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Resident Evil: Extinction Details Released


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Thats probably why ninty isn't so quick to let Metroid go down the crapper with the other lot. But it seems that horror games only get turned into movies these days.


As for the resi 1 movie, they have to at least re-write the script. Or they can keep it the same for a little inside joke.

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Someone got their hands on a draft of a Resident Evil: Extinction script post-dated May 15th 2006.


Here's all the info we could glean from it:


-"Post-apocalyptic" world is a bit of an exaggeration. The film takes place only 3 days after Apocalypse and one third of the US has been infected. A massive quarantine barrier bisects the entire country.

-Raccoon City also got nuked, twice.


-The BOWs that will appear in the movie are: zombie, super-zombies, Hunters, Chimeras, the Yawn and the T-002 Tyrant. Some of the lesser BOWs may get replaced with Lickers from the previous movies due to budget and time constraints.


-Everyone who survived the last film is back, except one. In fact we're first reintroduced to the gang when they're mourning Angie Ashford, who died from a zombie attack a few hours before.


-They're in their little Mad Max vehicle driving around the Nevada desert. Dr. Issacs is also back and is searching for Alice in his own armoured vehicle. He's also taken to summarily executing his subordinates on a whim.


-Lots of big wide-angle shots from a news helicopter's POV showing destroyed citiy streets à la RE:Outbreak, before zooming in on Alice's vehicle. They stop at a gas station and get out. Jill and L.J take care of food whilst Alice and Carlos get gasoline.


-Zombies turn up, a battle ensues and during the height of the slaughter Alice uses her super-powers to make the zombies' brains explode.


-Cut to Claire Redfield infiltrating an Umbrella outpost on the outskirts of a city called Birkin (yes, you read that correctly). She takes Nurse Betty hostage and orders her to help Claire get into the more secure sections of the base so she can get more info on the location of her brother, Chris. Betty gets the best of her a few minutes later and activates an alarm. Claire gets taken prisoner.


-Meanwhile Alice & co have also arrived at the outpost and Alice is using her super-powers again to kill the guards. Jill hacks into the security system and shuts it down, meaning all the BOWs can now get out.

Hunters and Chimeras take down all the guards whilst Claire, Betty and "Umbrella Captain" take refuge in an electrified kennel. Alice then enters the base alone and uses her wire kung-fu to kill all the BOWs, including impaling one of the BOW's heads.


-Cue lengthy exposition where it's revealed they've all been exposed to a virus. There is an antidote, located in Umbrella's Alaskan lab. They have 3 weeks to get it or they'll die.


-Cut to abandoned K-mart. It's residents are Mikey (a girl), her Puerto Rican boyfriend "Runt" and hanger-on "Pockmark". Alice's convoy runs into them and they join up just in time for Dr. Issacs and a huge army of zombies to arrive on the scene. Claire leads the convoy off whilst Alice and Issacs go head-to-head. Issacs is written down as "mechanically protected", and I hope to god that means armoured vehicle and not mechwarrior. Issacs gets taken out by the two hundred or so zombies and Alice is left close to death. Claire comes in solo and drags her out of there, and they are picked up by L.J and Pockmark.


-Then comes a series of action scenes depicting the journey to Alaska. It's sort of a protracted chase sequence that involves the Yawn at its climax. Some of the extraneous characters are killed off and either Jill or Carlos bites the dust.


-Finally we reach Alaska, where the survivors find out the cure is actually in the blood of a Tyrant (described as "a towering mass of surgically constructed limbs with an empowering hand that features four extremely sharp blades") kept in cold storage. They begin a procedure and fill several vials with its blood when the operation wakes it up. "Epic" fight ensues with a "shocking conclusion".


Stupid Anderson. :mad:


WOW best plot for a movie ever :shakehead :horse:

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