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I just wondered if any of you read this and if so, what do you think. I think its the best Nintendo mag available, with tons of cool stuff from Japan, loads of reviews (including imports) and cool features.


I was just wondering if anyone had subcribed though because I was thinking about taking the one where you have to pay every 3 months but do you get the free wave bird with that? If you do how long does it take to get delivered? my old cube controller is busted now, the wire is dangerous, with all tape at the top because the plastic is comming off, the control stick is busted beccause off all the SSBM matches and for some reason the rumble has gone really loud and sounds like a drill xD


Thanks for your help guys! :D


I subscribed way back when it was called NGC, and I got a free logic3 controller which broke very quickly. Check the details, they should give you a free wavebird, if not complain. It should come with the magazine, which should arrive a few days before it's released in shops.


I don't really read it at all anymore, it was a cool mag when I was 13 but now I get all my gaming info from the good ol' net and I starting to dislike their slightly biased reviews. But my parents still pay for the subscription so hey, why not get a free dvd every month?


I subscribe to NGamer, having been carried over from NGC. It's okay I guess. I like the 'Meanwhile...' regular feature, probably because it's surprisingly devoid of bias. I do find their insistence on using footnotes for just about everything completely annoying though! :nono:


Overall I would say it's a fun magazine, but I prefer EDGE.


Man, this sure is the best magazine out there, IMO. Actually, I have not yet read it since it's called NGamer but I know the mag since 1997 (nigh on 10 years!) when it was still called N64 Magazine. It was the best back then and I don't doubt it's still the best today. Sadly, I have never seen NGamer on sale here in Portugal (my area anyway) although I have searched for it many times in different stores in my area.


I'd like to take the opportunity to ask any portuguese forum colleagues if any of you has seen the mag in portuguese stores.


i cant believe the price of edge magazine has gone up to 4.50 an issue!!! fucking lame!!!


i love NGamer-used to love NGC till its content got stupidly thin but its my favorite Nintendo mag.


Multi-format wise, GamesTM is the best for unbiased reliable reviews that are focussed on how much fun you can have with a game rather than its artistic content and such which EDGE seems preoccupied with.


I know that NGamer is biased, and I would get EDGE/Games? but there really is no point because I have all Ninty consoles, i dont mind though because NGamer is a funny and good magazine. I will subscribe then, if I don't get my wavebird I can always unsubscribe. xD And I was just wondering if they would give me this months issue or wait and give me the next one because I already have this months (far cry)


EDGE is only 50p more, and it's the magazines first price increase in four and a half years!


Its 'artistic content' is far more pleasing than the 'HEY, LOOK AT ME, I JUST WANT TO BE NOTICED' approach most gaming magazines adopt. Plus, it's reviews and articles are more intelligently written than said magazines.


I like NGamer, it packs in as much information as it can in each issue, gives you a free Wavebird, and it's really funny. Besides we're speaking in different contexts, EDGE is a multi-format magazine.

  c0Zm1c said:
Regardless, it's not as if EDGE neglect Nintendo.


But you said NGamer is biased and EDGE isn't. Of course NGamer is bias, it's a Nintendo mag!

  c0Zm1c said:
Its 'artistic content' is far more pleasing than the 'HEY, LOOK AT ME, I JUST WANT TO BE NOTICED' approach most gaming magazines adopt. Plus, it's reviews and articles are more intelligently written than said magazines.




When I buy a gaming mag I try and get EDGE, its more professional that the others, gives an honest view of the game(s). And isn't so far up Nintendo's backside you are coming out of their mouth. EDGE also goes further than just the games, I always find some of the better articles are about the industry itself.


I personally don't like N Gamer that much I acutally prefer Revolution (ok out of date name) but thought it was a better laid out magazine, and the issue i picked up had a good Zelda preview, but to be honest other than edge I very rarely bother with games mags, the internet is by far better.


Yeah, I quite liked Revoloution, would have preferred more DS content though (a bigger free magaine)

Might pick up EDGE or Games? because you all seem to love it so much. xD


I'v been a subscriber of NGamer since the N64 days, it was really good then and throught out its NGC life as well, but since its been called NGamer is just doesnt seem the same. the reviews are still good, and although they can be slightly biased sometimes, i would say there prety accurate a lot of the time. But now there is probably about half the magazine i just dont even look at now. The dvd it comes with every month now though is really good, the last one had loads of videos of games back from the nes days, I loved that lol, good times.


I'm still subscribed to it. I always enjoyed reading it when it was n64/NGC magazine and still enjoy it now. They still make me laugh.


It's annoying how I've been a subscriber for ages now and I've never recieved any free gift (like a Wavebird).


Thats ashame, you would have thought they'd give you something, you could unsubscribe, and then re subscribe. xD

And I liked that DVD too, it had PLOK! on it!!

Guest Stefkov

I like ONm, for some reason, however the gift of free m&m's was a bit gay.

I like Edge aswll, ive got a few mags of theres. might get another one sometime.


I did like ONM to start with... until I realised how biased it was and how crap they are at scoring....

NSMB 96% ...wtf?

  bstmte said:
Thats ashame, you would have thought they'd give you something, you could unsubscribe, and then re subscribe. xD

I'm too lazy!


Edge is £9.99 for 3 months, inclusive of Royal Mail postage, packaging and any credit/debit fees.


£3.33 per issue when you consider the overall cost.


Not only that but you get it a day early.


So, did you subscribe to NGamer, bstme? I was a subscriber of N64 Magazine issue 27 with the Hybrid Heaven cover on it, went through NGC Magazine over to NGamer. One annoying thing about it, is their disregard of Golden Sun. Because of this, I try to play Golden Suns as often as possible without getting too bored. That's an art of balancing your love. :D


I do love their feature of anything Nintendo-related, like that "All you need to know about Wii". That was really educating and it was well lay-outed. However, the footnotes are really distracting and all those extra info around the reviews are also very distracting. Makes it hard to read reviews if they are spread around more then two pages. But, that's something I've had to endure since the time of N64 Magazine.


Lately I've been thinking about unsubscribing NGamer, so I won't be drown in N64, NGC and NGamer-mags + a couple of old Edge mags in my future flat. There's just so much a man can have in his shelter. =)

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