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HD TV is the most overrated thing ever!


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  • 2 weeks later...
I love how everyone is investing in HD TV now when organic LED (OLED) is just around the corner. It only has a few problems with lifespan of the blue diodes right now.


Not stupid really, OLED doesnt produce any better picture quality. Its more geared towards portable functions

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I was going to get myself a HDTV but I can't find a sodding smallish widescreen decent tv for less than £200. So I might aswell pay slightly extra and get a HD one.


I've noticed no difference whatsoever in Viva Pinata, although I am looking forward to playing Gears on one.

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HDTV is overrated as far as real-time rendering goes. And real-time rendering is the big part of gaming.


On SDTV, I would like to see Xbox 360 or PS3 rendering real time 3D graphics without a lag to replicate DVD movies. Real-time rendered Star Wars Episode 3, anyone?


How amazing HDTV is irrelavent. The real question is whether a game hardware and software can take full advantage of HDTV. And at the moment, there is no hardware/software combination that can approach the realism of DVD film quality, even on an old TV.

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The problem is, yes HD is a massive improvement over standard,but quite a bit of that is going by if you've got your stuff hooked up by standard compsite. And seriously, is there anyone who sill bothers...? My family is behind the times, yet we've had everything hooked up by RGB scart for a few years, and it makes things look frigging awesome. Consoles, Sky...they look bloody fantastic. If You don't want HD, then atleast make sure you've got RGB enabled TV ith RGB scart, that itself makes a huge difference, believe me. Currently got a HDTV coming on Monday, though. So we'll see.

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Yes! Just like dual analogues were!




Well, about HDTV, it is certainly over rated, but that doesn't mean it's not a considerable improvement anyway. It takes a certain kind of graphics to really take advantage of the clarity and vibrancy HDTV provides, and if the visuals are smart enough they can look just as good on SD.


In my experience, things with sharp and clean graphics look best in HD. Things like Full Auto, Ridge Racer 6, things with little detail and a lot of colour and lighting like Sonic The Hedgehog cutscenes, Dead or Alive 4 and to an extent Kameo, look irreplacably good in HD. Gears of War for instance doesn't gain a lot in HD, apart from some minor jaggyness. It's such a detailed game with such a solid look that comes across just as well in SD in my opinion.


I sometimes miss the awesome contrast my SD TV had, and I've even considered going back until the HD alternatives are proper comparable (LCD ones or SED that is), but I keep being reminded by stuff like Ridge Racer how much the sharpness contributes to some games. Sometimes when you play that in first person and you overtake a car - just as it passes by you feel like you could stick out your arm and touch it. On the flipside, HD just brings out the worst in some games by showing them for the jagged mess they are. For example; HD isn't doing PGR3 any favours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At the very least HDTV's fuction is misunderstood by vast majority of gamers. As I remarked earlier, at the moment there is no hardware/software combination that can approach the realism of DVD film quality, even on standard definition.


Still, admittedly the pre-rendered graphics in HDTV is awesome. If you were to fill out the whole game by such pre-rendering, you would need crap loads of disc space to achieve it. I reckon even HD-DVD won't be enough in a long run. Not that we need to do that in games, but just saying.

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