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Devil May Cry 4


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Scans Translation


"Most of 1st page: just useless babbling like "we have castles like the other installments of the series" or "the castle is designed to make it feel like it's a large area instead of an enclosed tight space" and "the halls are huge!"


Translation on White Knight: "These are the knights that attacked Nero in Fortuna. From the fact that their armor caries the Order's emblem, they are supposed to be Nero's allies. Perhaps these armors are possessed by demons?


"Nero vs White Knights! The start of a fabulous aerial battle!"



"While Nero is looking up some documents in other parts of Fortuna, the White Knights suddenly appeared and attacked him without any explanation. Why would the Knights of the Order attack Nero? Nero is plunged into the battle not knowing what's going on. Not only are the white knights equipped with heavy armor, they also wield heavy firearms hidden within their arms. With such formidable opponents, What kind of battle awaits Nero?"



Referring to middle pic "Nero notices the Knight standing behind him. The knight does not react to Nero's greeting."


Referring to the pic with the book "Nero blocking the lance with a book! It looks like there is no time to ask why is the knight attacking him"


Referring to the pics with the knights charging and glowing "Just like Nero's sword, the White Knight also uses the accelerator ability. Is this also the product of the Order?"


Referring to that Stinger-ish move from the "Watch out for their piercing attack"


Referring to that pic with the White Knight trying to poke Nero "Nero dodges the stabbing attack from the lance just in time!"


Referring to Nero using Snatch "if you use the Snatch function of the Devil Bringer, you can get in close at an instant"


Referring Nero wielding the lance (!!!) "Nero has successfully used the Devil Bringer to jack the White Knight's sword. Players should make full use of the Devil Bringer's powers."



Random text sprinkled around:

"Are the guns made by the Order!?"

"Watch out for their Charging attack!"

"No explanations given for attack Nero!"

"These huge wings are going to be hard to deal with too!!"

"It's going to be a long battle"

"Please make good use of the Devil Bringer's abilities"

"Use the Devil Bringer to create a road to victory"


Third page:


"The battles in Fortuna will introduce a new low-level demon in this series. Here we have Mephisto (could be wrong; it's written in Chinese, I had to guess), with the ability to move through solid objects. Not only will they suddenly appear in unexpected places, they also use their extendable razor-sharp fingertips to attack. These guys are going to be very tedious to defeat. It appears it'll take some work to stylishly finish them off. Maybe it is a good strategy to beat them on the ground after using the Devil Bringer to drag them here."


Lower Right Corner:

Mephisto: A low-tier demon that floats in the air while emitting a black aura. It can use it's gas-like form to phase through objects. Their extendable fingertips are as sharp as swords, and can penetrate preys across long distances.


referring to the lower left pic "These guys will attack you with their extendable fingertips while floating in the air. Since the attack is completely linear, it looks like all the player needs to do to dodge it is to move left or right."


referring to pic on the right of that last one "They do not seem to exhibit great stamina. At close range, a series of continuous attack should be able to defeat them. Or should the player use Snatch as they evade towards to wall?"


DMC4 Voice Actors

Dante - Reuben Langdon

Nero - Johnny Young Bosch

Kyrie - Laura Napoli

Credo - Daniel Southworth

Agnus - TJ Storm

Gloria - Danielle Burgio

High Priest - Liam O'Brien

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  • 2 weeks later...

First the Play Magazine interview of Kobayashi. Thanks to fealafear from IGN for posting the interesting tidbits.


# NO extra Downloadable content is as planned for the game as of yet however the game at the very minimum will have a leaderboard that will allow you to compare Stylish points with your friends and others.


# Nero looks very similar to Dante for a reason, although it's a "secret"


# Tatsuya Yoshikawa, lead artist of most of the Breath of Fire series, designed Nero as well as most of the characters and enemies in the game.


# Nero doesn't gather weapons in the same manner that Dante does, but has the "Devil Arm" which gets upgraded abilities as you progress throughout the game.


# Difficulty has been toned down from DMC3 and is the same worldwide, but they still have a "crazy final difficulty" level for hardcore fans. Difficulty will be very easy from the start and will near the end ramp up to DMC3 level difficulty (like a staircase).


# When asked whether Kobayashi has played Ninja Gaiden 2, he said that he did and that it looks like the first game (in a positive sense). Kobayashi gives his respect to Itagaki.


