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Sonic the Hedgehog


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What I would love, would be 3D Sonic action stages and forget the other shit.


I dunno, I mean there's different types of "other shit".


I loved Sonic Adventure 1's adventure fields because they were really well done and gave the world a light sense of cohesion, aswell as broke the game up a bit with a good change of pace. It padded the experience and made it more epic, aswell as provided some really cool distractions like the NiGHTS pinball table and the Chao Garden/contests. I think we can all happily agree that the whole Chao thing was more ham-fistedly handled in 2, and it really turned you off the concept pretty much alltogether.


The adventure fields in Sonic The Hedgehog are just.. really big and empty. There's none of the cute interaction and none of it is particularly memorable at all, apart from maybe....... hmm.. I forgot.


Keeping just the action stages would just shorten the experience and *dumb it down* in a sense. It'd be like removing the city bits from an RPG if you will, and just have you constantly fighting monsters. You can argue that Sonic isn't an RPG and you'd be right, but Sonic also has - to your excitement or dismay - some character and story stuff going on these days that some actually find engaging. I don't think the adventure fields does STH any good, but not because they're by definition a bad idea, but rather because they're simply poorly executed.


Possibly to a point where they're the primary reason the game never really takes off in fact.


For STH2 I'd love it if they kept side missions but they made the city area different from the "battle" areas you end up in when you accept a mission to destroy X amounts of enemies. The city bits need to feel homely and likeable and they should have more casually appealing activities to participate in. Sega have a huge library of titles that are worthy cameo material. Give us a dance club with some basic Space Channel 5 stuff going on, or maybe a beach/kite/hangglider NiGHTS-style mini game. Just.. Don't give us a big, empty nothing next time.

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Playing the acts trying to get S, it strikes me once again how fucking awe-mazing the soundtrack is. Simply superb!


Flame Core has a bit where you start hopping on floating bits of rock in the lava, and the music and everything comes together so beautifully. White Acropolis (the non-snowboard bit) also has some moments of greatness where the game gets to be WHAT IT IS and the music complements it perfectly.


Has someone figured out just what you get an S rank for? I've gotten plenty and been baffled by the fact, while I just beat the Cerberus at insane-demonic speed and got a B for it. :o

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Eurogamer scores the game as 2/10.


"Then, to add insult to injury - or perhaps vice versa - the team apparently got just as bored of the game as players will be within ten minutes, and pushed the damn thing out the door in an utterly unfinished state."



"However, this review boils down to one simple conclusion: this game is unfinished. It was quite clearly released without being properly tested, tweaked or tuned; in my first few hours of play, I uncovered massive, massive flaws which should have seen the game bounced right back from testing immediately, but which have made it onto a final retail copy of the product."



All the reviews.

Play Magazine 12/1/2006 9.5 out of 10 95.0%

Game Informer 1/1/2007 6.75 out of 10 67.5%

Deeko 11/18/2006 6 out of 10 60.0%

GameBrink 11/16/2006 57 out of 100 57.0%

1UP 11/15/2006 5.5 out of 10 55.0%

Cheat Code Central 11/17/2006 2.7 out of 5 54.0%

UnderGroundOnline 11/21/2006 D 50.0%

GameDaily 11/16/2006 2.5 out of 5 50.0%

GameSpot 11/21/2006 4.4 out of 10 44.0%

Games Radar 11/22/2006 4 out of 10 40.0%

Edge Magazine UK 12/25/2006 3 out of 10 30.0%

Eurogamer 11/24/2006 2 out of 10 20.0%

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It's worth a lot more than a 2. It's obviously not a 9 game either. But i'm having some fun with it. The action stages have been alright so far. But the endless loading (4 times a stage! What the ****?), hideous voice acting, cheesy crappy cut scenes and generic mind numbing tasks you need to do to progress to the good bits do spoil things just a tiny bit.

Better than Heroes, worse than Adventure so far. 7/10 worthy so far.

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Sounds like my 6.7 was pretty much right on the money then. Nice to hear.


It's ironic though because I could almost buy 2/10 off EG if the reasons weren't cut/pasted from the Book Of The Never Ending 3D Sonic Criticisms, because they are quite frankly overstated by now. I even played some Sonic Adventure DX earlier today, and even that game is still fine as long as you "get" them. A lot of games require you to "get" them but somehow 3D Sonics don't get that kind of attention.


Instead of that they could've quoted the load times and the scarceness of the adventure field world as inexcusable flaws - I would have to agree - and concur that they shouldn't exist in a game this day and age. It's evident however that they raise the same old points again and slap a score of I Don't Give A Fuck/10 on it. Ho well.

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The problem is that so many gamers hold the 2D sonics in such high regard.


Once one game didn't reach their expectations, a lot just completely disregard the rest off-hand.



It's got a stigma, and that will be very, very hard to shake off. It doesn't mean the games won't be any good, mind. As is evident here.

