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TheHylia says:

I usually take Reviews with a grain of salt but, I would have to say that Gamespot's review of TP has caught me off guard here. They decided to give TP an 8.8. Before you go all ballistic, however, keep in mind that regardless of what any review says, you know very well that you will be enjoying this game in all its glory once you get your hands on it. Here is a brief summary of the main points:


"The Good: Compelling characters and story; outstanding world and puzzle design; longer than most action adventure games; terrific graphics, from an artistic perspective.

The Bad: Wii-specific elements feel tacked on; graphics and sound sometimes go from nostalgic to dated."


Disclaimer: the opinions I express in this article are in no ways reflective of TheHylia.com's own point of views. This is just my opinion folks.


I find it highly suspect that GameSpot gave Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz an 8.3 rating and then turns around and rates TP, Wii's flagship title, an 8.8. For those of you who watch On the Spot regularly you would know that the GameSpot staff have a very close relationship with the makers of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz. In fact, not only was the game featured on several of their episodes but it was the first game they popped into the Wii during their live unveiling of the system last Friday. They spend so much time with SMB:BB that, after a while with Wii Sport, the bosses at GameSpot specifically ordered the staff to put Zelda:TP on the system. Additionally, if anyone watched this show you would also know that most of the staff where given their very own free copies of SMB:BB. While this is by no means any proof of foul play, i have to wonder if favouritism isn't at play here. when comparing the negative points in SMB:BB with the negative points in TP we get the following:


SMB: "The Bad: Lack of camera control can be frustrating in some boss battles; quality of multiplayer mini-games wildly inconsistent; single-player game a little short."


TP:"The Bad: Wii-specific elements feel tacked on; graphics and sound sometimes go from nostalgic to dated."


I do not know about you, but if a game suffers from "wildly inconsistent" quality issues, a short single player, and "frustrating" boss battles, then it clearly does not belong in or around the same rank as a game that gets everything right in terms of gameplay mechanics, story and presentation. Is the apparently "gimicky wii-control" and the "dated" graphics reason enough to dock it almost as much points as another game that has mediocre gameplay mechanics, even less impressive graphics, and quality issues? I think not! There is something seriously wrong with this review.


Furthemore, while everyone is entitled to their opinion, several reviews have specifically claimed that the controls are extremely intuitive not "gimicky." Thus, GameSpot's claims appear to be coming from out of left-field here. While it is entirely possible that the controls in TP are not 100% amazing, it seems like a huge stretch to out-right say that the Wii mechanics are tacked onto the game especially when every other publication is saying otherwise.


Finally, the fact that they are docking marks off for Tp's gfx is completely unfair precisely because Nintendo has said time and time again that it is using a GC engine to render its game. They weren’t going for next-gen gfx they where going for next-gen gameplay. In other words, the gfx style was entirely intentional. To be fair, they should grade it on the level of GC games and if they do, they will see that its graphics blows away every other game on that platform out of the water. This is just my opinion and you can take it with a grain of salt. However, for me I remain suspicious of GameSpot's assessment of Wii games thus far.

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It's not the graphics, it's everything else. The lack of consistency between reviews, and absurd reasons. Sure you like FF, and for hardcores every time is different, but for people that don't like it, its been pretty much the same for 15 years.

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The Internet has gone mad with rage. This hilarity is possibly even better than the game getting a higher score, I dunno. It still seems quite low and unreal that it would score below a 9 on Gamespot considering the other scores it has received...


I think you're actually right. Those YTMNDs are funny and about 327 funnier ones should appear over the next few days. :p


Internet global phenomenons are always hilarious.

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IGN review is up and it's a proper review. :p


I haven't read the text yet, but the score is 9.5.




Closing Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is, in my opinion, the greatest Zelda game ever created and one of the best launch titles in the history of launch titles – second only, perhaps, to the at-the-time ground-breaking Super Mario 64. It is also one of the finest games I have ever played. The experience is made better and not worse on Wii. The Wii remote and nunchuk add accuracy and speed to exploration and combat for a heightened sense of immersion. While the game has just about everything going for it, including improved controls, a long and engrossing quest, brain-teasing dungeons and some beautiful graphics, it's not perfect. The difficulty has been upped over Wind Waker, but I wish it were harder still – the boss fights are oftentimes too easy, for example. Additionally, while the visuals are generally impressive, some textures remain blurry to the point they are noticeable. And finally, I still question why Nintendo refuses to add either voice work to the side characters (especially since Twilight Princess features such an improved, dark storyline) or orchestrated music to the soundtrack.


