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Kingdom hearts 2 trailer


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Just came in from work and cancelled my pre-order of the game as I figured I would have to spend nearly £200 just to play this game as I needed to get another PS2, Mem card, game and guide. I thought I had better keep my cash for the Wii and DS onslaught plus I have Baten Kaitos Origins on the way.


I've cancelled with Play.


Well, I'm happt to stick to my Play preorder!


Though I don't mind if I don't get it on Friday/Saturday as I am very busy on both nice. It would be nice for it to come on Saturday so I had something to do on Sunday - but if it doesn't I really don't mind.

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Kingdom Hearts Break at HMV


UK, September 27, 2006 - European Square-Enix fans eagerly awaiting the launch of Kingdom Hearts II in the territory next Friday can pick up the paunch and shimmy on down to the 150 Oxford Street branch of HMV in London on September 29, between 12pm and 2pm, for all manner of mouse-shaped festivities.



All attendees will recieve an absolutely-not-permanent henna tattoo of the Kingdom Hearts II logo - on their arses or otherwise - as well as the chance to win prizes, including a Tetsuya Nomura-signed poster of the game. Apparently, proceedings will be overseen by the Kingdom Hearts II girls, who'll be "on hand" throughout the day. We're pretty sure that's not supposed to be suggestive.


If you don't like crowds - or girls for that matter - you can pick up Kingdom Hearts II in all good game-flogging shops across the UK from next Friday, September 29. Just in case you weren't paying attention earlier.

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Sounds like fun, but i wouldnt travel a hour and a half to HMV in Oxford Street just for that.


REALLY looking forward to getting this friday though, i have really really high hopes that i'm going to enjoy it from start to finish and not get bored.



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Well I managed to pick this up today as my mate let me borrow his PS2. I have been playing for about 3 hours now and the story is very interesting. Its great to see some of the FF characters back again in 3D, especially Setzer. Just playing this game reminds me why I love Square-Enix, the effort they have put into this game is amazing.


*runs off to play some more*

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Just reached Mulan world now, Im still confused as hell to whats going on with Roxas and Sora. Also the first real battle with Roxas and Axel was outstanding, especially when I whipped 2 Keyblades out. Thats me done for today as I gotta go to work but I will be playing this all weekend methinks.


Goddamn you, Game refused to sell it to me today...

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I'm in LOVE with this game!


My god i had to literally keep saying to myself over and over again, stop now, it's time for bed, the story is so compelling.


Actually saying that, i was slightly confused at the beginning, because i didn't play Kingdom Hearts, but thankfully they keep doing flashbacks and reminders etc..


One thing (which if i said here, may spoil the story, so i won't) i'm pretty sure i'm right about, hopefully i am. Otherwise i really do have no-idea whats going on.


Well the story may be confusing me slightly but i'm getting the hang-of it and can honestly say this is one of the best games i've played on the PS2 and overall so far, lets hope the game keeps surprising me over the next 34+ hours.


It seems slightly easy, but in all honesty this is good for me. I'd prefer not to get stuck and just keep carrying on to see whats happening next, so i like the difficulty.


I LOVE IT! :yay:

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Drive Forms = The Best Thing Ever.


I've only got Wisdom and Valor at the moment but I'm sure the other forms will rock too.


One problem, I think i'm going through the game at an alarming rate, I've already been to 8 worlds and I've only played for 13 hours.


Oh yeah there is one world that is making me cringe, a lot.


Other than that this game is amazing.

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Bah, I want this Game so much, I ahd KH 1 and Finished it and loved every second of it, but I don't have a PS2 anymore, KH was prettym uch the only game I got the Ps2 fpr in the first place and that was the start of this year when I got it and finished it, also got it for Guitar Hero as well but it's coming to the 360 so YEY, and the only time I get to paly KH2 is at work and thats pertty limited on what i can do but I really want to paly this game but...I don't want a Ps2 >> but I do so I can paly this...Humbug.

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Got the game this morning and just finished day 6 at Twilight Town. I must say that it seems a bit to story heavy. I want some action!


I am confused by the story. Axel wasn't in #1 was he? I can't remember, that is probably my biggest problem - I can't remember #1 so I am getting confused and I am awful at listening to stories so I am more confused. Oh well..


Hope I get to some Disney lands soon...

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No it was Thusday and even though they had the game in stock they were not allowed to sell it until Friday.


Beeeeeeecause they get fined.


Anyway, started playing through 1 again (well carrying on where I left off) and I'm just never in the mood for a long gaming session, I give up too easily.

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I loved the fight against Xaldin, Square Enix have put so much effort into this game and it's so polished, I really hope I'm still days left from the end.


Also has anyone else experienced something 'suprising' when you die during a boss fight? I won't spoil it but it's awesome when it happens.

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I loved the fight against Xaldin, Square Enix have put so much effort into this game and it's so polished, I really hope I'm still days left from the end.


Also has anyone else experienced something 'suprising' when you die during a boss fight? I won't spoil it but it's awesome when it happens.


Yes, I experienced it once. And it is awesome.


You can see my battle report, which you get when you finish the game, here (it contains a spoiler, the one that happens when you die during a boss fight).

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Finished on Proud mode.


I loved this game, I'm greatly saddend to see it end but all games must and at least there are somethings for me to go back and do.


There were a few problems with the story though, some things were never clarified and things didn't happen that I thought were going to.


Here's hoping the third one won't be too far off...

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I am going through it very slowly - but I'm using any free tiem to either go on that or go here. I'm only at the Land of Dragons, five hours exactly played.


I'm on Disney Castle 8 hours i believe. I've had a little break these last 2 days, scared i'm getting through it too quickly.


I'll be playing it today though! LOVE it!


Yeah i love, what i think is called 'drive' McMad. I was facing a boss (the beauty and the beast one) and died right near the end. Then i press a button and Mickey Mouse in a cloak came sprinting around, killed everything and saved Sora! I then beat the boss! GREAT!

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Yeah i love, what i think is called 'drive' McMad. I was facing a boss (the beauty and the beast one) and died right near the end. Then i press a button and Mickey Mouse in a cloak came sprinting around, killed everything and saved Sora! I then beat the boss! GREAT!


Thanks for spoiling it for me Owen, Cheers!


I just beat Beasts Castle last night, I was going to start the Hercules world but I got pretty tired. Like Sarka im taking my time with it as I want it to last.

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Just finished the Steam Boat Willie worl. It was pretty cool playing in black and white for a while. I still a bit disappointed with it at the moment as the story doesnt seem to be going anywhere, I just seem to be travelling from 1 world to another which is exactly what I was doing in the first game.


How is everyone else doing on it?

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