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Revolution Magazine


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Is Cube magazine still being produced. It suddenly stopped being sold here in NZ at about issue 53. I miss it as it was the only Ninty mag we got here and I liked the DVDs that came with it.


i felt the DVD's were very poorly made, and surely using a magazine's "free" DVD as a promotional aid for one of your staff's band is illegal in some way?! CUBE did indeed finish with issue 53.

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There were only ever two ratings I didn't agree with in Cube.

One was Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, which they gave a (slightly) higher score to than Metroid Prime, but I feel the original was the better game. I'm not saying I thought Echoes was bad, I thought it was a really good game, but the first was better.

I also thought that it was, to say the least, a little odd to give Medal of Honour Rising Sun, which was, imo, the gameplay equivelent of, say, eating horse shite (not just bad, but unpleasent), 9.0. It deserves nothing higher than a 6.5, which is saying something when coming from someone who noramly loves WWII games...


Still, I'm glad to see it's back.

Pitty Chandra and Lewis have gone to ONM, but you can't win everything.

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So this mag... it's from the makers of Cube I presume? Then I'm not getting it: they gave smash bros 8.0 and thought starfox adventures was better than mario sunshine. And they're not as humourous as NGamer.


1) SSBM should of been higher

2) Star Fox Adventures WASbetter than Mario Sunshine


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It's out now, just spotted it in WHSmiths.


i'l wait till 2moro before walking down into belfast, always seems to take an extra day to get it over here :( but hey at least that means if you guys have it already that we'll get it on its proper launch day :)


still dunno which cover to go for.... mmm...

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I really must give this a look , especially as I was a big fan of Cube (the only GC mag I bothered subscribing to).


I always found their reviews to be largely spot on , and that includes the 8.0 for SSBM.


Gotta get the Zelda cover too.


yeh it was the only one i subscribed to as well until ONM came along. just recently made my mind up that i was definitely getting zelda instead of metroid at launch so i'm thinking i'll go with that cover... maybe... nope, still dunno...

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