Nintendo's new console ships with Wii Sports, which effectively demonstrates a new breed of games only possible on Wii. The Zelda franchise is equally exclusive to the machine and Twilight Princess is must-see, must-play and must-own entry into the series that proves over and over again why Nintendo is the best developer in the world.

IGN Ratings for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)Rating Description

out of 10 click here for ratings guide

8.0 Presentation

A truly epic new Zelda complete with a compelling, darker storyline, enhanced controls, and brand new gameplay mechanics. Lack of voice acting and orchestrated music are unfortunate.

8.5 Graphics

An absolutely gorgeous GameCube game. An enormous, detailed world brought to life via beautiful art. But Wii is still capable of much more, as the adventure's sometimes-blurry textures prove.

8.0 Sound

Again, where's the orchestrated music? Come on, Nintendo. Everything else is great, from the moody sound effects to the atmospheric MIDI compositions.

9.5 Gameplay

Superb. The tried-and-true Zelda gameplay mechanics are taken to new heights with the Wii remote and nunchuk. Overworld and temple designs are stellar. Classic Zelda reborn for a new generation.

9.5 Lasting Appeal

It'll keep you busy for at least 50 hours and you could spend double that in Nintendo's new Hyrule. So much to do and see that you'll be busy for weeks, if not months.

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After reading the IGN review and seeing how Matt consistently praises the Wii controls for weeks now, I can only assume that Jeff's badmouthing can only come from being bad at them. The guy must not be very good at using the Wii controllers, hence saying they are imprecise. Not once did Matt Cassamassina complain about non-responsive controls or hard to perform moves. He actually says aiming with the bow and any other pointing weapon is more accurate and again states that the Wii controls improve the experience: "The experience is made better and not worse on Wii."



About the voice acting, I really don't see a need for it in Zelda games. These are games where you often get the same response over and over again from characters. Now imagine in stead of just clearing a few lines of text, you were always being bombarded with the same delivery of a line time and again. I dunno, maybe it's something I would have to try, but I really don't feel the need for voice acting in Zelda.

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Because IGN siad about the lack of voice acting and orchestrated music Shino?.


I'm just sulking. :smile:


I just read IGN's review, and I couldn't agree more. It's an awesome game but due to hardware limitations and some conservationism it's not 10 game.

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Gamespot Review - Zelda: Twilight Princess. gets 8.8.


The Good: Compelling characters and story; outstanding world and puzzle design; longer than most action adventure games; terrific graphics, from an artistic perspective.

The Bad: Wii-specific elements feel tacked on; graphics and sound sometimes go from nostalgic to dated.


Gameplay 8

Graphics 9

Sound 7

Value 9

Tilt 10




HE MENTIONED THE EXACT SAME THINGS I SAID AS TO WHY THE GAME WOULD GET 8.8/10 by someone, its as if the words have been taken right out of my mouth. Recall?? I mentioned those very things as reasons ultimating to the score of 8.8/10. Unbelievable...


NOTE: Not anger, "suprised". Can't believe I got this correct. Very bad for the gamerankings rating though... Most certainly disappointed and has ruined my day to an extent, the IGN score is alright as I read the review, as Matts criticisms are well justified and i'm inclined to agree with him even though I would've liked a higher score, but the gamespot review on the other hand, I just wish he would've made it 9/10, its badly stuffed the average, it might not even pass Resident Evil 4 now...


:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead


Now the highest it will finish is third, if it maintains that average of 96.3% after 20 reviews, it could surpass Metroid Prime, but Soul Calibur is beyond reach, OOT is still NUMBER ONE. At the end of the day though, despite the disappointment of the fact the game is said to be easy and the scores are not all that great, as long as the game passes Resident Evil 4 and hopefully Tekkin 3, i'll settle for a 4th Place spot...

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