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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest

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I'm going to see this this afternoon. I'm only really interested in Keira Knightly to be honest. :love:

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she's so fucking annoying.


but an otherwise brilliant film. I do like pirates me....

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Why exactly not? I dont find her attractive and I know a few people who say the same thing. It a case of personal taste, just because your a bloke you dont have to instantly get a hard on with every celebrity woman you see.


Fair enough Hero, I didn't mean to cause offence. It IS personal taste, she happens to be my ideal women. You where just too strong in putting her down that made sence to me, surely some would disagree with whom you find attractive. Keira is hot. Damn hot. Im proud that many agree with this, so there is bound to be a responce if people start slating her.

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Fair enough Hero, I didn't mean to cause offence. It IS personal taste, she happens to be my ideal women. You where just too strong in putting her down that made sence to me, surely some would disagree with whom you find attractive. Keira is hot. Damn hot. Im proud that many agree with this, so there is bound to be a responce if people start slating her.


Very True. Each to their own mate : peace:

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This film was amazing! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and was slightly perplexed by the ending. If you haven't seen it, sit through the credits for a special scene at the end.

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This film was amazing! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and was slightly perplexed by the ending. If you haven't seen it, sit through the credits for a special scene at the end.


Gits I knew I should have waited. Can you post in a spolier tag what happens at the end of the credits...PLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASEEEEEEEEE!

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The cannibals are shown dancing in front of a seemingly empty throne, but then the camera zooms down to show the dog that they were chasing earlier, yapping happily at being worshipped.


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I was cursing my friend at the end of the film. For the last hour, i was desperately in need of the toilet. I decided to wait until the end of the film as i didn't want to miss anything.

I sat there and waited. The credits were rolling, and my friend told me to wait incase anything happened. We waited for ages and ages for the credits to roll. And by this time, 3 out of the 4 of us were dying!


We were absolutely fuming at our mate at the end of it!


The moral is, stay behind if you wanna see it. However, if you need the loo, forsake your friends. It's not really worth it.

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Not worth kicking yourself over like the X-men 3 one thank god. Are films going to make a habit of this? Im not sure what Pirates was like for you guys but the odeon was giving out free chocolate gold coins. Before the film started some d00d dressed in pull pirate clobber start talking about the hunt for that burried car. The guy was quite a laugh and I'm glad he got a round of applause instead of chavs throwing stuff at him like I expected. Made me feel slightly less ripped off by the cinema aswell, Result. :)

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Just looked on Empire's site and Pirates took a whopping $132 million in it's first day, beating Spider-Man as the biggest opener.


It left poor old Superman to take only $21 million.


I thought Pirates was good, but i'm way more excited about Supes!

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I can't believe I missed the first ten minutes of the World Cup final watching this shite :mad:. I still want to bum Keira though :love:

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I can't believe I missed the first ten minutes of the World Cup final watching this shite :mad:. I still want to bum Keira though :love:


Don't we all, mate.

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I can't believe I missed the first ten minutes of the World Cup final watching this shite :mad:. I still want to bum Keira though :love:


I don't I find her repulsive. If I woke up tommorow and keira was in my bed I would have to commit suicide. (Hyperbole but you get the message)

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I don't I find her repulsive. If I woke up tommorow and keira was in my bed I would have to commit suicide. (Hyperbole but you get the message)


Lies. All of it. :p


She may not be attractive to some, but in no way is she kicking out of bed material!

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I don't I find her repulsive. If I woke up tommorow and keira was in my bed I would have to commit suicide. (Hyperbole but you get the message)

You're gay? Blind? Joking? Come on, which one is it?

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You're gay? Blind? Joking? Come on, which one is it?


She would have to pay me to sleep with her. (or give me a Wii)

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Just saw it.


The film itself was OK, some mildly humourous parts. The story itself was kind of rubbish. The film took an hour to get good, then ended at the worst possible moment. I just found myself getting into film, and it ended.


I fear the worst for the Pirates of the Caribbean. I fear another Matrix trilogy. Amazing first film, ok second film, absolute crap third film.

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I went to see it last night, as said before its the best film ive seen this year. And what an ending! It will lead so well to the 3rd film. Which i cant wait for :D

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