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Sonic is a major franchise. Its Nintendos Mario, so to speak.


With that, Sega have a responsibility to make a game that will be liked by many.

2D Sonic games are one of the staples of 2D platforming/adrelanine rush games.


Now, I am by no means a Sonic hater, i love Sonic games. If a game forces you to play in a certain way due to it being incredibly glitchy, frustrating or broken, just so you can try and get some enjoyment out of it, this is totally wrong.


I wont get into how i hate all these new characters and how you have to play as Shadow in a fucking jeep and how the voice acting and story is fucking terrible.


I've been hearing stories of constant loading times, there is simply no excuse frankly for this.

Also, Sonic games have gone beyond looking fun to play, they need to be fun to play.

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Sonic is a major franchise. Its Nintendos Mario, so to speak.


With that, Sega have a responsibility to make a game that will be liked by many.

2D Sonic games are one of the staples of 2D platforming/adrelanine rush games.


Now, I am by no means a Sonic hater, i love Sonic games. If a game forces you to play in a certain way due to it being incredibly glitchy, frustrating or broken, just so you can try and get some enjoyment out of it, this is totally wrong.


I wont get into how i hate all these new characters and how you have to play as Shadow in a fucking jeep and how the voice acting and story is fucking terrible.


I've been hearing stories of constant loading times, there is simply no excuse frankly for this.

Also, Sonic games have gone beyond looking fun to play, they need to be fun to play.



I actually agree with you, for a change. Heh. ;)


I was kind of hoping that this Sonic title and Secret Rings would change the way sonic titles were viewed by gamers. It seems like there's still a long way to go yet before there's truely an amazing 3d sonic title. A bit of a shame, as i want one now.

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Well, I don't mind the new characters and in fact I embrace them. Much more so than the squeakyness of Amy and the worthlessness of every gameplay device they can come up with starring Tails. Flying around bombing things with rings isn't exactly the pinnacle of meaningful activities.


I also like the feeble attempts at a story. I dunno if something is wrong with me, but I am genuinely enthusiastic about seeing these characters interact with eachother and the vague intrigue that ensues. I like that Shadow has a "dark past" and gets to speak in a moody voice and I like that Silver comes from the future trying to stop Sonic from ending the world. I like the design of most of these characters, and I appreciate what little depth Sega decide to give them.


I'll just never join in with the marching SONIC BY HIMSELF RUNNING LIKE A NUT IS ALL WE NEED band, but I'll admit that up until now the extra characters have all been unbearably dull to have forced on you. Sonic The Hedgehog redeems this to an extent by getting rid of a lot of the less developed ones, using some sparingly and really making some of them - notably Blaze - worthwhile.


I just can't agree with the notion that getting rid of them all, thus killing the *universe* they have going right now, is what's best for the series. They do however need to think further about how to incorporate them into gameplay that'll allow for the kind of pace change they're theoretically perfect for.


Shadow using vehicles isn't a moronic idea on its own, but having you do stuff - whatever it may be - that's not fun, IS. If made really fun and cool I don't think anyone would mind hopping on a motorcycle to chase Eggman down on Radical Train. As it is, it's a crazy twitch fest and that's why it's bad.


Oh and for what it's worth, the voice work is considerably better in this game than it has been in all the voiced Sonic games in the past.

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for me, I will always remember the Sonic universe as


The Planet mobius


Sonic, knuckles, tails and amy

and maybe metalix.


The good old days.



I think that's part of the problem. A lot of us just want our traditional sonic game, but 3d instead of 2d.

We want it to play the same, have the same characters and have the same fun factor. Once we've got something different, i think we just can't help but feel a little disappointed.

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It's definitely a problem, and one I can't really imagine having because I didn't grow up with that at all. It's not that I'm too young, clocking in at 23, but I was residing in the nintendo camp back then.


It's unfair and wrong that I've gotten sort of fed up with these 30 year olds who crave one dimensional characters with simple good/evil plots back, because all they're doing is the same as I'm doing right now - wishing to keep the universe that's established itself in my heart.


Even though I fully realise this, that doesn't change the fact that me and probably a lot of other, erhm, kids, have seen the Sonic X stuff, played the Sonic Adventures and sort of take it for granted, all the now-established lore and stories behind Knuckles, the origins of Sonic and Shadow, and the logic behind the chaos emeralds/chaos control. Therefore they can't really withdraw from all that without REALLY cutting into its current fans, subsequently it will keep all the popular characters like Shadow for traditionalist fans to keep spewing hate over in reviews.


But I do understand. I really do. I read Spiderman for six years and now Eddie Brock is his childhood friend and Rhino is a robot, or something. There's just no taking to it.

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Do you people pay attention at all to the messages that display when you run through the question mark thingymabobs? :)


"When all of these orb thingies are alit - the door will open!" or some such it exclaims. Just clobber those orb thingies in succession and ye shall be free!

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