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What did the Gamecube do for you?

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erm...it gave me memories. About 4 games will remind me of a time in my life and how i actually felt at that time...happy, sad, lost etc...


(Wow that was deep....mmmmm).


I remember when i played Wind Waker for the first time etc...I remember it not giving me that feeling i got with OOT, it was adventorous but something about it wasn't clicking. I don't know if it helped that i played OOT in December and it was well and truly new and out of this world and just amazing.


I'm really really hoping Zelda: TTP gives me that enchanting, magical feeling! The times where you know you need to stop playing but you can't...it just plays great, you want to know whats over the hill...you want to explore....


Perhaps it's because i'm growing up, but i can honestly say Resident Evil 4 for the Gamecube is the only game which has lived up to expectations and more!


I'm hoping Zelda: TTP does this. PLEASE.

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