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Lost - Series 3 [spoilers]


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I'm sorry, but this is looking more and more like a dream theory - if they don't get it right and start with paranormal stuff with no explaination, I'm stopping the watch. Crashed? All dead? If they can explain that without mention the word 'dream' or 'soul', they're absolutely great writers. If they can't, they've just messed up the entire series.

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I'm sorry, but this is looking more and more like a dream theory - if they don't get it right and start with paranormal stuff with no explaination, I'm stopping the watch. Crashed? All dead? If they can explain that without mention the word 'dream' or 'soul', they're absolutely great writers. If they can't, they've just messed up the entire series.


Damon Lindelof said this in an e-mail:

"The following two facts are true. I swear it. A) They're not in purgatory. B) They're not dead.

If we did such a thing after repeatedly stating otherwise, we'd be tarred and feathered!" - Damon Lindelof

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THey arn't dead, theres a lot of good theroies around saying that it's all a setup, "Dhrma setting up the crash site to tell the real worl their dead", "2 flights on the oceanic website both set off from sydney at the same time, both flight numbers where getting mixed up all the time so it was a mix up on the flight numbers" and a few others that I can't remember ^^;

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Jins Ghost Story

"And the girl turned to the man who saved her and said , 'Thank God. I was afraid you were the Hook Man.' And the man looked at the girl with a smile and said, 'Don't worry, little girl. My hook is....STILL IN YOUR FATHER'S HEAD!"


Naomi Translations

"Me estoy muriendo" is Spanish for "I am dying" (from the captions).


"Aiutami sto morendo" is Italian for "Help me I'm dying" (from the captions; partially incorrect, but comprehensible).


She mutters in an "asian language" (from the captions) which Jin claims is Chinese, not Korean. "出了什么事?(chu le shen me shi)" is Chinese for "What happened?" or "What's going on?".


After Mikhail and Desmond treat Naomi's wound, she says something in Portuguese not spelled out in the captions. It is not "Thank you" as Mikhail claims. Instead, it sounds like "Eu não estou só" which is Portuguese (spoken with a Brazilian accent) for "I am not alone." The "Ardil-22" book is also Portuguese.



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Regarding the crash site and Naomi saying it was found and there were no survivors, I think it could quite easily be a set up by 'somebody' (not necessarily dharma) There seems to have been a lot of scientific research been going on on the island and the others at least have been looking into something to do with pregnancy.


Now, obviously the entire world is pretty much against using humans as test subjects for major things and not many people would agree to participate in scientific research that could endanger their lives. If a plane full of passengers crashes on your island then they're perfect human test subjects!


Remember in Season 1, when it was noticed that the tide was coming up the shore at a pretty fast rate, washing all the fuselage away? This meant they had to take camp right up to the edge of the jungle. Now, what if this tide rising was controlled by something or someone? What if everything on the island was? They need this plane wreckage to be found so the world stops looking for the passengers, giving them their free test subjects. So maybe the tide rose to wash the fuselage out to a place away from the island and beyond the probable protective 'bubble' that's hiding the place from the world.


Maybe that's how they did it. It'd certainly not involve multiple timelines like current theories going around. I'm really not keen on the multiple timeline thing at all, I think they can easily get very messy if the writing isn't absolutely perfect. I prefer time travel stories that have a straight timeline. Best popular example I can think of is in prisoner of azkaban (the book) when their future selves are always there in the present, just not seen or not known as such. So nothing really "changes" in reality.

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Regarding the crash site and Naomi saying it was found and there were no survivors, I think it could quite easily be a set up by 'somebody' (not necessarily dharma) There seems to have been a lot of scientific research been going on on the island and the others at least have been looking into something to do with pregnancy.


Now, obviously the entire world is pretty much against using humans as test subjects for major things and not many people would agree to participate in scientific research that could endanger their lives. If a plane full of passengers crashes on your island then they're perfect human test subjects!


Remember in Season 1, when it was noticed that the tide was coming up the shore at a pretty fast rate, washing all the fuselage away? This meant they had to take camp right up to the edge of the jungle. Now, what if this tide rising was controlled by something or someone? What if everything on the island was? They need this plane wreckage to be found so the world stops looking for the passengers, giving them their free test subjects. So maybe the tide rose to wash the fuselage out to a place away from the island and beyond the probable protective 'bubble' that's hiding the place from the world.


Maybe that's how they did it. It'd certainly not involve multiple timelines like current theories going around. I'm really not keen on the multiple timeline thing at all, I think they can easily get very messy if the writing isn't absolutely perfect. I prefer time travel stories that have a straight timeline. Best popular example I can think of is in prisoner of azkaban (the book) when their future selves are always there in the present, just not seen or not known as such. So nothing really "changes" in reality.


Everybody knows that if you need test-subjects, you can go to China and order them in a box (some come in bottles). I think that the entire story will be crap if it turns out like this. If they just say 'you all imagened it, we were testing you!' it would still be a crappy ending.

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Everybody knows that if you need test-subjects, you can go to China and order them in a box (some come in bottles). I think that the entire story will be crap if it turns out like this. If they just say 'you all imagened it, we were testing you!' it would still be a crappy ending.


When the hell did say anything about them imagining it?

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When the hell did say anything about them imagining it?


If you have to explain the hatch, the black cloud, the shield, the others and the island itself being a snow-globe, well you have to say they imagened a little. Technology is not good enough to make a true black cloud...

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Cant wait for next week ep. :D


Me neither! But then I couldn't wait for this weeks episode the way the trailers hyped it up. Didn't reveal anything new (beside the connection between Locke and Sawyer but that's been blatantly obvious for a while) and didn't really advance the story much at all.

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The Brig was simply one of the best hours of Lost ever.


When Sawyer got the list out of his pocket I was so happy. Proper resolution to a storyline that originated in the first season. Also, with news of the Others planning a raid on the beach, it looks like the stage is set for the finale's big showdown..

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Yeh, it doesn't say 'spoilers' in the thread title.


The Brig was a great episode, and possibly the best one this season so far. Was disappointed when it ended, as I just wanted more.


Looking forward to next weeks.

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Urgh this thread always spoils Lost for me.


Why do you even come to this thread if you know we almost solely discuss the last aired episode? You're a loony, dude...


The Brig was great - and finally the series start moving - they have been for a long time, but finally we're leaving the trainstation and moving along the tracks onto a better serie.

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But it says spoilers in the thread title.

There aren't actually ever any real spoilers posted here anyway besides the occasional trailer links that Dante posts.

Talking about an episode that's already aired isn't really classed as 'spoiler'. It's your own fault for clicking on such a thread when you know the latest eps are released on Wednesday. Just stay away until you get to see it yourself.

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