplay' it.

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