# PS3 and 360 versions are completely identical. No surprise there.


# The game is closer to DMC3 than DMC in terms of game play. The level structure has been altered to reflect more like DMC3 than DMC1 because DMC1 was built like a RE game, not an action game. It was too open ended.


#Kobayashi says that Nero passes the "baton to Dante" after Kyrie gets kidnapped implying that is like the half way point in the game where Nero and Dante switch. DMC4 is one story with 2 heroes.


#When asked about why Nero has the same name as "Nelo Angelo", Kobayashi answered: "Why we went with Nero should become clear as you play through the story and find out if he has any connection to Nelo Angelo/Vergil". Please note that he insists that Vergil is "sitting this one out".


#Kobayashi states that while Yoshikawa is known very much for his very anime-like designs in Breath of Fire and Megaman series, he has very good realistic designs as well and many people will be surprised by it as they have never been shown to the public (even Kobayashi/Itsuno themselves seemed surprised by it).


#The environment designs are based around Mediterranean locations like Turkey, Italy etc.


#Kobayashi confirms DMC anime as canon and where Trish/Lady meet for the first time. Kobayashi does in fact say Lady is in her late twenties in DMC4. He states that Trish hasn't aged that much because she is a demon (and laughs).


#Kobayashi was also asked about God of War, he said that he met with David Jaffe and was flattered when he heard that Jaffe incorporated many aspects of DMC, RE, Onimusha and other Capcom games into God of War. Kobayashi says that GoW is a great game but it's more focused on puzzle solving than action than DMC is. Kobayashi also states that western-action games have a different philosophy in action games that is now geared towards contact sensitive/QTE stuff (also makes reference to Heavenly Sword) where as with DMC they are more focused on rewarding the player for their own skill.


#For his comment on Itagaki and I quote: "As far as Mr. Itagaki... he does what he does and we do what we do."


#On the final note, Kobayashi addresses that some fans didn't feel right when Dante was dropkicked in the face by Nero (lol). He said that scene was done out of love not out of disrespect. He said the fans will enjoy the switch from Nero to Dante very much.


Famitsu Info:

# Early buyers will get a special DVD (Two versions - Dante and Nero)


# Devil enemies make an appearance : Echidna and Assault


# Assault is a devil that was in the first game which was Blade. Assault is the new upgraded version of Blades from DMC1.


# Echidna is like a snake and a woman comes from its open mouth, as it spits out more it's appearance changes. This is the boss shown in the trailer.








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Gamers Will Have the Opportunity to Experience the Power of the "Devil Bringer" Before Purchasing the Game Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today confirmed that owners of Sony Computer Entertainment’s PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft will be able to experience Devil May Cry® 4 early, thanks to the release of a playable demo. A free downloadable demo of the game will be available on the PLAYSTATION®Store and Xbox LIVE® Marketplace in early 2008. Devil May Cry 4 has been rated M for Mature by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB).


The demo introduces gamers to the gothic-inspired supernatural world of Devil May Cry 4, new protagonist Nero and the awesome power of his Devil Bringer. The demo consists of a sampling of sections from the full game, chosen to showcase Devil May Cry 4’s varied locales and allows gamers to familiarize themselves with Nero’s unique abilities. Players will receive instruction on the various new actions that the Devil Bringer bestows, such as the ability to slam creatures to the ground, cover great distances in a single bound or even grab enemies while on the ground or in the air and pull them towards Nero to continue the attack combo. The Exceed system allows Nero to “rev up” his sword as if it were a motorcycle throttle and unleash devastating attacks. Players will need to master all these techniques before the end of demo showdown with the mighty Berial.


Fully demonstrating the power of the next generation of consoles, the Devil May Cry 4 demo brings to life the coastal city of Fortuna and its surroundings, such as the port and snow-capped mountain ranges in exquisite detail. Devil May Cry 4 delivers its intense action at a constant 60 frames per second at 720P resolution on HD monitors, ensuring seamless and breathtaking gameplay all in stunning high definition.


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According to 1up the PS3 version of the game is the superior one. They say the controls are better as are the graphics. They also say the 360 version has screen tearing issues.If these issues are true it makes sense seeing as the game started development on the PS3.


Abit of a turn around if true, usually the PS3 gets the worse versions of multiformat titles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn I really want this now, I haven't really been into Devil May Cry since the first one (couldn't get into 3 for some reason) but this one is shaping up to be awesome.


And it helps that it's a hell of a lot prettier than Ninja Gaiden 2.

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