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Is this country (the UK) breeding idiots?

Guest Jordan

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I blame the parents! Or maybe the government for taking away certain parental 'rights'!


Back in my day if I did something bad (obviously not for every little thing but serious stuff), I'd get a good smack - result I didn't do it again. Nowadays this isn't allowed - result they don't learn any respect, they think they can walk all over their parents, because, lets face it, said parents are more or less powerless to do anything other than send them to their room, or take away their pocket money, I mean big fucking whoop!


I also agree with the belief that the fact that exams are being made easier, allowing more people into Uni, etc being the stupidest idea ever! You're basically just letting people into Uni who don't want to be there to learn and just wanna get drunk out their face and disrupt other students who really do want to learn! If these so called deprived kids from harder backgrounds really want to make something out of themselves then they'll get their heads down and make an effort!


This Sport Relief thing that is happening at the moment is flawed as well (maybe a bit controversial, but meh). I was watching Only Fools On Horses last night and they showed one of those short films explaining where the money goes. Usually I change the channel or something at this point because they depress me but this time I carried on watching and to my horror I see they're giving a load of money, that decent people have donated, to chavs! So basically they're giving a load of wasters a so called chance, which lets face it, they're gonna screw up when I bet there are thousands of other kids who actually want to make something out of themselves that would love that same opportunity!


There rant over, feel free to flame me :heh:

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I agree with you Twilight_Link, parents are softening.


It's not just the UK, I think this mass stupidity is a new phenomenon in entire rich Europe. TV plays a big role in it . The problem is, people who are smart are boring. Stupid people are funny, intriguing and far better TV, and due to all commerciality we get to see stupid people.


I mean seriously how fun would Big Brother (can't believe you Brits still watch it but hey) be if there were intellectuals discussing politics, science or business? We get to see more and more stupidity on TV, and therefore you get the feeling we are getting more stupid by time.

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There may or may not be a proliferation of stupid people being presented to us on television, but it is the truth that the people who actually run television are not stupid. They're so clever that they can take a bunch of people who have supposedly nothing to offer society and turn them into a lean, mean, money-making machine.

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It's not just the UK, I think this mass stupidity is a new phenomenon in entire rich Europe. TV plays a big role in it . The problem is, people who are smart are boring. Stupid people are funny, intriguing and far better TV, and due to all commerciality we get to see stupid people.


Are we talking about reality TV or scripted here?

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Ok I'm going for it.


The question itself is quite offensive in my opinion, people that aren't intelligent aren't worse people and so whether the answer is yes or no it shouldn't really matter. Should we not accept those that aren't as clever? I would be much more worried about the country being more agressive or rude than whether we're dumbing down.


I like Big Brother and have no problem with other people hating it, but thinking everyone that watches it is an idiot is ridiculous. Why do we watch TV? Entertainment. I'm not here to learn, I'm just watching something that's interesting, and watching people interact is interesting.


Maybe the "idiots" like Jade are being glorified more so than in the past, but I don't think that means we as a country are getting stupid. Again, she's popular because people find her entertaining.


Totally agree. Couldn't of said it better myself.


5 million watch Big Brother (including myself) and i wouldn't say i'm a idiot, people on here probably think i am but i don't give a damn.


Katie watches Big Brother and comes across very intelligiant.


Everyones entitled to watch what they wanna watch, i think it's unfair to brand people 'idiots' for watching something you don't like.

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